It’s fascinating to hear Ryan again observe so many crucial facts yet stop short of observing the equally crucial conclusions they indicate. I wrote about this in a closely related context implicating DMFI & AIPAC at https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/democrats-vs-democracy

I ran to challenge Nancy Pelosi when she served as Speaker of the House in 2018, 2020, and 2022. In 2020, I won the jungle primary, became the only Democrat to ever face her in a general election, and ultimately won 81,000 votes despite a series of racist claims indulged by writers before being debunked by journalists including Ryan Grim. https://theintercept.com/2020/09/25/shahid-buttar-dsa-san-francisco-allegations/

Throughout my campaigns, I relentlessly championed the rights of disenfranchised minorities within the U.S., as well as those of populations subjected to military occupation by Washington and its proxies. See https://theintercept.com/2020/07/08/an-interview-with-nancy-pelosi-challenger-shahid-buttar-and-a-look-at-the-history-of-fascist-movements-in-the-u-s/

The character assassination that neutralized me in 2020 was orchestrated by Democrats across the political spectrum—many of whom today disingenuously claim to support Palestine despite their self-serving public Islamophobia. See https://www.salon.com/2020/11/15/shahid-buttar-nancy-pelosi-left-challenger-campaign-san-francisco/

Ryan debunked the lies promoted by opportunistic Democrats months after The Intercept published them uncritically, but declined to observe either the white supremacy enabling them, the role of DMFI & AIPAC in insulating Pelosi, or the implications for election integrity when journalists indulge racist smear campaigns and deny voters meaningful choices.

These dynamics you observe in this episode didn’t emerge in isolation. They’re the result of opportunistic attacks by Democrats seeking opportunities from the part establishment, as well as the deference of supposed “progressives” who proved unwilling to stand up for their stated principles.

The discussion about Justice Democrats failing to vet for leadership skills is also fascinating. Some of us actually are firebrands who have spent decades advocating for the issues that Justice Democrats have at points abandoned when convenient.

When I ran for Congress and presented the only electoral threat that the corporate Speaker (at the time) ever faced, Justice Democrats was nowhere to be found. We reached out repeatedly, but the organization was too timid to engage and ultimately focused simply on winning races, rather than supporting actual advocates poised to do the job that remains undone in Washington. I had the same experience with The Sunrise Movement and any number of other orgs more concerned with protecting their own access to co-opted leaders than their own stated principles.

Observing these patterns is incredibly important. I encourage you to finish the job rather than stop halfway through the analysis, which only indulges patterns that we need to expose in order to finally end.

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This country is an oligarchy. Its political system is the political system of an oligarchy. As such, it cannot be reformed from within or repaired through introducing incremental changes. Anybody who chooses to dance around this tiny fact is effectively carrying water for it. There's time to observe patterns and there's time to get things done. The time to observe was two days before yesterday. Today should be about action and delivering actual results. Which can only be done through a new nationwide militant labor movement. Whereas all this incessant verbal dhirrea serves only one purpose - it's invaluable for perpetuating the status quo...

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I have publicly agreed with you, right up until your final sentence above. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/we-the-people-can-unplug-the-war

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I continue to be amazed at "progressive" commentators who smash Bernie Sanders for not calling for a ceasefire, when he has CONSISTENTLY called for an end to the bombing of civilians AND an end to the apartheid state. He just gives Israel permission to go after Hamas, NOT civilians. -- To not acknowledge this is EXTREMELY dishonest.

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Bernie endorsed the genocide

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