Listen now | Krystal Kyle & Friends gets psychological this week — with a little help from our friends Charlie and Ben of Charisma on Command. In this episode, we dig into the famous personalities of the 2016 election (and how Hillary’s false. poorly-acted “outsider” role may have cost her public support), Democrats’ poor campaigning tactics for the California gubernatorial recall election, and much more.
I couldn't fathom how all the political commentators gave Hillary an overwhelming win in the debates with Trump and failed to see how he landed blow after blow after blow.
When they build colonies on the moon or on Mars, I think we should make billionaires the pioneers over there. They breathe and eat for one person, but they work like millions of us, so it would be the most efficient use of resources.
I couldn't fathom how all the political commentators gave Hillary an overwhelming win in the debates with Trump and failed to see how he landed blow after blow after blow.
When they build colonies on the moon or on Mars, I think we should make billionaires the pioneers over there. They breathe and eat for one person, but they work like millions of us, so it would be the most efficient use of resources.