Wasn't there actual PROOF that the 2016 primary was rigged against Bernie?

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What does Krystal say in the muted portion? The F-bomb stays in but this doesn't? JUICY

"of the fact that you are THE person most directly responsible for us having 4 f#$%ing years of Donald Trump and possibly 8 years of Donald Trump, the way (things are)_____ (right now)?" [trying to lipread from YouTube vid]

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I would love for you guys to have on Kevin Paffrath on the stock market. He is an investing YouTuber known as 'Meet Kevin' and he ran as a Democrat to replace Gavin Newsom in CA for governor. I hope both of you would be interested in having an interview together. I'm a long time fan of both Krystal and Kyle and newly came across his channel and his financial lens insights on current events and would be absolutely enthralled by what could come of all of you having a talk. Should leftists get into investing? Bit of a divergence in views I believe but a lot of his insights seem to coincide with a lot of your conclusions and he seems to come from a sincere place. Love the show as always!!!

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Hey guys, could you please have Pavlina Tcherneva on to talk about a federal jobs guarantee? She's an MMT economist who challenges the way we think about unemployment.


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Freddie's jumping contest conceit is Kurt Vonnegut's short story Harrison Bergeron. You should read it.

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