Listen now | This week’s conversation with Dr. Carl Hart gave us the chance to dig into the topics of the U.S.’s racist and dysfunctional criminal justice system, the importance of personal freedoms, and the struggle to legalize drug usage. In books like Drug Use for Grown-Ups
Stopped listening 45 minutes in, when Kyle admits he's never even tried psychedelics and then perpetuates the myth of bad a "bad trip." I don't know how you can try to be so conscientious about the perceptions of drugs and then do that in your next breath.
And btw, the reason for "psychedelic exceptionalism" isn't a mystery. Those drugs are far safer than any others. By all means, be in favor of supporting recreational drug use of all kinds, but don't act like the reason for burgeoning psychedelic acceptance is as meritless as the acceptance of alcohol is.
Yeah dude I used to think the way you did about psychedelics. Then I developed HPPD. Treating these things like they can’t fuck you up for years is doing a disservice to ppl struggling with the long-term effects of psych use.
Sounds like you have predisposition to mental illness then, as does anyone who has "long term issues" from taking psychedelics. I've literally taken LSD/mushrooms/other psychedelics over 200 times in less than 12 years and MDMA around 40 or 50 times and ketamine a bunch, and honestly I would say that I have no negative pervasive issues from my usage. And I've had some total freak out "bad trip" moments probably close to a dozen times and after the trip was over I went right back to my regular mental state like every other time. So not to diminish your lived experience but I feel that if you're having long term mental health issues from psychedelics there is probably an underlying condition that has been exasperated or triggered by drug use, and this is by no means a common reaction to psychedelic drug usage.
There is no evidence that HPPD is at all correlated with mental illness. A minority of normal people develop lasting negative effects from psych use, not just people predisposed to psychotic disorders
HPPD has nothing to do with the myth of a bad trip, which is the notion that taking psychedelics is like playing Russian roulette with your mind, as if there's just a totally random chance you will have a panic attack as opposed to the reality that your thoughts and experience is entirely your own making whether you are sober or under the influence.
As for HPPD, since it is only self-diagnosed I am thoroughly skeptical of any claims purporting it's unequivocal existence. In my estimation everyone has a ton of visual snow floating around at any given time, but doing psychedelics draws your attention to the phenomena in a novel way. Some people prone to hypochondria will fixate on the phenomena.
Take this from someone who has it as much as anyone else does, and has horrible tinnitus on top of that: it's only a true issue if you let yourself fixate on it instead of accepting it's existence. The same philosophy will give you happiness in a million other aspects of life.
Bad trips definitely exist, even in small doses. I never had issues, and most of my friends didn't either, but 1 friend absolutely did. To the point, he was convinced that he had died and that if he jumped out of our 3 story apartment he would come back to life. 6 of us and 1 of him and he was just tossing us around in 'flight' mode. This was on 2 hits of low-grade LSD ( wasn't analogs or RC's either ). Super scary stuff. Literally, the only drug he has ever had issues with. No mental illness, super-intelligent, good up-brining, just couldn't handle LSD. Tried 3 times and 3 of 3 times he had episodes. Shrooms, no problem. Weed, no problem. Literally all other drugs: no problem. LSD? Psycho bad trip fighting for his life. Super sad at the time. He doesn't have any HPPD thankfully but still. The absolutely are not just a 'myth'
Been enjoying your shows, but I do have a request. Kyle, please, please turn down the gain on your mic. I can hear every time you inhale, and it's a distraction. I really want to focus on the content, not the production. Thank you.
There is a special election going on in New Mexico. There is an opportunity to elect a progressive into that seat, and as Bernie did so well in Nevada it seems like an ideal region to make this happen. Do we have a candidate?
Hey, Cormac... I'm from Oregon but I saw your question and decided to see if anyone progressive is running for Deb Haaland's seat. There's a current NM state senator by the name of Antoinette Sedillo Lopez who is running (she ran for the seat in 2018 but lost to Haaland). So far, she's been endorsed by Our Revolution New Mexico and and she was endorsed by Justice Dems and The People For Bernie Sanders during her 2018 campaign. You may have already discovered all of this for yourself, but thought I'd share this with you just in case. I don't know anything about Miss Antoinette beyond this, and there may be other progressives running, but she seems like an excellent start!
Thank you for this outstanding interview !! Systemic racism will likely continue due to increasing poverty and oligarch groups dividing population in their fight for power. It is also obvious that we have now entered a new phase -- beyond "just" chronic bi-partisan corruption.
