Where's the video version?

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was the video version ever sent out this week? does anyone know?

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Where's the vid? Understand if there was some tech issue, but would appreciate some communication...

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What the heck is going on with KK&F? Last week there was no email for the video version, but when the audio email arrived, the link was to the video. This week there was no video email & only the audio is available on Substack. It makes me question the value of my annual subscription.

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Never received the video version and I was waiting for this one!!

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Video this week?

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Another comment about how come now video?

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What’s strange is that the clips from the show that they post under Kyle’s channel posted, but the email with the full video never dropped. Even though I mostly listen at 2x, I prefer to have the video on in the background.

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Great interview. I have a bone to pick regarding the phrase “anti-semite.”

According to dictionary.com, semitic refers to “a subfamily of Afroasiatic languages that includes Akkadian, Arabic, Aramaic, Ethiopic, Hebrew, and Phoenician.“

Following this definition, calling Palestinians anti-Semitic is equivalent to saying they are “self-hating Arabs.” That the phrase has been appropriated to exclusively refer to Jewish detractors seems sort of like saying Mick Jagger invented the blues.

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