This powerful interview reminds me that Cornel West and Noam Chomsky are among the blessed, or cursed, with phenomenal memories and critical skills.

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Dr West is truly one of the most profound people and gentlest of souls alive

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I absolutely love listening to Dr. Cornel West speak. What a fantastic human being.

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Another amazing interview!

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Hey Kyle i got a question . Your own City largest clean energy Source (Indian point )was just shut down , to be replaced by natural gas generators .

Are you planning to report on that btw ?

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If we are serious about Climate change , isn't preserving existing Clean energy is our top priority ? i am not seeing ''Left™" reporting on it , those were good union paying jobs in your own state , hopefully your next secular talks video have one about that

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Great in general, but JFC, so tired of leftists swallowing US propaganda about China. It is not some dark, authoritarian hellhole where dissent isn't allowed; most people in China seem pretty happy with their government, which has its problems like any government, but has done a great many good things.

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Uestedes hablan la verdad. Sigan hablando. La igualidad es possible. Ayudense. Salvense. Este mundo es bello y Dios los ama a todos

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To my mind, the "Kyle vs Dr Cornel West" part towards the end was the bestest part of this. Pure gold.

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Cornell is a national treasure.

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