I expected Jimmy Dore...Piker is a joke...Dore and Aaron Mate, Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal...regarding the Syrian Douma false flag, fake Russian BS, ...TYT attacked Julian Assange, FTV, and backs bombing and imperialism...after millionaire funding it changed to more DNC...these are the issues...if you are real, talk to Jimmy Dore about these...

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Yeah, it's ironic because Piker is presenting the whole Dore/TYT debate as bullshit online drama, but there are the very real, very serious issues you listed underpinning the whole thing. One side is lying about them, the other side is telling the truth. Ignoring these issues to focus on "having fun" or whatever is exactly the kind of superficiality Piker accuses people who care about this of exhibiting. It's pure projection, and an inversion of what's really going on.

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You and I heard the same thing. Piker was running propaganda interference for his Uncle Cenk/TYT’s indefensible pro war imperialist positions and attacks on real journalists like Mate, Greenwald, and Assange.

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Piker has no problems with lies. He lied about Sam Harris for his uncle plenty. To TYT as a whole, lies are ok if it's spin because spin goes with the industry. To that I say, Fuck that noise! Liars are trash! A lie is a lie is a lie. Not a white lie, but a fucking LIE that smears and dehumanizes people for having a better argument or doing a better job than you do.

That's what makes Hasan, otherwise a very talented individual, a shit-for-brains loser. It's real simple, get out of the lying game, talk about why you ever got in it, and you can have your dignity back.

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It is true there are issues of integrity involved with TYT (and Dore), but there are also many people who live off the poisonous relations that grow between these figures, and they make it that much harder for media figures to admit their error. They usually bomb discussion threads on Youtube or wherever with vapid insults and run down an expected laundry list of claims that persist like zombies. Maybe Hasan doesn't know about what is going on with TYT because he deliberately avoids paying attention to the incestuous content produced among content producers. Or he was simply responding to the issue in general of following these feuds. The only way to know would be to ask him specifically about the issues you raised. I don't know if that's been done.

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What "Issues of integrity" did Jimmy display while defending Aaron from Cenk and Ana's numerous LIES? So, Jimmy is the one with integrity issues because he attempted to get in front of Ana's #metoo threat?

The real question is, why did they have HASAN on to discuss this, and not a neutral source, one who's NOT the close nephew of one of the participant?

Or they could have just said, "We are not discussing this," and then had on a smaller independent news show on, like Jenn or Jordan from Status Coup. They just finished a fantastic road trip of some of the poorest areas of the US.

Instead, they decide to pin Jimmy as the problem.

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Dore… isn’t…. a… smart… person…. in… my… opinion…

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You give no example...he was right about Russiagate ad Syria...and FTV...

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I would say Dore's problem is his egotism and condescension towards others. Nor is he always right (for no one is). Hasan is right in so far as much of the puerile barking online about feuds between leftist media hosts comes from partisans who see their own honor and shame critically linked to that of their own patron. Those people often tally the lobs exchanged in the feud as if they mattered more than life and death, because in their narrow world they actually do.

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You mean people like Sam Seder who admitted he didn't know shit about how the vote for Nancy would occur? How after he left that interview he claimed Bri yelled at him? So when genuine supporter of a policy get pissed that gate keepers lie and smear, that's just barking? Of course it would come from Hasan, who like all the others in that space, lied or mislead about FTV and then we supporters were pissed about those lies and their narrative is just say "oh why are you all so mad, let's just quit bickering." Extra bonus when you get to hear people who start shit then call that very shit they started "Jimmy Dore drama" because he's one of the few people who call that shit out.

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So you don't care that Aaron Mate was smeared as a PAID Russian asset, who is spreading lies & propaganda? Or that Ana threatened Jimmy in a DM, with an APOLOGY letter that he sent to her about an even 7 years ago, that she would out him as a sexual harasser?

Those 2 things are irrelevant to you.

But, Krystal, Kyle & Hasan (CENK's NEPHEW) having the opinion that those things are unimportant, is somehow better? That Cenk & Ana's behavior can be blamed on Jimmy's proving their hypocrisy with old TYT videos, is Jimmy being the drama-problem?


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Haha Jimmy's ego? He literally defends his friends while Kyle sells out his "friends" because he's afraid of losing his big TYT contract.

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I reject your notion that he has any more of an ego than anyone who sits in front of a camera for a living. And I don't think he is condescending at all. He can become very impatient. But that is exactly what attracts people to him. Because a lot of leftists are sick of being told to be quiet, keep the powder dry, and wait for a better time that never comes.

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I don't think this has anything to do with whether you like Jimmy Dore or not (or think he is smart or not). He was smeared and blackmailed. And he stood up for a journalist who was brave enough to tell the truth about US foreign policy and was trashed for it. What happened to him is just abhorrent. Your opinion as to whether he is smart is simply immaterial.