Direct attack on freedom of speech and publishers are no longer limited to publisher Julian Assange -- although silence by Democrat politicians and corporate media was deafening. Even once independent TYT and The Intercept have been coopted, i.e., corrupted, and actively participate in defamation of Julian Assange. However, the recent letter by two California House "lifers" and useless Democrats Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney to CEO's of cable companies are truly unparalleled and represents the rise of fascism in the US -- under a guise of "fighting fascism." All these multiple attacks are clearly carefully choreographed and coordinated -- easily predicted and well understood since we should always keep in mind that there is one huge elephant in the room:
The scam of the century - the now 5-year long Russia-gate hoax initiated by Obama/Biden administration
The Russia-gate hoax and two-impeachment “entertainments” were concocted by Obama/Hillary/Biden/Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Maxine Waters, Jamie Ruskin, etc., etc. -- and their intelligence and DNC executives on behalf of their Wall Street and military and security industry donors, i.e., the War party
By far the absolutely highest need of Biden government and its DNC oligarch cabal is that Russia-gate immense hoax – the scam of the century -- will NOT / will NEVER be exposed. This represents an entirely new phase of US domestic politics -- of course, on foreign policy oligarchs of both parties are united.
Hence immense obligations to primary propagandists for their roles, including despicable Kamala Harris (Hillary’s protégé), Neera Tanden, Melissa Hodgman (wife of the Comey’s infamous Peter Strzok), Pete Buttigieg, etc, and to media and HiTech executives.
The question is perhaps: Who will be the first Democrat Congressman or Senator to publicly confirm the Russia-gate conspiracy? There is absolutely no "unity and healing" until that...
Trump’s utter incompetence in handling Covid-19 created the human and economic catastrophe that should enter US history named as - Trump-virus. He brought into government religious extremism and racism. Trump defeated himself by his incompetence. The next "Trump" will be more competent and more dangerous.
Democrats are now introducing extreme measures -- "armed insurrection" propaganda distractions (not a single weapon was confiscated on Capitol), massive censorship and silencing of opponents. This is a sure sign of utter desperation of DNC’s corrupt and sclerotic leadership; its defeat and obliteration in next (including midterm) elections is certain.
I totally appreciated this episode. It's truly a rare occasion when a highly-respected expert both has the courage and the platform to speak freely about the positives of drug use and the reasons for true and full legalization of drugs. I have tried virtually every major recreational substance - with the notable exception of PCP - (and many analogues of better-known substances, e.g., 2C-E, 2C-P, 4-AcO-DMT, DPT, 5-MeO-DiPT, 6-APB, Methylone, Mephedrone, 25I-NbOME, Miprocin, MDPV, Methoxetamine etc.) at least once, many of them numerous times, and while I now take Suboxone daily for physical opioid dependence, only a handful of my many experiences with drugs were ever negative ones, and despite extensive drug use for years, I never dealt with addiction nor withdrawal from any substances except for opioids (and even that was after nearly 8 years of frequent drug use, and began during a period of intense hardship and returning mental health issues). Are recreational drugs inherently good or without risk of harm? Of course not, as with nearly anything fun there is always some risk to your mental and/or physical health. However, under the right mindset, life situation, and with prior research into their properties (dosage, mode of action, potential risks, etc.) drugs can be unequivocally beneficial in some ways. Most of my internal issues revolve around lack of self-esteem and various social anxieties, and my now less than once-per-year MDMA usage is always intensely therapeutic, as for a few hours I fully accept and forgive myself and my loved ones flaws and all, coming out feeling spiritually and psychologically cleansed. I have severe ADHD, and thus I have been prescribed Adderall XR and IR for 12 years. Adderall is literally just a mixture of Amphetamine salts with slightly different properties, little different from Racemic Amphetamine, and despite the media narrative about Amphetamines, I am not the least bit addicted and my dosage has been stable for years (in fact voluntarily decreasing my prescribed dose from the extremely high dose 80mg per day to the dose of just 30mg per day), and even then I take at least 2 days off per week to reduce tolerance. As a person with ADHD, before I started taking Adderall, I struggled (and without it still do) with distraction, poor decision-making, hyperactivity, task management issues, boredom, and other issues that make working very difficult. But ever since starting Adderall, I can work, complete boring tasks, remember things far better, focus and prioritize both my thoughts and my life; and when I need to wake up or stay awake after a night of poor sleep, I can function just fine. When I was younger, I used to enjoy how it made me feel, but now like Kyle Kulinski, I have fully outgrown traditional true stimulants