Ok so it’s a fait accompli that the left part of the coalition will be betrayed be a Harris administration (tail end of the interview) but in the closing bit it’s back to “closest ideological allies.” 🤦‍♂️

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I typically agree with much of what you express. However this nonsense about how Harris came to be THE Democratic choice, and you protests about that does not take reality into account.

To pretend that this election is anything near to what was once normal, (and hopefully will be again), is severely naive considering who the GOP is supporting, and considering the abbreviated timeline.

To get back to that version of normal in this country, Trump must never get near the oval again. And we had only 91 days to be sure this happens.

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Quite a bit of Trump fear-mongering towards the end there. I remember when Kyle did an episode where he laid out the good things Trump did. I get he tried to steal an election but i don’t see why he doesn’t get a more fair evaluation on policy. And if you think it’s bc of the election stuff, my rebuttal is, he’s not the first one to attempt shenanigans, including the democrats with Russiagate, Hunter laptop censorship etc. I’m not a Trump supporter but I believe he’ll end the war in Ukraine which is a real existential crisis…(and he triggers the libs which is cathartic tbh). I think that’s something that leftists and your audience should consider.

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It strikes me, and this draws from only anecdotal information, that the surge in interest and registrations is a reaction of many D-leaning voters to the prospect of boomer hands being peeled away from the levers of power. I think it is the same sort of effect that BHO benefitted from. And it is likely the same kind of bait-and-switch that he represented.

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