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Well you don't know how to write a sentence, so who cares what you think?

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Petty criticism, fundamental great points were made.

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Very good point.

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Jimmy agrees with you. It's the only charity I have left for him when he's wrong. He's kinda slow when critical thinking is necessary.

To be fair, so are a lot of people. I never got a headache from thinking too hard, but I've induced a lot of headaches in others while trying to explain shit that's simple to me.

Seriously, is anyone getting one right now, cause I wouldn't know if you didn't tell me.

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Someone here didn't absorb the lesson from the interview...

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All you boomers are lost in the sauce. If you’d ever actually watch Hassan, you’d know he constantly shits on Jenk and all of TYT’s shitty takes. It’s his fucking uncle. He still has to love the dude. Get real. There are literal millions of kids watching this dude who will be the next leftist voter block. There has never been a leftist commentator as popular as he is. Y’all love to shit on stuff that’s popular.

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Jimmy Dore has become a cancer to progressivism. Hasan is great actually.

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Why do all boomers type their Facebook shitposts with the fucking dots? Wtf is that?

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Idk man it’s weird though

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The TYT debate is not "drama". Anyone actually looks at the facts will realize this. Hell I wouldn't call it leftist infighting either. If you can look at the TYT smears of Aaron Mate, Jimmy Dore, Glen Greenwald, and JULIAN ASSANGE and say that's just drama you're ignoring it to avoid a painful conclusion.

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Canceled subscription due to that shitty comment about corruption. You change the definition just to maintain a fake correct position and then call us stupid when we know there are a million ways to be corrupted. Pbbbth! your damn self

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Btw Im keeping my Krystal & Saagar sub. (nuff said)

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No one cares you dumb boomer.

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Did you get that punctuation right? Can't even write a 6 word troll without edits. . . yeesh! Well played btw since I'm the same age as Krystal and also, only like everyone cares about this right now

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Wow what a disappointment. You chose sides, and you obviously chose wrong. You owe Jimmy a huge public apology. UNSUBSCRIBING UNTIL THEN.

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Man I really don't want to unsubscribe, but this is kinda frustrating. Imagine feeling like you are part of a movement, supported by friends, and you call out lies when you see it. and then you get push back so you fight even harder, and then you are trying to make your case only to have your friends and allies call it "Drama" and write you off as "Oh that's just jimmy. He's crazy!" like "Jimmy isn't as legitimate as we are so we're just going to ignore his struggle." kinda fuck these guys a little bit right now....

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You Dore fans clearly have a problem and want to defend him like he's a cult leader.

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Who cares about Jimmy Dore? I care about red baiting and false metoo allegations leveled to avoid legitimate criticisms. And the cowardly responses by the hosts of this podcast.

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What false MeToo allegations? It seemed pretty real to me.

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Clear, cynical blackmail, an insult to real #metoo victims.

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Just unsubscribed too. Shameful of both of you.

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Nope. Just nope. Love you guys, but I have to lay this down. I get why Piker wants to give uncle Cenky a pass, but I have to say I expect way more from you two. Dore and Maté called out TYT for their hypocrisy in selling out to the donor class. Instead offering anything in the form of substantive rebuttal, they came with McCarthyite smears and some fabricated #metoo bullshit. Pretty sure that garners a bit more attention than a false equivalency to trash "reality" TV! Unless, of course, y'all don't want to admit that your pals at TYT have literally become shitlib establishment hacks...

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They also seem to pretend to be above the fray, by having on CENK'S NEPHEW, whose whole gig is to do stream-of-consciousness streaming -12 hours a day. If they thought Aaron's integrity being smeared & Jimmy being #metoo-ed was so unimportant, they could have had a Climate scientist on or platform a SMALL Indie news outlet. But, sadly, no.

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I wasn't impressed with Piker. He seemed a bit conceited. The bit about Saagar's focus on China was lame. There's good reason to be a little concerned about our trade imbalance with China. Unless you're sleeping under a rock you'll notice everything is being manufactured in China at the expense of disappearing jobs in America.

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I’m curious bout how Hassles’ conceited nature is relevant to his political though/ positions in and of itself.

Any critiques about something other than China? I know that China,for various reasons, is a popular threat/ political scapegoat/ boogieman / etc. regardless of their position in the world, etc. there’s propaganda on every side: China to some degree.

Seems like a contentious subject even intra-leftist world, let alone the more broad base of listeners/ viewers of K&K...

That’s what’s made Krystal and Kyle and previously her and Saagar on rising so much more non partisan than is common. Maybe more so at the rising show’s inception...

Let’s have some discourse friend! I value even the opinions you may have I might disagree with.

