This week, as 10,000 John Deere workers continue to strike across the country, we’re honored to host Jonah Furman, a staff writer and organizer for Labor Notes. Jonah took to Twitter yesterday to share this image from a John Deere picket line, where scabs replacing strikers’ labor have donned masks to protect their identity.

We’ll be talking to Jonah about his reporting on the John Deere strike and other important labor struggles he’s covered, from Arizona to Puerto Rico. As more and more workers join the fight to unionize their workplaces, reap the profits they create, and enjoy safety and security on the job, Jonah can provide insight and context for the massive wave of labor organizing that is currently sweeping the country. We hope this interview can provide all the info you need on how workers everywhere are getting organized, how mainstream media is keeping quiet on this essential story, and how reporters like Jonah are bringing crucial awareness to the progress of the labor movement.
If you’re a paid subscriber, no need to wait — you can join us Friday night for the release of the interview video on Substack. The audio podcast of this conversation will be available for everyone through Substack, Pandora, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more on Saturday. We hope you’ll join us!
Thank you. The least they could do is paint their murder masks yellow and green.
Guys I'm starting to regret my subscription with Krystal's and Kyle's ignorance on Ivermectin. Hard to believe, as you are usually better informed. There's a peer reviewed meta-analysis (interpreting data from several studies) on the drug by Dr. Tess Lawrie and other accomplished researchers in the field and it's publicly available on PubMed June 2021. The drug is one of the safest out there and of course must be used correctly to treat Covid. & PubMed Article: