Dear Krystal - PLEASE tell me that you are not together with Kyle's horrible slander of both Aaron Mate and Jimmy Dore !!?? I hope you are not though. Kyle Kulinski Omits Ana Kasparian's Blackmail Of Jimmy Dore From Video - YouTube


Kyle is immature and uninformed -- as well as garrulous and an extreme narcist. What he did after a despicable and desperate TYT's Anna did -- weaponized an invented "me-too" is unforgivable. You will be damaging your (and Saagar's) brand associating with Kyle's horrible "mistake".

Thank you for all your outstanding journalism -- I am among your greatest fans. There is another huge outrage going on -- a brazen and huge SLANDER of Aaron Mate and Grayzone regarding well-documented OPCW fabrications at direct request by US government. Grayzone and Aaron are just coming out of huge 2.5 year long fake and just dismissed Syria-related lawsuit (with direct engagement of a well-known top pro-Israel lawyer).

TYT's Cenk and Anna have also been activated to slander and stop Aaron's outstanding investigative work on US/Al Qaeda horrible crimes in Syria -- TYT Cenk's and Anna's avalanche of slander and topic redirection by even inventing "me-too" is unprecedented. TYT is also on record of slandering the publisher of a century -- Julian Assange.

Grayzone -- Ben Norton, Aaron Mate, and Max Blumenthal need maximum support -- including yours !!

Cancelling Jimmy without even informing him, inviting Cenk's relative to continue the slander project and above all Kyle farting his fake and constructed outrage without even mentioning Anna's "me-too" blackmail -- while not addressing a well-orchestrated and choreographed efforts to slander and destroy the unique and invaluable Aaron Mate's reporting on Syria is an outrage.

Stay away of Kyle -- before it is too late for your reputation, please. Please watch Jimmy Dore and Aaron Mate rebuttal of Kyle’s outrage:

Kyle Kulinski Omits Ana Kasparian's Blackmail Of Jimmy Dore From Video - YouTube



And now – something funny from Australia

Honest Government Ad | We Make Everything Good Sh!t - YouTube


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Dear Krystal, I am continuing this subscription because of you, else I would have canceled it. In addition to what has been already shared by numerous others on this thread, I found Kyle's first video on the TYT attacks on Aaron Mate and Jimmy Dore extremely disappointing. I thought more highly of Kyle. As a woman, I believe it hurts true victims of sexual harassment when Ana blackmailed Jimmy with her false Me Too accusations. I find it disturbing that Kyle was not man enough to stand up to it and call her out, but instead framing it as drama. I also found Kyle's attitude toward us viewers and supporters demeaning. As he said emphatically, he doesn't care about our comments or feedback. Well, I think it is time we voted with our pocketbooks and pull out from subscriptions to his Patreon and stop viewing his Youtube videos. Maybe then he might value us a bit more.

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Count me as an unsubsciber now too. Kyle’s self-important, none-too-bright blather is always hard to listen to. Krystal is consistently excellent, but is being dragged down by her callow, weak-minded co-host. She should not have signed on to Kyle’s idiotic diatribe against Dore and the unethical decision to disinvite him either, so my departure got hastened.

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You both completely missed the point of the Cosby story- and more to the point, you didn’t contribute anything real to the conversation. The legal theory:

When a prosecutor holds you harmless in a criminal case, they can thereby remove your protection against self incrimination. You can thereby be compelled to testify against yourself. This part has nothing whatsoever to do with a prosecutorial deal; it’s compulsory.

In short, you have literally no right to prevent self-incrimination when a prosecutor declines to prosecute you. You have to testify against yourself or else be held in contempt of court (and therefore get locked away indefinitely). Cosby self-incriminated, because he was literally compelled to, and therefore prosecuting him would be a violation of his 5th amendment right to self-incrimination.

It’s fucked up, it’s legal precedent, and it’s still more just than 9/10ths of cases that get plead out or settled in the US. Welcome to the real world folks.

Kyle- maybe read some books. I recommend learning about lawfare.

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TYT-Jimmy Dore War Shows Toxic Pathologies in Liberal Discourse - System Update with Glenn Greenwald:


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golly gee look, primo nutmeg just did the entire interview kyle kulinski is being too much of an abject coward to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtrXv_ws7dY

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I will never understand how someone could see the clip of Jimmy talking about Ana's ass/thong and feel like it's unfair to criticize him nothing to do with this video but the comments are obnoxious

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Gadfly is a compliment! It's a badge of honor. It's a reference to Socrates. Read Euthyphro and the Judgment.

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Assange was locked up under Obama after watching this once you made the impression that Trump locked him up, someone tell me I miss something otherwise your bias is still unconscious

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don't forget that wiki exposed how the dems cheated Bernie out the nomination,.

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I subscribed today and I don't see the video?

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Jury nullification examples where the jury gives someone a new right is not the same as taking away a right that someone has guaranteed to them by the constitution.

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