Krystal Kyle & Friends
Krystal Kyle & Friends
Episode 92 Audio: RM Brown

Episode 92 Audio: RM Brown


Comedian RM Brown joins us this week for a conversation about bringing comedy to left politics, right-wing attacks on basic freedoms — from trying to shut down gay marriage to book-banning frenzies — and where our movement’s priorities should be right now. As you’ll see in this exclusive interview, he views our current moment as an opportunity for a “collective project” for public well-being (think housing, healthcare, student debt) that will help us build power and deliver on everything Republicans are trying to take away from us right now (with all but outright consent from the Democrats).

We at KK&F believe that, given leftists’ serious and dedicated focus on the truly tough straits working people find themselves in today, it’s essential to have a good laugh — and to appreciate the potential of comedy to carry across a powerful political message at the same time that it provides entertainment. So, on to our interview with one of our favorite comedians, RM Brown. RM’s got a channel full of hilarious commentary on our political moment and its most notable figures, and his work provokes us to think about how important it is to turn to comedy for memorable, sharp political commentary with the power to draw people in.

Thanks for tuning in — and thanks to our paying subscribers, whose support helps keep us ad-free. You can listen to this conversation right now as a podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, and more.

Krystal Kyle & Friends
Krystal Kyle & Friends
Krystal Ball and Kyle Kulinski dive into politics, philosophy and random BS with people they like.