Listen now | This week’s guest on KK&F is Christopher Ryan, an author and researcher on human sexuality. If you’re not familiar with his book Sex at Dawn, we hope you’ll enjoy watching our conversation with him, covering everything from the personal — are our brains wired for monogamy? — to the societal and political. Drawing upon Christopher’s expertise on ancient hunter-gatherer societies, we were curious to learn how the advent of settled agriculture and private property transformed human societies in every way from how we raise our kids to how we think about sex to whether we emphasize the individual or the collective.
Sorry, but I found myself in agreement with Christopher Ryan UNTIL he recommended that people should move to small, rural towns.
Sadly, as in the case of the town I grew up in, in Western Wisconsin, after people who by geography and inheritance has higher wealth move into beautiful (but low income small towns), the housing costs increase beyond the point where residents who grew up there can no longer afford to live there.
Most of the people who I grew up with can no longer afford to live in the houses that their families once built, and are exiled to the burgeoning trailer parks on the outskirts of town.
Sorry, but I found myself in agreement with Christopher Ryan UNTIL he recommended that people should move to small, rural towns.
Sadly, as in the case of the town I grew up in, in Western Wisconsin, after people who by geography and inheritance has higher wealth move into beautiful (but low income small towns), the housing costs increase beyond the point where residents who grew up there can no longer afford to live there.
Most of the people who I grew up with can no longer afford to live in the houses that their families once built, and are exiled to the burgeoning trailer parks on the outskirts of town.
It has been heartbreaking.