including Adderall. But due to the narrative that stimulants that work as Dopamine Releasing Agents and/or Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitors are "extremely addictive, dangerous, and will make you into a paranoid methhead", the demonstrably safe miracle drug Adderall is a Schedule II drug and thus heavily controlled with NUMEROUS restrictions, and consequently the pharmaceutical companies are able to charge FAR MORE than they would if it were either a lower schedule drug or better yet, just legally purchased by any adult over the age of 18 at some sort of recreational drug store under a legalization regime. I don't fully know where I was going with this, but I just want to thank Kyle and Krystal Ball for having this honest and factually correct conversation with Dr. Carl Hart. Drugs can be addictive, especially those with the potential for physical dependence (Benzodiazepines/Barbiturates and Opioids), but as a whole, the main reason drugs are dangerous is a direct result of their racially and ideologically caused prohibition. The Opioid Crisis ravaging the US, especially the Rust Belt, is killing people because drug users are forced to purchase often adulterated Heroin full of Fentanyl and its various analogues, and have little/no way of knowing what they are injecting and how potent it is. If drugs were legal, recreational users could purchase them knowing that their drugs are real and regulated for safety and potency, which combined with safe injection rooms, real drug education, and access to regulated paraphernalia (e.g., new syringes, tourniquets, etc.) all based upon the principles of harm reduction we would almost certainly observe a dramatically lower number of overdoses. The War on Drugs has FAILED MISERABLY, with massive consequences for all of society, but especially for the poorest and most vulnerable members of our society. There is zero question any longer. We absolutely must end the War on Drugs in its totality. When we finally do the humane thing and legalize, tax, and regulate recreational drugs, my one wish is that the selection of available drugs is more than just the really popular ones. I have wanted to try MMDA for years, having been made illegal literally on accident in the early 1970s (I think), and if a major principle behind drug legalization is "cognitive liberty", we must have the option to try whatever substance there is demand for including hopefully MMDA and unique analogues of all kinds. Under socialism, hopefully we make the expanding of our consciousness a part of the goal of self-actualization for all people. Any socialism without drugs isn't a socialism I would ever want to live under. Regardless of how old I become, I plan to do drugs at least once in a while for as long as my body allows me, because they have improved my life, in particular, making me into a far more empathetic and wise person than I would ever have been without them, and even as there have been various negative consequences for my choices, I have ZERO regrets. PS if anyone has any pointers for where to buy anything at the moment, let me know LOL.
While your theory is super hot, both are sensual and attractive people, from everything I've read about Krystal - most of it in her own words - I think she values her marriage and family far too much to compromise their continued stability in this way. Does she fantasize about it? To be sure, unless she's dead from the nipples down, how could she not? Kyle is single, I think, so he'd likely go for it. However, your post does compel me to ask a burning question. You sound like this is something you have some experience with (I've used just about every substance but MDMA and other hallucinogens... except a small dose of mushrooms once) I've heard Ecstasy heightens your senses and sensitivity to tactile stimuli but I'm wondering if it blunts the ability to orgasm as some other drugs do? Pot has enhanced and lengthened orgasm for me, in the past - though I'm like Kyle, it makes me anxious and paranoid and I'm outright afraid of having a bad trip after taking hallucinogens - I'm just wondering if MDMA enhances the length and strength of (and ability to) orgasm or if it kills it. If it's the former, I'm putting a dose on this week's schedule.
When it comes to the issue of substances, it must be brought up that, with legalization of drugs come the end of every single violent, murderous, blood thirsty criminal gang and cartel in existence. The whole idea is to make sure gangs and cartels NEVER pop up again. The world would be safer, and Latin America would be a booming and bustling locale with a developed tourist industry.
Very interesting podcast and very interesting guest! As a guy from Austria I was quite happy that Dr. Hart mentioned my country among others that provide the quick test if your drugs aren't contaminated and might be dangerous. I personally haven't made us of it but from what I hear it seems to be working fine. My only experience with drugs is an absolutely amazing trip on shrooms in Thailand (sounds a bit crazy i know), I do understand though if you're not the guy to do psychedelics. Greetings from Europe!
Stopped listening 45 minutes in, when Kyle admits he's never even tried psychedelics and then perpetuates the myth of bad a "bad trip." I don't know how you can try to be so conscientious about the perceptions of drugs and then do that in your next breath.
