We could have had Bernie! A damn shame!

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I tried to give President Biden the benefit of the doubt, but unfortunately his words and promises have no value, he prefer to cave to all the companies that pay for his political career.

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This is Marianne’s moment to challenge Biden.

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laḵhage dum t’an gumgwītgum: niʻl gī tḵānētquʻl wil wag̓ait zokzokʻl giat dum laḵbīzīwit aš nētge

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noaipatɨ taatɨ gwɨnyainjɨhɨ amɨ utaaho wo awaisɨho komɨ ambɨpatɨ pɨwɨha wa isɨhiya nahatiyaapɨ nusoaasataise pɨwɨha awaisɨho isɨhiyaapɨ nusaasisa isɨhiya nahatiya gamanɨho jatimbɨpɨhapɨhiya nahatiyaapɨ nusaasataise amɨ kiyaamɨ ambɨpatɨ kusiwɨ awɨtɨwɨ nepɨ utɨpɨhoaatɨhɨ jɨpatɨpaitaatɨwɨ Iyataatɨ awaisɨho katihɨ sandɨ jɨhandɨ isɨhiya nahatiyaamɨ ambɨpatɨ awɨtɨwɨ jɨpatɨpiyawaayopo jɨhura isɨhiyaamɨ ambɨpatɨ wɨndɨ namehandɨ kɨmandɨ nehɨ namasatɨ jɨhapɨhandɨ isɨhiya nahatiyaamɨ ambɨpatɨ netaise Iyataatɨ sura yapɨpatɨ pɨropinjɨhandɨ jaatɨ bimihɨhuraare sandɨ jɨhapɨhandɨ gamanɨho isɨhiya nahatiyaamɨ ambɨpatɨ naitandɨ isɨhiya nahatiya nehɨ kiyai kiyai yɨyandɨhɨ kiyaamɨ yapɨpata ambɨpatɨ utɨpɨhoaatɨhɨ ahaitaatɨwɨ nowaayopo

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Did anyone really believe it when Biden said he was pro-labor? In his own words, "Come on man!"

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