Krystal Kyle & Friends
Krystal Kyle & Friends
Episode 177 Audio: Norman Finkelstein

Episode 177 Audio: Norman Finkelstein


Welcome back to KK&F, where we’re joined by Norman Finkelstein to go behind the scenes on the prosecution of Israel in the international courts. South Africa, according to Norm, has repeatedly showed up to the courts demanding new provisional measures, and while none were given in February, the courts judged in March that the situation had sufficiently deteriorated to require new measures. Then, as human rights advocates and organizations across the world began in May to raise the alarm about Israel’s planned offensive in Rafah (which has since caused unthinkable suffering and devastation), South Africa continued to press the case against Israel.

Israel has been furious about the allegations brought against them, insisting that their slaughter of thousands of Palestinians only amounts to a few problems that don’t add up to a humanitarian crisis. The challenge for South Africa and other entities sympathetic to Gaza’s plight, Norm points out, is that the court has been unsure who to believe in these exchanges. Now, as Israel continues to deny the existence of a humanitarian crisis and images of unbelievable horror and pain pour out of Rafah, the court has said in no uncertain terms that it doesn’t believe Israel any more.

What does this mean for further proceedings, and for potential prosecution of Bibi and the other war criminals? We talk through all of this and more with Norman Finkelstein this week. You can listen to this episode as a podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Pandora, and more.

Krystal Kyle & Friends
Krystal Kyle & Friends
Krystal Ball and Kyle Kulinski dive into politics, philosophy and random BS with people they like.