Are they planning on posting the episode at all tonight?

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Yoo where is the new episode??

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episode still hasn't dropped

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Droppppp that shitttttt, please!! I need my fix right dafuq NOW! 🙃

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Whats going on?

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Krystal, Kyle, what is happening? Why isn’t the episode uploaded?

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I thought the show was always up on Fridays

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Was there not an episode this week?

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I wrote about the issues with the way Left has been hijacked in this article.


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This is just another example of Kyle not caring. They just forgot to click a button but since they don’t look at fan comments, they still don’t know the episode isn’t up.

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uh lol don't know where that new episode is at, but i'll make a shameless plug here: check out my podcasts/videos on The Kennel at https://thekennel.substack.com/ while you wait for the new KKF to drop. it's a thing i run in my free time while grinding my way through college.

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Democrats are not serious about protecting womens rights or anyone else’s, unless you’re Lockheed Martin or some other corporate behemoth. They just keep letting Republicans encroach on our rights while spouting empty rhetoric, no matter how many of them we vote into office.

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If you oppose neoliberal individualism and slavery, you have to oppose abortion

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Why are you only interviewing people you like? Diversity means including all voices in the discussion doesn’t it? Hope you are interested in all perspectives.

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