I just can’t anymore. The “divisive” language the “left” uses is so mild and non-threatening compared to actually divisive language on the right. The left at its worst says “democracy is on the line”, “they are fascists”, and “we need to stop them”. No actual threatening language.

The right has regularly openly threatened the left and others more and more over the last couple of decades at least. The implied threat of “using their second amendment” to shooting objects with democrats faces on them, to Trump’s knock them out or lay them out or a multitude of assault language. It is clear on the statistics alone that the right is more likely to action violence. The fact that the right can say such non-sense and people actually believe it leaves me in a position of understanding just how horrible the future is for humanity. Almost makes me glad that we are destroying ourselves.

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The RW will cry 1A, when they threaten entire communities.

When their hateful, revenge driven fantasies are noted and observed, it's "heated Marxist Fascist rhetoric" because nebulous reasons.

It's a One Way Street, lined with cynical hacks who would rather be loud than fair.

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Democrats' failure to address the root issues definitely contributes to the rising tensions in the country.. call a spade a spade.. they are Diet Republicans that support corporations and incremental reform. I dont think it's a stretch to say that Establishment Dems play a significant role in these acts of violence.

The frustration caused by neoliberalism and incrementalism not only gives rise to MAGA but also fuels the intense opposition to it. MAGA’s radical, reactionary stance leads to extreme polarization. While the Democrats aren’t directly responsible, their policies - which maintain the status quo -contribute to the discontent from both MAGA and it's extreme reactions like these assassination attempts.

www . corporateHACKS . COM !!!!!

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Absolutely not. He has created the scenario or a zone situation. I still believe the first one was a fake, movie like,”the shooter,” scenario. only this time the shooter gets killed. Did anyone notice trumps here during the debate? Didn’t look like any bullet glanced his ear. He’ll anything to create chaos and blame for his own willingness to destroy our constitution and democracy. Let’s not forget the Secret Service did as much to protect him after January 6 when they conveniently erased all the communications on their phones. It wasn’t an accident.

He’s brought this all upon himself, but without regret it’s about time the other side fights back. Because if he wins, everyone better be ready for all out battle.

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Come on! We have to all be against an assassin attempt regardless of party. I worry about our country,

This is ridicules.

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I think if they were they would have succeeded. Think about all the missing people who pissed Hilary off a lot less…

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