And btw, the reason for "psychedelic exceptionalism" isn't a mystery. Those drugs are far safer than any others. By all means, be in favor of supporting recreational drug use of all kinds, but don't act like the reason for burgeoning psychedelic acceptance is as meritless as the acceptance of alcohol is.
Yeah dude I used to think the way you did about psychedelics. Then I developed HPPD. Treating these things like they can’t fuck you up for years is doing a disservice to ppl struggling with the long-term effects of psych use.
Sounds like you have predisposition to mental illness then, as does anyone who has "long term issues" from taking psychedelics. I've literally taken LSD/mushrooms/other psychedelics over 200 times in less than 12 years and MDMA around 40 or 50 times and ketamine a bunch, and honestly I would say that I have no negative pervasive issues from my usage. And I've had some total freak out "bad trip" moments probably close to a dozen times and after the trip was over I went right back to my regular mental state like every other time. So not to diminish your lived experience but I feel that if you're having long term mental health issues from psychedelics there is probably an underlying condition that has been exasperated or triggered by drug use, and this is by no means a common reaction to psychedelic drug usage.
There is no evidence that HPPD is at all correlated with mental illness. A minority of normal people develop lasting negative effects from psych use, not just people predisposed to psychotic disorders
HPPD has nothing to do with the myth of a bad trip, which is the notion that taking psychedelics is like playing Russian roulette with your mind, as if there's just a totally random chance you will have a panic attack as opposed to the reality that your thoughts and experience is entirely your own making whether you are sober or under the influence.
As for HPPD, since it is only self-diagnosed I am thoroughly skeptical of any claims purporting it's unequivocal existence. In my estimation everyone has a ton of visual snow floating around at any given time, but doing psychedelics draws your attention to the phenomena in a novel way. Some people prone to hypochondria will fixate on the phenomena.
Take this from someone who has it as much as anyone else does, and has horrible tinnitus on top of that: it's only a true issue if you let yourself fixate on it instead of accepting it's existence. The same philosophy will give you happiness in a million other aspects of life.
Bad trips definitely exist, even in small doses. I never had issues, and most of my friends didn't either, but 1 friend absolutely did. To the point, he was convinced that he had died and that if he jumped out of our 3 story apartment he would come back to life. 6 of us and 1 of him and he was just tossing us around in 'flight' mode. This was on 2 hits of low-grade LSD ( wasn't analogs or RC's either ). Super scary stuff. Literally, the only drug he has ever had issues with. No mental illness, super-intelligent, good up-brining, just couldn't handle LSD. Tried 3 times and 3 of 3 times he had episodes. Shrooms, no problem. Weed, no problem. Literally all other drugs: no problem. LSD? Psycho bad trip fighting for his life. Super sad at the time. He doesn't have any HPPD thankfully but still. The absolutely are not just a 'myth'
Been enjoying your shows, but I do have a request. Kyle, please, please turn down the gain on your mic. I can hear every time you inhale, and it's a distraction. I really want to focus on the content, not the production. Thank you.
There is a special election going on in New Mexico. There is an opportunity to elect a progressive into that seat, and as Bernie did so well in Nevada it seems like an ideal region to make this happen. Do we have a candidate?
Hey, Cormac... I'm from Oregon but I saw your question and decided to see if anyone progressive is running for Deb Haaland's seat. There's a current NM state senator by the name of Antoinette Sedillo Lopez who is running (she ran for the seat in 2018 but lost to Haaland). So far, she's been endorsed by Our Revolution New Mexico and and she was endorsed by Justice Dems and The People For Bernie Sanders during her 2018 campaign. You may have already discovered all of this for yourself, but thought I'd share this with you just in case. I don't know anything about Miss Antoinette beyond this, and there may be other progressives running, but she seems like an excellent start!
Okay thank you! I will look her up!
Thank you for this outstanding interview !! Systemic racism will likely continue due to increasing poverty and oligarch groups dividing population in their fight for power. It is also obvious that we have now entered a new phase -- beyond "just" chronic bi-partisan corruption.
