@Krystal I pushback on your viewpoints. Imo crypto protects against currency debasement (look at the rupee, Turkish lira, Pound Etc..), allows you take a loan without requiring banks/middleman (ETH), I can send money to relatives outside of the US quicker and cheaper. I’d recommend checking out the Unchained Podcast (Interviews both crypto skeptics and people in the industry)

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Very good debate about the flavored tobacco 😂🤗 I really thought you had Krystal when you mentioned the twinkles 🤗😂

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I agree with Krystal on the whole vape flavor issue and when it comes to it being on the ballot initiative. If the people of that city or state don't want it why should they? I feel as though Kyle is Flip flopping on his direct democracy only when it matters to what he's most passionate about. It can't go just one way and to say that the flavors don't actually matter is ridiculous. If you would stop vaping or smoking if only the menthol or basic cigarette flavor is available then you prove the point as to why the flavors should be banned. Cigarettes are not only inherently bad for you it's bad for the people around you when you smoke

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néerra áabi chóniwenai cawíteeni mawí, íinuenai cáiwia jiáctejcoo, nashínaa tráawajo éewidenaiu sáalii nácu nayá cabáyainta náa'a cawíteeni mawí déecucha sána, jáiwa liá léenaa narrícueji liá'a éerri sáica wacábacaala sáalii jiácoo, wayá éebidenai wacába lijiácalawai, tánda wáiinu wáa lirrú sáicai éemi'inaa liáni, néenee urrúni liwówa léemicani, chacábacanaa nabésunacoo quinínama náa'a chóniwenaica yéenai

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Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022

Most people don’t understand the nuances of cryptocurrency. The idea they will all just disappear is flat out wrong. Decentralized cryptocurrencies are just networks of people, and all you need for a network to exist is two people. The centralized cryptocurrencies and companies (FTX) will come and go over time but the decentralized protocols (Bitcoin, Ethereum) will continue on as normal. I’d recommend talking to someone who understands the nuances of centralized versus decentralized systems if you want to understand why cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin will not cease to exist.

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Someone should go through this podcast and count the number of times the word "scam" is used. Seriously, every other sentence contains the word "scam". If you're going to use the word so dang much you should at least provide a concrete definition of what you mean by it.

My definition of a scam is that it's an operation that seems like it will make you money, but in fact it is impossible to make you money. In other words, in order for a scam to exist, the true nature of how it operates has to remain a secret. The way to stop a scam is to expose that secret. MLM's qualify for this definition, but cryptocurrency does not.

There is no "secret" to cryptocurrency to expose. If there was such a secret, then what the heck is it? Someone please tell me, because I'm dying to know what it is. I'll give you a hint, there is no such secret. The source code behind the technology is completely open source. Its possible to completely 100% understand exactly how it works. There is no secrets to how it functions.

Of course, in order to achieve this understanding you have to be a software person who understands code. This is why I cut some slack to clowns like Matt Stoller because even I admit that the cryptocurrency industry has done a bad job of explaining itself to laymans.

Also, one thing I want to say is that you guys confuse the crypto industry with crypto technology. At this point the "crypto industry" is basically just a part of the finance industry. To call the crypto industry a scam is to call the finance industry a scam. What happened to FTX could happen to any finance institution. If Jamie DIamon wanted to take all of Chase's customer funds to the casino there is nothing stopping him, at least nothing different from what could have stopped SBF...

My recommendation for your next crypto guest is either Roger Ver or Eric Vorhees.

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@Krystal and Kyle Great show! Off topic but watched the new movie Amsterdam, very loosely based on a true story pre WWII of an elite group trying to overthrow FDR, and felt like I had to share video of true story. Although you're most likely aware, I had no Idea this happened and thought it gave some interesting context into current politics, military, capitalism, and the fragility of our system. https://youtu.be/hTdx6vEUtIA

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Good show, I learned quite a bit and some interesting debate on the issues! Thanks 🙏

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