Listen now | This week’s guest, Katie Halper, takes us through the country’s strike wave and other current events with her trademark humor and sharp political insight. Katie speaks openly about the frustration and despair she’s felt with electoral politics since the defeat of Bernie 2020, but she also points out the political developments that are giving her hope, and can give you hope, too.
That was an absolutely excellent episode guys. Perfect example of why mainstream media is dead. Thoughtful discussion bringing information to each other that they may not have had and just drilling down on the actual details. Bravo!
I Love Katie Halper, her innate honesty stimulates my thoughts about current politics more than a straight news segment. I like the questions she asks herself and how she touches on many issues providing context which add to my understanding. I work as a volunteer on and keep up with the current news cycle to check for mainstream media bias and propaganda targeting progressive policies. Depressing subjects and unending corporate influence can depress my natural optimism. Shows like this one help me to press onward in an effort to make some kind of positive shift in social media. I am glad to be a member supporting your efforts, they align with mine. Thank you.
What makes you folks think people have 1 hour and 49 minutes to listen to you? Can't you make a 15 min summary? Pick out the good parts and spare the constant f words and rants? You hav3e great insights and people want to have access but you spoil it with your hogging time. Sorry to say it.
Essays can be long too, just as long as a dialogue-conversation. I Agree superficiality should be avoided. I read, quite often gripping essays about all kinds of things. In those cases I can pause and think. I can even write comments. Details are very important, I fully agree. For me it would be fine if I could read the dialogue-conversation and not have to just sit and listen, especially when so much time is wasted waiting for the good points to be made. Less dialogue more writing is good for me. For example I read absolutely everything produced by matt Taibbi. He also has a show with Katie Halper, which I rarely tune in on. I guess I do not like being "talked to" without the ability to respond.
The sad truth is people just dont have the attention span anymore. So they want a summary, or 2 minutes or 15 minutes. Details matter. That is why the long format works. Short summaries of soundb bites are for the mainstream media. They love that, so they dont have to go deep on anything. And btw this is not a personal attack, I am glad you are here - it's just my humble oppinion, and I might be wrong. Have a nice day Daniel and greetings from Denmark.
That was an absolutely excellent episode guys. Perfect example of why mainstream media is dead. Thoughtful discussion bringing information to each other that they may not have had and just drilling down on the actual details. Bravo!
seems like Krystal is enabling this dude to me.
I Love Katie Halper, her innate honesty stimulates my thoughts about current politics more than a straight news segment. I like the questions she asks herself and how she touches on many issues providing context which add to my understanding. I work as a volunteer on and keep up with the current news cycle to check for mainstream media bias and propaganda targeting progressive policies. Depressing subjects and unending corporate influence can depress my natural optimism. Shows like this one help me to press onward in an effort to make some kind of positive shift in social media. I am glad to be a member supporting your efforts, they align with mine. Thank you.
Great episode.
Why have you not sent the video out to me in an Email when the audio is up?
What makes you folks think people have 1 hour and 49 minutes to listen to you? Can't you make a 15 min summary? Pick out the good parts and spare the constant f words and rants? You hav3e great insights and people want to have access but you spoil it with your hogging time. Sorry to say it.
ok. I see a little bit what you mean in this episode. I'll give you that.
Essays can be long too, just as long as a dialogue-conversation. I Agree superficiality should be avoided. I read, quite often gripping essays about all kinds of things. In those cases I can pause and think. I can even write comments. Details are very important, I fully agree. For me it would be fine if I could read the dialogue-conversation and not have to just sit and listen, especially when so much time is wasted waiting for the good points to be made. Less dialogue more writing is good for me. For example I read absolutely everything produced by matt Taibbi. He also has a show with Katie Halper, which I rarely tune in on. I guess I do not like being "talked to" without the ability to respond.
The sad truth is people just dont have the attention span anymore. So they want a summary, or 2 minutes or 15 minutes. Details matter. That is why the long format works. Short summaries of soundb bites are for the mainstream media. They love that, so they dont have to go deep on anything. And btw this is not a personal attack, I am glad you are here - it's just my humble oppinion, and I might be wrong. Have a nice day Daniel and greetings from Denmark.
Thank you for Katie !!!
And for all new lovers of our "beloved" CIA here is a bit of perspective:
Mass Murder, Regicide, Fratricide, Torture, Lying, Cheating, Stealing racing toward Armageddon
CIA ‘Reminds You of the Glory of the American Experiment’
CIA 'Reminds You of the Glory of the American Experiment' - This Can't Be Happening! (