Direct attack on freedom of speech and publishers are no longer limited to publisher Julian Assange -- although silence by Democrat politicians and corporate media was deafening. Even once independent TYT and The Intercept have been coopted, i.e., corrupted, and actively participate in defamation of Julian Assange. However, the recent letter by two California House "lifers" and useless Democrats Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney to CEO's of cable companies are truly unparalleled and represents the rise of fascism in the US -- under a guise of "fighting fascism." All these multiple attacks are clearly carefully choreographed and coordinated -- easily predicted and well understood since we should always keep in mind that there is one huge elephant in the room:
The scam of the century - the now 5-year long Russia-gate hoax initiated by Obama/Biden administration
The Russia-gate hoax and two-impeachment “entertainments” were concocted by Obama/Hillary/Biden/Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Maxine Waters, Jamie Ruskin, etc., etc. -- and their intelligence and DNC executives on behalf of their Wall Street and military and security industry donors, i.e., the War party
By far the absolutely highest need of Biden government and its DNC oligarch cabal is that Russia-gate immense hoax – the scam of the century -- will NOT / will NEVER be exposed. This represents an entirely new phase of US domestic politics -- of course, on foreign policy oligarchs of both parties are united.
Hence immense obligations to primary propagandists for their roles, including despicable Kamala Harris (Hillary’s protégé), Neera Tanden, Melissa Hodgman (wife of the Comey’s infamous Peter Strzok), Pete Buttigieg, etc, and to media and HiTech executives.
The question is perhaps: Who will be the first Democrat Congressman or Senator to publicly confirm the Russia-gate conspiracy? There is absolutely no "unity and healing" until that...
Trump’s utter incompetence in handling Covid-19 created the human and economic catastrophe that should enter US history named as - Trump-virus. He brought into government religious extremism and racism. Trump defeated himself by his incompetence. The next "Trump" will be more competent and more dangerous.
Democrats are now introducing extreme measures -- "armed insurrection" propaganda distractions (not a single weapon was confiscated on Capitol), massive censorship and silencing of opponents. This is a sure sign of utter desperation of DNC’s corrupt and sclerotic leadership; its defeat and obliteration in next (including midterm) elections is certain.
I totally appreciated this episode. It's truly a rare occasion when a highly-respected expert both has the courage and the platform to speak freely about the positives of drug use and the reasons for true and full legalization of drugs. I have tried virtually every major recreational substance - with the notable exception of PCP - (and many analogues of better-known substances, e.g., 2C-E, 2C-P, 4-AcO-DMT, DPT, 5-MeO-DiPT, 6-APB, Methylone, Mephedrone, 25I-NbOME, Miprocin, MDPV, Methoxetamine etc.) at least once, many of them numerous times, and while I now take Suboxone daily for physical opioid dependence, only a handful of my many experiences with drugs were ever negative ones, and despite extensive drug use for years, I never dealt with addiction nor withdrawal from any substances except for opioids (and even that was after nearly 8 years of frequent drug use, and began during a period of intense hardship and returning mental health issues). Are recreational drugs inherently good or without risk of harm? Of course not, as with nearly anything fun there is always some risk to your mental and/or physical health. However, under the right mindset, life situation, and with prior research into their properties (dosage, mode of action, potential risks, etc.) drugs can be unequivocally beneficial in some ways. Most of my internal issues revolve around lack of self-esteem and various social anxieties, and my now less than once-per-year MDMA usage is always intensely therapeutic, as for a few hours I fully accept and forgive myself and my loved ones flaws and all, coming out feeling spiritually and psychologically cleansed. I have severe ADHD, and thus I have been prescribed Adderall XR and IR for 12 years. Adderall is literally just a mixture of Amphetamine salts with slightly different properties, little different from Racemic Amphetamine, and despite the media narrative about Amphetamines, I am not the least bit addicted and my dosage has been stable for years (in fact voluntarily decreasing my prescribed dose from the extremely high dose 80mg per day to the dose of just 30mg per day), and even then I take at least 2 days off per week to reduce tolerance. As a person with ADHD, before I started taking Adderall, I struggled (and without it still do) with distraction, poor decision-making, hyperactivity, task management issues, boredom, and other issues that make working very difficult. But ever since starting Adderall, I can work, complete boring tasks, remember things far better, focus and prioritize both my thoughts and my life; and when I need to wake up or stay awake after a night of poor sleep, I can function just fine. When I was younger, I used to enjoy how it made me feel, but now like Kyle Kulinski, I have fully outgrown traditional true stimulants including Adderall. But due to the narrative that stimulants that work as Dopamine Releasing Agents