I'm really happy you both decided to engage on this subject and Krystal has done an excellent job engaging on the issue on BP, but I'm sorry Alexandra (and Kyle) show such a lack of core understanding around the subject, talking in buzz words and worthless pop-psychology theory likely rooted in a decision to avoid contending at all with the consistently shown biological traits of male and females dating strategies and partner selection. Kyle's discussion of people opting out of sex for pornography as a choice, and not because they are unable to find a partner, is a bad joke and again shows why "manosphere" content has resonated so strongly with men. Alexandra says the core issue is 'toxic masculinity’ and the patriarchy is again, a failure to understand or deal with actual reality and not the way the left has said it is. Gen-Z has grown up their whole life being told about toxic masculinity, and have now found in young adulthood that the traits associated with 'toxic masculinity’ DO attract women. And no matter how much anyone (which unfortunately is many on the left) pretends thats not true, men see consistently that it does work. Hence the Andrew Tate and Fresh and Fit phenomenon. Finally, respectfully, when Alexandra says that decriminilisation of sex is what will help with the issue she exposes that she is not in any way speaking about the issues of young men but rather her issues / those of sex workers, which are not the same. Young men do not want to pay for sex because they cannot find a partner. Whilst she hates the stigma associated with sex work, this stigma is separate to the issue facing young men and related to how society sees what sex is, not how they get sex / a partner.

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nâlenipse, silatoluse najortigisigik, arnallo sangênersaungmatta opigisigik, tâpkoatauᴋ saimanermut kingormgujeᴋattauniarmatta inôtsemik; tuksiarnise agviartauᴋonagit. ilûnase issumaᴋaᴋatigêngniaritse, naiperᴋotigosukluse ᴋatangutitut naglikluse, nâpkigosukluse inôtsiarluse. ajortomut akkiniartaililugo suagosungnerillônêt suangnermut; ajungitulititsele, ᴋaujimagapse, ᴋairᴋojaumagapse saimanartolingmik kingormgutijaksaᴋarᴋovluse tussujoᴋ, uvluniglo ajungitunik akojomajoᴋ, oᴋaminik nippangertitsile oᴋauseᴋartaililune ajortomik ᴋangasinângminullo uivêriklertaililune tunuliuk ajungitulivlune; ullapirsautisiorle, katsungaitomiglo pinasuarutigilugo ijîkita idluartut takonârmagit, siutîkitalo tuksiarningit ksarnagmago, nâlekaminiglo taivlugo; tâpsoma panigiliusimavâse ajungituligupse, sivôranaselo kirtomik. nulialit

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