You are way out of your depth on this topic. Essentially shilling for Fauci, Gates, and Big Pharma. PLEASE study RFK Jr's book on Fauci and address him point by point on the COVID chapter.

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that’s literally why they are having this guy on to refute RFKs case on vaccines point by point. Krystal and Saagar discussed this they want to here this guy out to see if they can set up a debate segment between RFK and pro vaccine guy.

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Corporate shills that amplify corporate science are a dime a dozen. Bring on the nobel peace winning scientist that isolated the AIDS virus and worked for RFK. Or, the pro-vaxx British cardiologist who has stopped vaxx mandates in the UK because his dad died of a heart attack-- most likely vaxx induced -- and RFK like most people that have done the research know that you can't say "caused" by the vaccine, the human body and immune system is far more complex than the junk science the public allows these corporate criminals to dispense. Literally... Krystal and Kyle are teaming up people in support of criminals.... I think Pfizer has paid almost a billion in 'fines' for misleading the public about vaccines.

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They aren’t being on corporate shills. They are bringing on a doctor who to talk about his stance on RFKs nonsense and his junk science. You know how you never met anyone with polio in this country that thanks to vaccines

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Yes, the polio vaccine is a good one. Just like RFK is vaccinated and his children are vaccinated, you don't have to be polarized-- for or against all vaccines-- to want to make them safe and protect children. The Polio vaccine It was created back when humanitarians and not corpporate profiteers without liability made them. Get nuanced people.... please!

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You are the reason this topic is here. Learn from it. RFK is a male MTG. I'm not voting for anybody that doesn't have their ideology or their policies rooted in evidence and facts. He's a looney tune just like all of the magats. I'm not saying that there isn't corruption in science, of course there can be. There's corruption in medicine, there's corruption in politics, there's corruption everywhere. Science isn't immune from that but science holds itself up better because we have the scientific method and peer review. You know where the majority of pseudoscientists exist? That would be Answers in Genesis, Creation Ministries, The Institute for Creation Research. Christian creationists. Yeah fauci lied to us, but that doesn't automatically mean that the CDC and the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health are all lying on every single thing. That's a global conspiracy that's just untenable. All the corporations are out to make money at the expense of their consumer. It's on you to educate yourself on evidence and facts so you know when somebody's lying to you and it's on the government to also protect us from predators. We need regulation and education. Funny how those are the two main things that Republicans and religious pseudoscientists want to get rid of. RFK is a member of that camp. No thank you I'll pass.

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This program is aligning itself with DNC/CIA talking points. Slander aimed at RFK Jr. Is their substitute for real analysis and debate. Have you read RFK Jr's book on Fauci, Gates, and Big Pharma? You should.

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The programming is so thick. I think Kyle calls it "adorable" when he is on top of an issue and someone else is caught in the "paid by corporate experts think" using all of their talking points.

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No it's not. It's not slander when you're pointing out the things that RFK has said. I don't know why you guys are so taken with RFK. I'm worried progressives are starting to branch out into some conspiracy wings, just like the democrats and republicans. There's a difference between being critical and suspicious of a corporation who's trying to keep us sick for profits and claiming that they're slipping microchips in to track us, that's where I draw the line. RFK is a pseudo science con. He doesn't have anything of substance and he's only running on is his name and his putin-esque style workout videos. He's gross. He's not a Democrat, he's a Kirsten Cinema, he's a Marjorie Taylor Green; he's going to flip, I'll put money on it. I never thought I'd see ignorant unsubstantiated conspiracy theories touted by fans of Kyle and Krystal. Progressives seem fucked at this point if this is where we're at. Corporate Democrats are going to win again. And nothing will change.

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There is zero point arguing with someone who accuses Krystal or Kyle with aligning with the CIA or DNC. Accuses Krystal of Kyle of being aligned with the CIA is like saying Kyle is entangled with the Catholic Church it’s flat earth we level of dumb

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I can agree with you on how fucked the progressives are. Can't say I am very inspired by your unwillingness to get down in the weeds about how corporate criminals like big pharma who pay billions of dollars for lying about their products shouldn't be held accountable.

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Of course corporate corruption that affects consumers should be held accountable for their malpractice. I'm still waiting on the Democrats to do something about it.