and/or Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitors are "extremely addictive, dangerous, and will make you into a paranoid methhead", the demonstrably safe miracle drug Adderall is a Schedule II drug and thus heavily controlled with NUMEROUS restrictions, and consequently the pharmaceutical companies are able to charge FAR MORE than they would if it were either a lower schedule drug or better yet, just legally purchased by any adult over the age of 18 at some sort of recreational drug store under a legalization regime. I don't fully know where I was going with this, but I just want to thank Kyle and Krystal Ball for having this honest and factually correct conversation with Dr. Carl Hart. Drugs can be addictive, especially those with the potential for physical dependence (Benzodiazepines/Barbiturates and Opioids), but as a whole, the main reason drugs are dangerous is a direct result of their racially and ideologically caused prohibition. The Opioid Crisis ravaging the US, especially the Rust Belt, is killing people because drug users are forced to purchase often adulterated Heroin full of Fentanyl and its various analogues, and have little/no way of knowing what they are injecting and how potent it is. If drugs were legal, recreational users could purchase them knowing that their drugs are real and regulated for safety and potency, which combined with safe injection rooms, real drug education, and access to regulated paraphernalia (e.g., new syringes, tourniquets, etc.) all based upon the principles of harm reduction we would almost certainly observe a dramatically lower number of overdoses. The War on Drugs has FAILED MISERABLY, with massive consequences for all of society, but especially for the poorest and most vulnerable members of our society. There is zero question any longer. We absolutely must end the War on Drugs in its totality. When we finally do the humane thing and legalize, tax, and regulate recreational drugs, my one wish is that the selection of available drugs is more than just the really popular ones. I have wanted to try MMDA for years, having been made illegal literally on accident in the early 1970s (I think), and if a major principle behind drug legalization is "cognitive liberty", we must have the option to try whatever substance there is demand for including hopefully MMDA and unique analogues of all kinds. Under socialism, hopefully we make the expanding of our consciousness a part of the goal of self-actualization for all people. Any socialism without drugs isn't a socialism I would ever want to live under. Regardless of how old I become, I plan to do drugs at least once in a while for as long as my body allows me, because they have improved my life, in particular, making me into a far more empathetic and wise person than I would ever have been without them, and even as there have been various negative consequences for my choices, I have ZERO regrets. PS if anyone has any pointers for where to buy anything at the moment, let me know LOL.
Does Kyle know he is Co-hosting? Take over much?
I bet you and krystal get high and just fuck:) Try it with MDMA. Your welcome.. and ya I'm just a little jealous lol
While your theory is super hot, both are sensual and attractive people, from everything I've read about Krystal - most of it in her own words - I think she values her marriage and family far too much to compromise their continued stability in this way. Does she fantasize about it? To be sure, unless she's dead from the nipples down, how could she not? Kyle is single, I think, so he'd likely go for it. However, your post does compel me to ask a burning question. You sound like this is something you have some experience with (I've used just about every substance but MDMA and other hallucinogens... except a small dose of mushrooms once) I've heard Ecstasy heightens your senses and sensitivity to tactile stimuli but I'm wondering if it blunts the ability to orgasm as some other drugs do? Pot has enhanced and lengthened orgasm for me, in the past - though I'm like Kyle, it makes me anxious and paranoid and I'm outright afraid of having a bad trip after taking hallucinogens - I'm just wondering if MDMA enhances the length and strength of (and ability to) orgasm or if it kills it. If it's the former, I'm putting a dose on this week's schedule.
Nothing wrong with some side hog. You can still love your family. We're just talking doing a couple of rails off kyle's lil kyle.
When it comes to the issue of substances, it must be brought up that, with legalization of drugs come the end of every single violent, murderous, blood thirsty criminal gang and cartel in existence. The whole idea is to make sure gangs and cartels NEVER pop up again. The world would be safer, and Latin America would be a booming and bustling locale with a developed tourist industry.
Very interesting podcast and very interesting guest! As a guy from Austria I was quite happy that Dr. Hart mentioned my country among others that provide the quick test if your drugs aren't contaminated and might be dangerous. I personally haven't made us of it but from what I hear it seems to be working fine. My only experience with drugs is an absolutely amazing trip on shrooms in Thailand (sounds a bit crazy i know), I do understand though if you're not the guy to do psychedelics. Greetings from Europe!
Thanks for brining him on, awesome conversation !
Why is opium-based substances are banned. This is what you get when you go to church, temple, mosque, etc... Going these places aren't banned...