There was no 'before the fact.' - As Kyle points out, Dore put ZERO planning into executing 'force the vote.' - It would have taken months of ground work and consensus building to even have a chance at success. -- But Dizzy Dore wasn't interested in winning. He just wanted to use FTV to bash true Progressives over the head with.
There was no 'before the fact.' - As Kyle points out, Dore put ZERO planning into executing 'force the vote.' - It would have taken months of ground work and consensus building to even have a chance at success. -- But Dizzy Dore wasn't interested in winning. He just wanted to use FTV to bash true Progressives over the head with.
There was no 'before the fact.' - As Kyle points out, Dore put ZERO planning into executing 'force the vote.' - It would have taken months of ground work and consensus building to even have a chance at success. -- But Dizzy Dore wasn't interested in winning. He just wanted to use FTV to bash true Progressives over the head with.