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I tried to unsubscribe but unfortunately I paid for the whole year. Your treatment of Jimmy Dore in this video is cowardly and cringe worthy. Not interested in the view of the lunchroom from the cool kids table. VERY DISAPPOINTED

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I am in the exact same position. I literally have never been this sad and disappointed. Kyle and Krystal are better than this.. or I thought so.

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Really disappointed K & K. You fail to call out the issue, which is the completely unsubstantiated McCarthyite smear of Aaron Mate and his reporting of the OAC cover-up, and promote the the very weird take that Aaron's reaction and self defense, and Dore's defense of Mate is somehow just "drama" is incomprehensible. Feeling sorry that I purchased a year's subscription. Not going to be listening to future episodes.

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Agree 100%. I too purchased a yearly sub, really regret it now. I understand K&K wanting to stay out of it ~ they should be defending Aaron, but I get it. Since Kyle said in his vid that Krystal feels the same way, it's obvious that Kyle & Krystal don't care about defending the integrity of REAL independent Journalists, like Aaron & the Grayzone, but sides with TYT because... ?

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My deleted comment hadn't included Krystal. That has been amended.

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TYT smeared Aaron Mate as a foreign agent because his reporting didn't jive with their support of regime change war in Syria. When Jimmy Dore joined the voices that called them out on it, their response was to double down and smear him with a bs metoo allegation that was amicably settled years ago. You don't have to like Dore or his comments. This isn't even really about him. They focus on Dore because they didn't have a comeback against Aaron Mate on Syria. Fact is, since they began taking billionaire funding, TYT has been parroting some of the worst tactics and talking points of the neoliberal establishment (which you claim to hate) while wearing the mask of a progressive outlet. This goes way beyond personal drama. What TYT is doing is bad for journalism and harmful for the left. Bothsiding this issue or brushing it aside as petty squabbling is rank ignorance and more than a little cowardly.

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Slander and blackmail aren't just "drama." There are very real reasons why the TYT had to come to the surface and annoy the crap out of everybody. Truthful media can't be found on TV anymore. Now we have the internet and some very brave people have used it to report the ugly stuff that mainstream media wants ignored. TYT's tactics weren't only directed at JD. They are using him as an example to send a message to ALL the truth tellers that they are becoming more powerful in THIS SPACE and intend to control the narrative here as big corporate media has done on TV, and with their help. Everyone should be very alarmed.

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Hasan is an apologist for The Squad. Don't know why he has the blinders on, but a definite blind spot there.

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By the sound of Kyle enthusiastically describing the live viewer count, maybe he doesn't need blinders? Could the ego have cut off circulation to the eyes long ago?

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I think it’s pretty silly that you both “want to stay out of it” but have no issue bringing up the issue to Cenk’s nephew?? and then call it “Jimmy Dore drama” when it’s been Cenk lying this WHOLE time about Russia, Syria, Julian Assange, Aaron Maté, etc. The list goes on. Utterly disappointed and unsubbing.

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with “friends” like Krystal & Kyle, who needs enemies?

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Good bye Krysal Enjoy the $100 000's of moneys from the lifetime subscribers. I wonder if they knew that you would slam journalist like Aaron Mate and those with integrity like Jimmy Dore. Maybe your retirement nest egg would be a little smaller if you were up front with your self-serving fickle nonsense. Oh yeah! nice outfit, but beauty is only skin deep. etc etc

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Definitely not giving this show any support. Krystal takes the passive route and Kyle covers his ass because of his financial ties to TYT. Pretty disingenuous. Drama my ass. A smear campaign/blackmail attempt to curb disagreeing critique on legitimate policies and political subjects. That needs to be checked.

P.S. The straight up ghost/flake on Jimmy's scheduled appearance was 100% unprofessional and rude. Low brow/bush league approach all around on this one.

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What an incredible let down. Hasan Piker instead of Jimmy. But it's OK. Jimmy is doing Joe Rogan soon . Kind of a missed opportunity for you guys. Undoubtedly your names would've come up. Although they might still. Lots of honest conversations being had on Rogan.

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I've only looked into one member of the Justice Democrats campaign contributions, & it wasn't good. One look at Jaypals campaign contributions on open secrets showed less than 23% of her contributions came from small dollar donations <$200. In addition to that, she also took money from a pro-Israel group. It's time to start scrutinizing their campaign contributions much more closely. I haven't even looked at the other 9, but I plan on going through that stuff as soon as I get a chance. I just glanced at Ayanna Pressley's & she gets only 48% of her $ from small dollar donors. She also unseated someone who was far more progressive than she is. She's literally a sh*t lib. I think it's time to stop assuming these people are all good faith actors. I think it's both acceptable & necessary to hold these people accountable & to the same degree we hold Pelosi. It's not lost on me that AOC went from living a working class lifestyle to a very affluent lifestyle, & the possibility of losing that job means losing all the perks that come from that job. That alone may be enough to stay on Mama bears good side.

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