Can Kyle please never say mushroom c*ck and drain Trump b*lls ever again that would be great!

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I never got the video of this one.

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Well done!

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

I love you guys and usually agree with your politics and viewpoints. However, the crypto discussion with Matt was a strong case of extreme confirmation bias.

Crypto is not a Ponzi scheme. SBF via FTX and his other organizations was running a Ponzi scheme, and fucked over the exchange customers.

All “currency” is conceptual and only has value to which society implicitly agrees to. Crypto is like virtual gold. And only a small segment of society agrees on its value (so far).

Mark seems to have a rudimentary understanding of crypto and blockchain technology, but a lack of understanding as to its potential.

Many people can safeguard their investments by removing their crypto from the exchange and locking it away in “wallets”. However, many people choose to leave their crypto on the exchange they use to purchase it which leaves them vulnerable to crooks like Sam.

I encourage you to have someone on the show who truly understands crypto and can speak to it with an unbiased viewpoint.

It’s not right for everyone, but neither is gold, silver, diamonds, treasuries, futures contracts, precious art, etc.

Keep creating thoughtful content!

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kwiyalon tahke dzine oolitatatich wazilate kahchu kooachatilon ayiti nito kwa oota ihe mewoyu natlone tyechi ghlaghatilon kwa hlilon taghadesmanlon atulitah ookuzze ooli ghintlon kye, kwa hlilon tusla aghoo ooghata taghadesman ghintlon kye kahchu sa yatatilon kiyinkhatestyetl yatilonooh yatitihi ihe, tyentane kooyahtyel atu ugha otsighatatyel iyua aoontye ootaneghutl kye nighatilalon anetiyi ootaneghutl kye alinti kootoo ghaghatagheoo yatilone, kitaghintsut takeustyi tyela satyechti wai aha oochati, toowela ooli yehtilon ayi yatilone nametselihi tahkine ayiti tyechii adesklesne kahchu koodzye otsi indighateshalon ti teze atu oochu ateotye mea metselihi ka oontoolelassi kootahtye ataotio yaghatei intidesakehe, toowela ooli yehtilon oohtye naghadzye ihe intidaa aoontye meotena achatooti kehe yatilone, naoonchatoolel; koolehe sinta, nustyi neodiah iyu aoontye hligi tezenatsutti ayehi chode tike kakametselihi naghaoontooleli, (toowela ooli yehtilon yatilone nesiih nustye nioodiah, nakwa otsidiya kwete niiya, ustyi nioodioo, kahchu hadesha aitye yai

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macãpʉ, yepapʉ, cawãmecʉcʉ, yepapʉ, quetiupaʉ, caãnipaʉ, pʉame, acʉacoasupʉ, tʉ̃goacʉari, cajʉ̃gobueri, masĩgʉmi, buiatuayupʉ, ʉseaniñuparã, rʉpopaturi, cʉ̃ãrẽ

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