Krystal and Kyle are sitting here with full stomachs telling us to be thankful for Biden’s crumbs. They really have become cartoonishly awful. The Betty and Barney Rubble of the left. (Because Cenk and Ana are Fred and Wilma, obviously)

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What about Biden's disastrous war in Ukraine? What about Biden's senility and pending impeachment? What about endless inflation? What about plans to conjure up another fake pandemic? W hat about the DNC'S war on RFK, Jr.? Please get relevant

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It's Biden's war? How? Also this will be failed impeachment over nonsense #437. Inflation is global...but I guess I shouldn't expect actual research into all of this if you're still going to say the pandemic was fake. That's what some safe fool says who wasn't in or even closely adjacent to those in healthcare nor had loved ones die from obviously COVID.

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K and K are now officially part of the problem- sit down plebes, fear Trump and be grateful for diaper Joe’s Forever War and insane levels of inflation (which doesn’t touch them). Pathetic.

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So which are Joe's forever wars? He ended at least Afghanistan that Trump cowarded out of ending. Also you know the inflation was going to happen no matter who won right? Considering it was global supply chain related and the only thing the Fed can do is mess with interest rates? You can't fix global issues with a national level policy.

Also Joe is literally status quo versus Trump being insanely authoritarian versus the last several Republican presidents

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Definitely vote for Diaper Joe- also, stay in your bubble..a trip outside might fry your brain.

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Funny, I'm not a Biden supporter nor a Trump supporter. I'm a policy supporter using global sources

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Who ignores a lot. You are unaware of Biden’s pledge to support the annihilation of Ukraine “for as long as it takes”...who chirps about authoritarianism under Trump while apparently ignoring massive federal interference in social media (see Missouri v Biden)

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I've been watching Kyle for about 10 years, and Krystal since her early days on Rising. This "interview" was not your finest hour. I find it ironic that Krystal repeatedly sounds like Chris Matthews in his embarassing interview on BP with her "I live in the real world." Kyle needs some coaching on how to act professional when disagreeing with someone.

Instead of trying to brow beat Briahna into accepting your point of view you would do yourselves and your show a lot of favors by trying to understand WHY Briahna doesn't agree with you. She is clearly a very intelligent and informed person who has a different perspective than the two of you.

There are permanent deal-breaker situations. What they are differ from person to person. Briahna hints but doesn't state directly that the deal-breaker for her with Biden is his reneging on his student loan promise. Briahna has a shitton of student loan debt. She's talked about it often. Biden promised specifically what he would do - and then didn't. That "Lucy and the football" moment was (IMO) the deal-breaker for Briahna, as had Biden kept his promise it would have changed her life massively for the better - and permanently.

I don't have any student loan debt and never did (thanks mom and dad) but I can empathize with someone who does. I think this lack of empathy is what you two are missing.

[edit] typo - remove an extraneous word

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I used to like both Kyle and Krystal but their union has been a total disaster. Honestly it blows my mind that they could become seamlessly establishment. Establishment money seems to get everyone. I think Briahna is sliding toward establishment. She just needs someone to pay her student debt. Chomsky has gone establishment. When I first heard Biden was running in 2020, I laughed as he is always enthusiastically on the wrong side of history. The power of US propaganda, US weapon technology, US surveillance, and the dollars as the world reserve currency makes change from within the US empire an impossibility. I listen to Snowden, Greenwald, Matte, Chariton, Sabby, Garland Nixon, Grey zone, and Putin ( Putin is focused on maintaining the sovereignty of Russia. Russia should not be destroyed because it is the source of some of the world's greatest cultural developments) . Also Nate Hagens and his colleagues are creating the most important analysis of the human condition I know of.

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It is amazing how quickly Krystal and Kyle shifted into establishment mode.. I have joked for a while that KB was auditioning for MSNBC. But now, I would not be surprised to see her on MSNBC in the not-so-distant future. OR at the very least, covertly working with the MSNBC to create an MSNBC lite for alternative media.

Btw, a few more names to add to your list. Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger and Kim Iverson.

