I'm so happy the youth loves Marianne Williamson. It gives me a lot of hope.

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Delusions give you hope?

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How do those boots taste 👅

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How does the shit that s0r0z poops into your mouth while you are licking his asshole taste, tr0ll?

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Lmao he blocked me 😂

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I didn't listen to the podcast yet. The description is ironic. Having plunged the public education into massive crisis for many decades, the "left" has now been forced wake up, (partially?) abandon their weird culture wars mindset and actually focus on pragmatic repairs of the enormous damage they did to education for decades? lol

And that is seen as a defeat for the "right"??? lololololololololol

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jach tsoyir u t'ʌn u parar caj u yʌnxchun bic a je' ts'iba'an a ra' cu bin tarej yʌnxchun an ten bic Isaías u ts'ibmʌn uch quire' raji' ts'a'b u tucur ten quir u ts'ibtic a ba' u ba' tu ts'ibtaj quij quin tuchi'tic yʌjtseq'uir in t'ʌn, quij pʌyber cu tsoyquintic a ber tu ca bin c'uchur yʌn mac tan u c'am t'ʌnic ich tʌcay ru'um tan ya'arica worex soc c'ucha'an a worex a qui' acsiquex irex tan a jariquex u ber quir u tar caj u ts'ibtaj Isaías uch c'uchij tan u yacsic ja' tu jo'r mac ich tʌcay ru'um tan u tsec'tic ca' u c'axej tu yor mac soc u p'ʌticob u c'asirob soc u jawsa' u si'pirob

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