My wife left me

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Sharing the Work, the workweek attached to the unemployment rate, create such prosperity as would amount to virtual GLOBAL Reparations, mean noone would ever have to keep a job they didn't like, or disapproved of, give us All Powers To Their Lowest Appropriate Level, and so increase the relative cost of all mechanisms of oppression as to make them prohibitive. Workers, being always assured of more work, would be motivated to be as COOPERATIVELY productive as possible.

STW would also end all compulsive careerism, unsustainable growthism, inflation, downturns, make-work, foot-dragging, too big to fail, planned obsolescence and Global Warming, give us a safer fairer and more frugal path thru this and future pandemics (both temporally and spatially), end the NEED for most welfare, (& hopefully, military expenditures), take control of rampant technology, give workers all the Unity and Liberation they could want.and give us a true Commonwealth.

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yonurhura ro rma haka, kuknomahotxownà hatà, tanoto komo wya komo ukuknomatxoko, omeroro, kekon hatà, àwyanye

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yonurhura ro rma haka, kuknomahotxownà hatà, tanoto komo wya komo ukuknomatxoko, omeroro, kekon hatà, àwyanye

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