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You crediting warmonger Joe Biden for ending the war in afghanistan is totally disingenuous if not outright dishonest and insulting to your audience. We aren’t dumb Democrat Shitlibs, who swallow whatever nonsense you tell them. We know full well, as do you, that it was Trump who ordered the withdrawal to be completed by a certain date and all Biden did was continue the policy. Now, i’m not suggesting for one minute that a rude, ignorant, racist, misogynist, totally unsuitable for high office is the answer, but enough about Biden (Lol Joke). Seriously though, Biden is clearly - if you’re honest - declining cognitively and his “gaffes” are becoming more apparent and regular. Everyone can see he doesn’t know where he is or what he’s doing half the time and clearly doesn’t have a grip on what’s being done in his name. He’s told what to say which is why his utterances seem so bizarre and out of touch. From the possibility of a UAW strike to repeating that “Putin has already lost” - plainly ridiculous - he hasn’t a clue what’s happening. So that begs the question “Who is running the country?” ... because they weren’t elected to do it and are hurtling toward a possible nuclear confrontation with a superpower, with us in tow. It’s disgusting that Jill Biden is allowing this to continue and must be in on it, dressing and feeding him, preparing his “lines” and talking points for him. Changing the sheets and adult diapers are probably a state secret right now.

But you want people to vote for this? After spending the past few years being honest to audiences and saying the opposite? Nah, it’s a no go. State Democrats “doing good”? Simple : vote Dem down ballot if you must.

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Yes, KK crediting Biden for pulling out of Afghanistan does sound strange given the fact that the guy did so only to turn around and pour over $100 000 000 000 into stoking WW3. Could that be the real reason for the withdrawal? It doesn't sound more conspiratorial than the idea that Biden, who is not necessarily sure where he is at all times, is strategically furthering the cause of the revival of a labor movement. To be perfectly frank, I wouldn't like to take KB's word for it. So how about inviting someone who has actually to do with labor? Kshama Sawant, for example. Or a couple of rank-and-file union guys? And asking them about "labor gains" and Biden? This is indeed the most important issue. And the only way to introduce change. So why is it discussed by YT personalities and not by those on the ground?

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Yes, it’s clearly no longer a case of them being disingenuous, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that their strange 180 degree turn on many issues, advocating for things they have up until fairly recently loudly opposed, is motivated by dishonesty. They seem to be on a mission to supplant TYT as the premier Boutique, Faux-leftist Utube platform in an attempt to co-opt all those subscribers and the cash it generates. They are also, i suspect, receiving “donations” (funding) from DNC adjacent entities.

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KK is likely a millionaire. KB is definitely a multimillionaire. Unless they invested in The Dial of Destiny, it's probably not about money. My conspiracy theory is that they chose to get entangled up to their ears into MW's campaign...for whatever reasons (maybe KB is into MW's funny new age antics or they're just close friends). MW is running in the Democratic primary. She doesn't have any meaningful support. Nor does she seem to be serious about getting some. And even if she had, she's extremely unlikely to perform a dirty break. Which means she will drop out and endorse the DNC's appointee (Biden holds this position at the moment). KK&KB are not idiots, they understand that. And when it happens, they will have to justify their going all in and essentially sheepdoging for the Democratic Party. Hence their laying the groundwork with an 180 on everything they themselves were saying just a short while ago...

But all this stuff is not that important. What is important is KB's claim that Biden's activities created a "policy landscape" that played a crucial part in making Amazon and Starbucks workers unionizing possible. Is this claim accurate? Given the context mentioned, I seriously doubt that. But, just as what BJG said about Biden and his donors in the debate, that's circumstantial evidence. KB's point should be properly addressed by an expert in technical terms (hence my wish to hear from someone who actually knows what they're talking about expressed above). Unfortunately, the "radicals" haven't produced anything of substance on the subject so far. Sabby Sabs' counter-arguments were strange. And Due Dissonance (who're usually not that bad) did an hour long segment where they're talking about KK's shirts and reminding of the railroad workers strike (thank you, clowns...also, the sky is blue). I'd say that the revival of a militant labor movement is the most important issue and the only winning strategy. So it would be great if amid this infotainment bacchanal of commentary on commentary someone focused on those things that actually matter...

