Kyle, I know it’s a side point, but you really need to read The Lorax. It has a very powerful message. It’s only a 5 minute read.

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Also Dr. Seuss was anti-racist. Dude's life was a redemption arc. The star-bellied sneeches is anti racist and was written in 1953. I won't abide by Kyle's ignorance of Dr. Seuss's legacy! lol

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Several years ago ASCE said $4 trillion to just fix what is broken, another $4 trillion to add new stuff like mag lev trains, etc. $10 trillion spread out over 1-15 years sounds about right. I am a retired civil engineer.

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A MUST analysis - just in:

The Lost Omidyar Chapter: Part I

How eBay, a libertarian hobby auction site, grew into an arm of the U.S. National Security State.

The Lost Omidyar Chapter: Part I - Immigrants as a Weapon (substack.com)

Yasha Levine

March 27

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Several years ago ASCE said $4 trillion to just fix what is broken, another $4 trillion to add new stuff like mag lev trains, etc. $10 trillion spread out over 1-15 years sounds about right. I am a retired civil engineer.

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One thing I love about Yang is how he comes off as so open and forward, so his BDS response is really quite interesting. I wonder if he realises that it's really obvious when he's throwing political BS rhetoric, because the moment he's asked that question he has a giant pause, he makes a statement, and when asked to follow up, he repeats the original statement, more or less revealing that this is a pre-planned answer to a question to hoodwink a certain group rather than his actual thoughts on the subject.

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This maybe a dumb question but is there an RSS feed for the podcast?

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NVM, found it. In case you're wondering it's https://krystalkyleandfriends.substack.com/feed

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is their a way subscribers can get access to the videos later?

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is their a way subscribers can get access to the videos later?

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As a substance contributor how do I watch the videos?

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Man this is creepy and erie look how Yang completely goes into politician Drone mode and changes his entire tone of voice and rhetoric when asked about Palestine it's like talking to a totally different person. DUDE!!! IS PALESTINE REALLY THAT SCREWED???

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fix the title; this is Episode 13

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Consider talking to Red Canary Song regarding the whole sex work thing. Ron Kim talks to them too.

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Great video, great content overall! You two are great together and I hope to see this podcast really blow up!

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Thank you

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Is there video to this as well? I'm subscribed just not sure how to access it if its available?

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Salient question to Andrew Yang is why UBI as opposed to Universal Basic Services. UBI keeps us as individuals while UBS unites us. UBS creates and builds up institutions -attaining levels of permanence. For instance, here in Canada you cut your thumb we don't just give you $100 bucks and send you out into the medical marketplace, we instead have universal health care. Its easy for the gov to cut off UBI, much more difficult to destroy service-providing no or fractional-cost institutions once in place and proving their worth through service efficacy and cost efficiency. Individualism vs universalism.

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I think it depends on the issue. Major things like healthcare and education would be better as a UBS, whereas UBI would be for everything inbetween. It's entirely possible to do both.

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Thanks Bdot. Thanks for your input. Do you know of resource/s that compare and contrast UBS with UBI approaches, and describe areas of complementarity? I'm assuming both might be able to team up on alleviating some problems.

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I wonder if it would be possible to use Alaska's Permanent Fund Dividend as blueprint for UBI and couple UBI with some reasonable source of revenue. IF countries natural resources belong to the state they basically belong to citizens, so citizens should share the income from natural resources royalties. If we want to discourage harmful practices like pumping CO2 into the air or poisons into water, we can tax such behavior and as this behavior harms everyone - distribute the tax as dividend among people - UBI.

Start with tiny fee for something universally hated and then just use the fact that you can punish big corporations AND get paid at the same time to push for increasing the list of fees and how high they got.

Alternatively some taxes/fees/penalties may go towards UBS - like every factory that pollutes, every food company that pushes trans fats and corn syrup pays a fine every pharma company that uses public research pays license fee - and those money are used to fund healthcare, as they influence health of people in general.

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