Democrats and Republicans both suck

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I’m still working through this in my head, but Jesse Ventura REALLY has a similar way of speaking to what Trump has. He circles things back to himself a lot, talks about himself in the third person sometimes, and has a very similar voice cadence to Trump’s speech. It almost seems this is what Trump could be if he actually wanted to do things for people other than himself.

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I didn't know that he and I think so much alike!

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Jesse "the body" Ventura was my favorite wrestler in the whole WWF!!

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Speaking of medical marijuana, there's a fantastic 2018 BBC documentary called "The God Plant", that goes into several serious conditions where the medical establishment has failed; cancer, epilepsy, etc. So good I've watched it twice. You get the healing history of cannabis, medical experts, legal people, growers, etc. Cannabis was illegal in the UK at the time this doc was made, and there was a fight to get people access. The laws have changed since then.

[Looking up the year of this, I saw that a sequel has come out, "The God Plant 2: Legalization", so I'm looking forward to watching that.]

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Why am I not seeing the video? I'm a paid subscriber and I never get the videos.

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