Nah. I'm definitely with Kyle on this one. He has every right to be pissed.

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Dude. Kyle's just whining. Don't forget that Bernie came on for a dope interview. He didn't come on because he's a sell out - he just doesn't fuck with kyle because he's immature. it's simple.

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Wow. Talk about a skewed perspective. Bernie is RETIRED in his mind. His only job now, is to LIE to Progressives & Lefties, so they will vote Dem in 2022 & 2024. Kyle definitely should be pissed. Bernie didn't want to talk to Kyle because he RIGHTLY called Bernie a cuck.

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I'm not too sure. Sanders sounds scared in this one. He probably eschewed Kyle and Saagar our if an abundance of concern for maintaining the position of power that he has within the frail coalition of dnc power. It almost certainly was not a call that Bernie or his staff made for their own personal feelings.

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Love you both but honestly, if I were Krystal I would have refused to do the interview without Kyle there. Kyle is the reason many people even know about Bernie he was one of his most well-known supporters for years and has hundreds if not thousands of videos promoting him. Pretty gross of Bernie to throw him under the bus like that.

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Ditto. At first I thought Kyle was letting his bruised ego get in the way of his clear mind, but I no longer think that. It is altogether reasonable that he should feel that he ought to have been accorded the respect (as a fervent and faithful supporter of Bernie, AND AS FULLY ONE-HALF OF HIS OWN SHOW, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD) of being included in this interview. That he was NOT so included WAS a slight on Bernie's part or on the part of members of his staff. I still love Bernie, but I feel his politician's clay feet may have been showing a bit too much in this instance, and I would have hoped Krystal would have been rather more diligently loyal to Kyle in the matter. I do not accuse her of a deliberate slight, mind you, because I DO have respect for her integrity, but, rather, of a lapse of clear-mindedness. All of that said, it was a very good interview, and I think, simply (moving forward), that this kind of "gaff" ought NOT to happen again.

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Kyle is just whining. Kyle's issues with Bernie wouldn't have been a big deal at all if Kyle was part of the interview. Kyle couldn't be a part and now he's somehow morally superior? Kyle is a talking head on youtube.. Bernie is actually doing what he can to make the world better. Kyle thinks that pointing this out makes him a saint. It's cool and all but give it a fucking rest; you are in the bleachers trying to coach and getting frustrated when they don't follow your calls. If kyle wasn't on the intro or the outro would any one give a fuck that he wasn't part of the interview? he had to taint the whole thing by crying before and after...

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I didn't like the whining aspect either -- which was why I felt, at first, that Kyle was allowing his bruised ego to interfere with his mental clarity. Nor do I especially enjoy being barraged by the "F-word", incidentally, because I find it oppressively sophomoric, BUT, in MY opinion, you very seriously underestimate the significance, the clarity, the right-mindedness, and the insight of his reportage. He was, indeed, one of very few reporters to pay any serious attention to Bernie when the cable news was acting almost as though they'd never heard of him, back in 2015-2016. He is in NO way to be likened to the "talking heads" of the networks. NO way.

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He's not likened to the mainstream media figures. He's a talking head in the sense that A) he has no legs and B) besides talking to a camera he does nothing. That is not a slight to him or any of the people who do what he does - I'm here, right? I'm just saying that if he is so sure of his policies and tactics he should try implementing them - not sitting back and crying when other people won't. Kyle is amazing at what he does - which is talk to a camera. Not writing legislature, not volunteering or charity work, not community projects - talking to a camera. First - he sifts through the days social media, then - Talks to a camera. Let's not forget that.

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Of course I know what a "talking head" is, and, yes, in the technical jargon, that IS exactly what Kyle is, by definition, so you don't need to get snarky about it. I DO understand now that you were NOT saying that he was just like the "talking heads" in the corporate mass media. But you do rather imply that when you belittle his function by saying that that is ALL he does and that he should actually DO something besides simply talk into a camera. In fact, he HAS done something, because he and Cenk Uyger were the founders, essentially, of the "Justice Democrats". He is NOT a politician, obviously, but, YES, he HAS done something besides simply talk. He has served progressives THROUGH that talk. He also THINKS with his "talking head"!!! (So very many don't seem to do that dependably.) As I see it, Kyle exemplifies PRECISELY what a good journalist ought to be doing, whereas so many in journalism do not -- namely, alert the public to what their representatives are and are not doing in the public's name and on the public's dime. Incidentally, as regards the phrase, "talking heads" here is something you probably do not know, from the world of theater. British playwright Alan Bennett presented a series of very compelling dramatic monologues for BBC television to which he very cannily gave the title, "Talking Heads". It was first produced in 1988 and a second series was produced in 1998, and PARTS of the piece were produced here on PBS's "Masterpiece Theater". It was really brilliant. (I have just learned that, in 2020, the BBC remade the series, adding two monologues.) (You're welcome.)