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And, vaccines is one of those products. You can amplify their 'experts' all you want; doesn't make it compelling in any way.

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If you read anything that RFK Jr wrote or listened to what he actually says instead of the constant smears and outright lies about him, you would know that he is NOT an anti-vaxxer. He has been vaccinated, all of his children have been vaccinated but, with vaccines that he knows for sure are safe, effective and tested by time.

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RFK is maga in a donkey suit. He's already been shown to be a liar and misrepresent scientific facts.

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Fn smear merchants

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RFK Jr. is an idiot on the topic of vaccines and AIDS. They don't teach virology in law school. Who knew?

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You could have ended your comment after the word idiot. Anyone who blames video games for school shootings is a moron

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And, here Rolling Stone has him blaming big phama for mass shootings. Phew they are working soooooooo hard to shut this guy down. Sad to see Krystal and Kyle partnering with corporate media on this one: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/robert-f-kennedy-jr-conspiracy-theory-twitter-elon-musk-1234747479/

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He literally blamed video games for school shootings on Bill Maher shitty podcast two weeks ago. So I’m not shocked he has two terrible takes on school shootings

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Studies done on twins show ASD is far more linked to genetics than vaccines or any other environmental correlations. Identical twins in which one has ASD its a very high probability of them both having ASD. Fraternal twins in which one has ASD its much less probable that the other has ASD. I don't know how you could dispute or improve upon these twin research studies for finding what actually causes ASD. Vaccines are continually and extensively studied for both safety and effectiveness. How then are people are convinced other wise? I get it reading that medical research is boring and full of statistics math not many are capable of understanding. First, nanolipid particles are the new vaccine technology being used in Pfizer and Modernas COVID vaccines, not the spike protein antigen mRNA. Most of these COVID vaccine skeptics don't even get that fact right. Second, they also gloss over the fact that a multitude of old and new vaccine technologies were used all over the USA and worldwide yet they speak in generality like it's all the same vaccine. Third, the USA vaccine safety surveillance was robust enough to halt giving out J&Js vaccine (it used older vaccine technology) for something that would have been greater than a one in a million chance and was later determined as unrelated. That system did not halt either of the other two newer technologies. Fourth, with these new nanolipid vaccines our bodies immune system doesn't reduce the vaccines effectiveness at delivering the mRNA antigen. Allowing them to change the mRNA to the new mutations of the viruses spike protein. All of the safety data collected on the vaccine is cumulative as its makeup has not changed, it just becomes does a person's immune response to the new mRNA provide a significant amount more protection for the new variants. A healthy human immune system gains a lot from just the first introduction, as that's how most older vaccines worked. The fact we have vaccines that are so effective and can be just a few months behind emerging viral variants is incredible. If after living through this pandemic you are less confident in vaccine safety and effectiveness, our protection from future pandemics, and modern medical science, you should really question your information sources and ability to understand what is happening in the world around you.

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Can you show me the different health outcomes of the pandemic based on vaccination rates wordwide? Were the countries with highest rates of vaccination experiencing the lowest death rates? Can you show me a vaccine safety study that compares health outcomes between a conrol group of unvaccinated people and those that received an MMR, Gardisil or COVID vaccine one year after receiving it? Genetics are a part of this conversation! That's why we need more specific research based on the combo of vaccination with different genetics, too. For exmaple, when one sibling ends up with autism after a vaccine -- the US GOVT pays out millions of dollars a year for kids that end up with autism immediately after vaccination when no other cause can be found- the other sibling can often still not qualify for a medical exemption from being vaccinated. WHY? Couldn't science help explain why some people are morely likey to get injured? We don't seem to be able to addresss the complexity of the human immune system and the differences in genetic composition which is why one person may be hugely impacted and another person not at all.

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John Hopkins web site has data from individual contries that shows vaccination rates and death rates up til march 2023. RFJ put some of it in his book, but completely misrepresented it so that he could lie about all COVID vaccines causing a spike in death rates. Comparing vaccination rates to death rates directly is not how you would setup a study to see if a vaccine did this or not, nor how effective they are. There is a ton of medical reasearch with published studies that are peer reviewed on all of the vaccines you mentioned. You can have your bar for saftey set higher than all of the medical experts behind this research, and pretend like you are smart enough to know something they don't. Just hope you realize they are actually making a real life tough decision of saving lives vs risking lives and you are just keyboard warrioring saying vaccines are not safe enough. How much more specific into genetics do you think you can get than identical twins? You think RFK is an expert, a pioneer, someone that actually cares, but you just seem to be easily dupped by his and his associates lies.