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Which date was it though? And did Trump actually followed up in his order or let Pentagon to roll over him completely while he was still in office? Be honest.

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Biden kept to the date Trump announced. K & K also neglected to acknowledge the far more egregious plan and consequences of the Ukraine proxy war which was clearly planned long in advance.

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So clearly planned that Russia was going to do this...that You're going to present some evidence right?

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No, it was clearly planned for years in advance by the US & Nato, to draw Russia into a conflict with the aim of destabilising Putin and ultimately the Balkanisation of Russia. There were warnings years in advance from experts in Political Science and Diplomacy - Professor J Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, a world renowned and respected academic and a now published letter from Biden’s CIA Director William Burns, who while in the role of US Ambassador to Moscow warned the Bush administration that the continued expansion of Nato towards the Russian border, after making assurances to Gorbachev in return for the reunification of East & West Germany that NATO would not move “one inch eastward beyond the German border”, was viewed by Russians from all walks of life, not just the Government, that Nato expansion into eastern europe was an existential threat and would likely provoke a military response. Those are just two examples. Is it a coincidence that they were all right?

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The diabolical plans to remake this country into a fascist dictatorship is literally the Republican plan. Public schools will be destroyed. Federal agencies will lose their autonomy. Thousands of non-partisan federal workers will be summarily fired. Abortion Rights will be completely gone across the country. Black History is being erased from schools and books that were okay in my white Catholic school in 1978 are banned in a 2023 classroom. Women’s health care is already under severe threat. Government in our bedrooms and doctors offices.

So many dangerous ideas have been suggested. Biden is not perfect but he has overall done a good job. We are safer globally under Biden by far. Listen to the 1000s of experts who study cults, Christian Nationalism, and fascism.

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You need to look up what the word "literally" means. If the Republican plan was to remake the country into a fascist dictatorship then Trump could have done that relatively easily during covid. Everything is locked down. Everyone is scared. Declare an emergency and martial law "until the emergency is over" then consolidate power while under martial law and never let the "emergency" be over.

The real power in the US is the oligarch donor class that picks a president and most all of congress. They allow us to maintain a fantasy of democracy, but we haven't really had that for many years. 2015 study by Stanford showed that we live in oligarchy already 8 years ago.

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Thank you for some common sense.

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How are we “globally safer”? We are in a proxy war with the only other nuclear power that can wipe out life on earth all by itself. You call that safe? Meanwhile, we can’t even take care of our own citizens in Palestine, OH or Maui who have been demolished by natural disasters.

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Thank for extolling some common sense here. All the "pure" leftists have come out of nowhere somehow expecting Biden to have been the first step in some sort of socialist revolution lol, and when that very obviously didn't happen are now pissed and accusing him of doing nothing. Would I like MW to be the Dem nominee instead? Absolutely. Will she be? Nope. And for that reason alone, along with all of the very good things Biden has done (as a fed contractor I got a raise thanks to him), I will still vote for him over a suicidal run by Dr. West who will sadly only help Trump.

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"I will never allow myself to be put in a situation where basically my only real presidential choices are shoot me and stab me... You're not going to tell me or anyone else that we now have to vote for that person"

-- (Vintage) Krystal Ball


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"Its so clear now the whole "Vote Blue No Matter Who" line is a total con job.Designed to quash any dissent so they can shove any neoliberal corporatist nonsense down our throats. And we are just supposed to accept it all because at least it's not Donald Trump. "

-- (Vintage) Krystal Ball


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Why can we assume Trump was so horrible?? He tried to do good things and actually did a few good things. He wrote legislation to let African Americans out of jail that Biden had put in jail for excessively long terms for non violent crimes. He started no new wars ( first president since Carter). He tried to establish good retaliations with Russia and North Korea. He tried to negotiate a positive end to the war in Afghanistan but was prevented from so doing, Biden's resolution has led to starvation and major hardship for Afghans. He wanted to use the very successful Covid treatment he received as president on the population but was prevented from so doing. According to Bloomberg the wealth gap between the upper 1% and the middle 60% has remained fairly constant during his time in office. It is ridiculous to blindly assume Trump is an existential threat to the country, in fact, the opposite could be the reality.

