Esperanza Fonseca would offer a unique perspective and perhaps even a counter argument as a socialist, feminist, trans former sex worker.

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nâlengmago, nâlekaminiglo taivlugo; tâpsoma panigiliusimavâse ajungituligupse, sivôranaselo kiksarnartomik. nulialit ilipse, silatoluse najortigisigik, arnallo sangênersaungmatta opigisigik, tâpkoatauᴋ saimanermut kingormgujeᴋattauniarmatta inôtsemik; tuksiarnise agviartauᴋonagit. ilûnase issumaᴋaᴋatigêngniaritse, naiperᴋotigosukluse ᴋatangutitut naglikluse, nâpkigosukluse inôtsiarluse. ajortomut akkiniartaililugo suagosungnerillônêt suangnermut; ajungitulititsele, ᴋaujimagapse, ᴋairᴋojaumagapse saimanartolingmik kingormgutijaksaᴋarᴋovluse tussujoᴋ, uvluniglo ajungitunik akojomajoᴋ, oᴋaminik nippangertitsile oᴋauseᴋartaililune ajortomik ᴋangasinângminullo uivêriklertaililune tunuliuk ajungitulivlune; ullapirsautisiorle, katsungaitomiglo pinasuarutigilugo ijîkita idluartut takonârmagit, siutîkitalo tuksiarningit

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Wow. How I do not give a fuck.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

This is an important issue that much needs discussion, especially by leftists and feminists. However, I think the issue is framed badly as a 'right to sex'. A better way of framing the issue might be 'How can we create a sexually inclusive society where everyone who wants one can find a satisfying sexual relationship, and nobody is marginalized or left out?' Would very many people support racial desegregation if the issue were framed in terms of a right by black people to have white friends? There are obviously, lots of ways to promote racial integration and interracial friendship that don't involve forcing any individual white person to be friends with a particular black person. There are likewise lots of ways to promote a sexually inclusive society that don't involve forcing anybody to have sex with anybody.

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Secular Talk Bonus show https://youtu.be/v2l_NfNd6xo

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savincaguiteri yamenaguetajiri, ariquea yamenapojajiri quijaque otantotacagueti teemporo, savicaquequea iconoajiacariquea tsatacaantajiguiroca itioncacotanaqueca coramanitica, iquemisantajiavaqueriquea icoacotantavaqueroquea. icoacotsimajavetariquea manamajaguetanquitsica, cotanquitsiquea iriatimpa yoguisotoajiavaqueneriquea. quemajiavaquerica yamenamenaitanaquequea intati, yamenajiaqueriqueate caaviji itsamajati

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No abortions = no sex!

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Seriously: who the heck wants to get into such a discussion?

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What an intriguing idea. I’m excited to see her discuss a world with legal sex work.

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