People digging this need to grow up and accept right now today this is the s--- we have. Kyle and Faiz are trying to do something within that structure FOR NOW! We have nothing else to work with in the moment. BTW I made a big error when subscribing hut 50.00 instead of 5.00 monthly. Tried to reverse/fix it but it looked like I'd have to eat it- not so. Someone on their end reversed the charge. Saved my day thank you.

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Done that ?!? Just shows you how ethics work.

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Yup at first I thought it was the bank but it was 11 pm banks aren't doing that when asked much less on their own. It had to be from their end which yes shows they are ethical. Faid is needed give credit where due we need more like him. There is no instant gratification Kyle knows that. We need to.learn it

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This guy's is a corporate cuk....how is this even a real interview?????

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Kyle knows young Biden rank-and-filers who watched his YouTube show. Him being in the media and a cringe narcissist leads to all sorts of boundary crossings that viewers can tell from his coverage.

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It takes steel journalistic principles which Kyle does not have to resist people telling you they like your show and watch it all the time (Brie talks to Nina regularly but you'd never know that from her reporting)

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Hi all,

The link to More Perfect Union above doesn't take you directly to where you can subscribe, but you can do that here:


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Please make these downloadable.

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What we may find is, the more people listen and watch balanced alternative deeper news and happenings coverage, the less they will be able to stomach the major network dog and pony ‘shows’…at least that’s my fondest wish-upon-a-star.

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This guy's is a corporate cuk....how is this even a real interview?????

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Why do you say that? And how is a purple cat even real?

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His answer to everything of substance was " well we don't know what is going on behind closed doors"....okay TRUE however we know what happens when they come out ...NOTHING...

Second his answer to getting Joe Manchin to do the right and moral thing was to BRIBE HIM BETTER THAN THE CORPORATE TOOL BAGS THAT OWN HIM....sounds like a guy on the take and someone who wants to see the status quo continue and not a real person...so how is it I can see this and Kyle and Krystal don't? They are way smarter then me...my answer is this isn't a real interview but an attempt

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