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Have you not even heard Trump himself speak? He wants to go 180 from the first step act and be the most positive president in history with his 2020/2024 plans. Also he literally attempted to goad Iran into war for Israel while also sucking up to the Saudis. He escalated with Russia constantly with the NATO build-up and with trying to seem the opposite of the Putin puppet narrative. Also Biden did Trump's plan which would have gone the same way had Trump himself done it. It was never going to end well because we shouldn't have occupied a country that didn't attack us. Also his own base turned on him for Warp Speed and he decided to court the anti-vax right wing voting block instead of hold his ground. Also as repeatedly pointed out by Kyle, Trump's tax bill for the rich is huge (over 80% of the cuts) and permanent while the rest of the country got a temporary cut. Also how old is that Bloomberg article cause the top 1% made trillions more and took more from the bottom since 2019...

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Kyle Kulinski on Joe Biden:

"On so many core issues, he's against us... Joe Biden pushed for NAFTA. He repeatedly pushed for TPP. He's a supporter of the Iraq War. On all the pivotal issues of his time, he was wrong. So stop overstating how bad Trump is. The country is going to exist in four years. And understating how bad Biden is. Because its annoying. I just don't agree with the people, who are like, 'He's a fascist. He's a nazi. The country is not going to exist in 4 years.' You're hyperbolic. And you're ridiculous"


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Yeah, but that was then. Biden did "something something labor" and now he's a trillion times better than the Republicans!


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He literally addressed this and said Joe did way better once in office than expected and Trump went way more fascist than expected.

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Squabbling about Biden and Trump does nothing to fix the problem with the House and traitorous Republicans..

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"Responsibility is placed solely on the voters to suck it up and vote for Joe. I'm not buying it. The moment we say 'Don't worry Joe. We're all going to back you up'. Is the moment that the establishment sees they can do whatever they want to us, and still sell out the working class for all eternity and we're just going to take it"

-- (Vintage) Krystal Ball


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K&K is trying to find something tangible amongst our world completely immersed in nihilism. Everyday I dwell on the despair, doom and ever expanding homeless camps all around me, while knowing nothing will ever improve with the "way things are" industries/leaders in charge. This while knowing our entire planet is changing to kill us off, thanks to the "way things are" and absolutely nothing being done about it, as the people causing the mess are also running things.

Additionally dwelling on my dollar to dollar existence making a "premium" wage, with zero future as I pay 50% of my income on rent with a job that could go any moment if the price is right. Our soliders fight on behalf of landlords, corporations and extending pollution. The military being the #1 polluter on the planet and expendature, but we're told to focus on welfare cheats. It's extremely hard to find tangible things to accept as wins, but I guess they're trying.

Personally I support Cornel West, but also feel our entire species is doomed no matter what. We've collectively mopped ourselves into a corner.

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Thx you’ve degenerated yourselves with this Trump silliness.


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I really didn't appreciate how you treated Bri to start... But like kyle is unhinged. It is so unprofessional and childish. And to say we should just settle for Biden is exactly opposite of what you used to preach. It is quite odd. And to top it off, y'all couldn't even articulate your argument. Y'all should put out a statement of apology to your subscribers.

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I swear, these people can not or will not recognize these changes in Biden and the Democratic party came from the Bernie campaign and that movement, and not destructive rehtoric about democrats are as bad as if not worst than Trump and the Republicans like they want a third party candidate to do. Kyle a founder fo the justice democrats sees what that group envisioned, which was a shift in the partys goals. A completely different strategy than doing a third party, that was way more likely to achieve goals quickly. I respect Kyles realistic outlook on how to get where the left wants us to be, while still being clear about how far away from that future we are. You can win over people more easily by being polite and kind. Saying good things about democrats moving left is not a bad thing. They are going to move to where they see they get the most votes from. Atleast thats the way it is suppose to work in them representing us not being our leaders.

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