Great conversation. I'm sitting here fantasizing how great it would be if you all could be running things in USA as pres./vice pres./sec'ty of state instead of personages presently occupying those positions. A fella can dream, can't he?

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Kyle you're an OG and a pioneer in the space, but fierce competition has popped up all around. You frequently sound high on Adderall and rather immature for your age. On the other hand, you've got a hot wife and an inconsequential amount of money so if it ain't broke don't fix it, I suppose.

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I see a pattern. Now we need a foil from the Right press who can keep up with Briahna to provide balance for another show like Breaking Points and Counter Points, perhaps On Point (a Sunday show like 'Meet the Press') where big-name politicians are grilled on some subject or their policies for an hour)?

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Bri will be fine.

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it is STILL the economy, by electioon day--- https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/june-23-2024 ...your anti Biden bias is YOUR silo/bubble...

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