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Johnny is a Pragmatic Progressive. To him, Bernie & the Squad are sacrosanct. How dare anyone question Bernie's motives or behavior. Bernie's demanding to only speak to Krystal, without Kyle or Saagar, says more about HIM than either of Krystal's work husbands. Bernie's job is to continue to FOOL Lefties into bowing their heads and vote Blue No Matter Who in 2022 & 2024. All his talk about "Most significant legislation since FDR," is BULLSHIT.

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Agreed 100%.

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After that intro, it's clear why the Sanders team only wanted Krystal. Seriously, grow up, Kyle.

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When you start to align yourself with the DOREranged left and wonder why people don't want to talk to you. The guy that calls people fucking cowards and sellouts just because they don't come on his show. Dore is cancer Kyle. Do your own thing bud, don't coward down to Jimmy and his newly found Alt right buddies.

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what the fuck are you talking about? it's apparent you wanted to make this point regardless of what they talked about.

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Linda why are you acting like it isn’t offensive to ask the host of a show to not be there? Yeah, I get it. Kyle is crass. But if that was an issue the team could have simply communicated their standards for language, etc. I’m glad Bernie came on and at least talked to Krystal, but I don’t believe that you don’t see how that isn’t totally insulting. That said, I do agree that he shouldn’t have let his bitterness show so much, and he could have handled it better.

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Bernie wanted this interview so he could cheerlead for Biden smh

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You did a great job not listening. Mommy loves you

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I call bs

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God. Kyle is acting like an absolute manchild. And the confidence with which he says that none of the items that Bernie is fighting for in the budget reconciliation will happen if Biden doesn't burn bridges with every moderate Democrat and treats them like a mafia boss, is frankly absurd and naive. It's like he doesn't understand that these scorched earth tactics are much more likely to sink the bill instead. This why Bernie is treading so carefully and doing his best to get this thing done and deliver material benefits to working people. And this clown Kyle treats him like he's a sellout.

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We are, we will, we must fight for... I am sick of it. I am turning this interview off. Our country, our govt. our system is broken and corrupt to the bone.

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Here we are, not 2016, not 2010, but 2021 and we (the progressives) have gotten nothing but words and crumbs from our government. Bernie is now a more entrenched cog in a highly dysfunctional machine. He could have been a revolutionary leader. So sad. I don't know how you, Krystal and Kyle, are able to keep going.

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Kyle is always true to himself, I don’t think this situation is any different. He said how he felt and what he thought about it and it was true to him. I also think it’s shitty to go on someone’s show and essentially kick them off of it and only interview with one person. Especially from someone who is such a big supporter. I don’t understand why when you call out politicians for not following through with what they say the advocate for, you don’t support them. You can still support them and keep them in check, which is what both Kyle and Krystal do. I’m glad Kyle spoke about it and said how he felt because I would expect nothing less. That’s why I listen to him. Because he is always honest and genuine. That’s the reason why I listen to him and Krystal, they are both honest and genuine and true to who they are and what they stand for.

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Thank you for having Senator Sanders on. He has done a great deal in bringing Progressive Ideas to National attention.

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omg kyle is so cringe i literally can’t complete the podcast

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It's likely that Bernie excluded Kyle because he injects f-bombs and other profanities into every sentence, which is unprofessional and disrespectful. And in his response, Kyle continues to use fowl language, is openly disrespectful of Sanders, and comes off as a sore loser.

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Mind boggling a guy like KK being so condescending to a man like BS. Really embarrassing. (Krystal - you are a class-act. You will go far.)

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Bernie reveals himself as a milk toast waffler who is incapable of standing firm to represent the people who donated money to his presidential run. He can be too easily pushed off any policy that truly helps the working class. FDR’s new deal was gradually undone over the years. Bernie’s attempts can be undone very quickly and the power elite know this and give him token responses knowing this. The working class needs to rally around the policies that Bernie identified: medicare for all, etc. By his fading into the woodwork, those needs will not be heeded. Biden never pushed for them and does not have the capacity, energy or time to direct meaningful progress for the American people.

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This is just totally wrong if you actually look at history. Left-leaning policies are extremely hard to undo once they're passed, once they gain popular support. Most of the successful aspects of the New Deal are still with us (unemployment insurance, social security, wages and hour laws, agricultural price supports, stock market regulation), which is why it's still relevant today. Even less popular stuff like Obamacare was impossible to repeal no matter how hard Republicans tried. Most of what Bernie accomplishes with this bill will be here to stay.

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Krystal, you killed that interview. Bernie going to need new sneakers after the fire you were holding them to.

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Great interview, I'm sorry Kyle couldn't be in on it.

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Fan of the show, but Kyle....dude...you've got to drop the ego man. Your rant was very childish and my guess would be that Krystal may be looking for an exit strategy. You can hold politicians/media/corps accountable while also being mature. Really bad look. Sorry Krystal

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Kyle, how are you so entitled? "I supported him so he owes me".. It's going to be hard to keep listening to you knowing that this isn't a criticism of someone trying to make things better but rather someone who just wants things his way. If you wanted the good thing to happen you wouldn't have taken this sooo personally. Maybe he didn't want you because you're wildly inflammatory as soon as you disagree and then you proved him right.

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