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Krystal, your shilling for Maryann is getting embarrassing. He is by far a better candidate for president than she is. You trying to undermine him by going on and on about vaccine conspiracies just makes you look bad and doesn’t help her at all.

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Well it is what RFK is most known for. He is a terrible candidate he has awful takes on mass shootings, economics, and AIDS.

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Actually, he's most known as the "Hero of the Hudson" cleaning up the river and restoring the Hudson while taking corporate criminals to court, making sure they are better regulated and protecting the people and the environment. https://westviewnews.org/2023/05/13/robert-f-kennedy-jr-hero-of-the-hudson-announces-run-for-the-presidency/westview-news/ Corporate media run by big pharma wants this guy dead just like his ancestors.

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God forbid someone wants to ensure vaccines aren’t causing more harm than good ! Meanwhile, Krystal supporters Biden for being mildly good for labor .. wow

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Trans, Ukraine, vaccines (esp covid vax), you name it— if it’s a big, hot button issue, Krystal and Kyle are flunking imo

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This makes me very sad, K & K. I know it’s no skin off your back. You guys are great. We even went to a live show. I thought there was so much wonderful and refreshing independent thinking. And there is but..

I can’t ... this just the same thing as the Mommy wars years ago. My kiddos received a few vaccines once they were in high school. They were fine ...no measles, rotavirus...LOL chicken pox etc. We have doctors, healthy food, strong immune systems. If we were to get sick, we could get medical care. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I never judge people that choose to vaccinate, so why do folks have to judge others.

It seems that Mom’s have to vehemently defend their choice to vaccinate their children because; if they didn’t, then they’d have to second guess themselves about possibly hurting their children. That would be awful feeling.

✌🏼 peace

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This topic is timely for me. I thought my sister had given up on the COVID vaccine making you sick conspiracies but she said something last week that had me rolling my eyes. But I didn't have current info to counter with. Thanks guys. 💜

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I need to unsubscribe. Y our opinion is very deceiving.

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Jul 5, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023

Honestly, you two, RFK is eons ahead of you on this topic. Perhaps this is interesting to people that have no previous knowledge of RFK, his organization or the way he has WON in the courts, calling corporate criminals to task. All it took was Wakefield saying: There's a correlation (that needs more research) between someone receiving a vaccines and coming down with autism for the industry to de-licence him. Check out the whistle blower that shared that the CDC twisted the science to avoid showing that Black Boys are more susceptible to coming down with autism after vaccination than white kids. https://rollingout.com/2014/08/28/whistleblower-says-cdc-omited-link-vaccine-young-black-boys-autism/ Yes, just a correlation that needs more research and who will fund that research if people like you continue to empower the unregulated corporations instead of standing with the people fighting like hell to make vaccines safer. That whistle blower was bullied and discredited, too. Just like Wakefield. Just like RFK. If you really care about 'science' and 'control groups' why don't you do your research and look into how control groups worked for COVID vaccines. Did they keep their control groups for longer than a month? Please do a show on that. Explain to the people why countries with some of the highest vaccine rates had some of the poorest health outcomes during COVID? Can you find even one COVID vaccine safety study that kept it's control group long enough to see what happens 3 months, 6 months a year after vaccination? Young kids dying of heart conditions, strokes and developing chronic immune problems don't typically do that within a month. Why don't you bring on the nobel price winning scientist that workd for RFK and isolated the AIDS virus? Or, the immunologist that created the mRNA technology and quested WTF they were doing pushing this out so quickly with such little safety data? You don't have to be anti-vaxx to know the difference between corporate driven science and people fighting for safety and regulations that serve the people, not the industry. And, confusing Gain of Function Research -- for making BIO WEAPONS-- with the research and development of vaccines, you can be against GOF research like RFK and so many immunologists are, and FOR vaccine development and Safety. That Rolling Stones article is ridiculously ignorant. For anyone who has even done more than 15 hours of pubmed https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25719185/ research, it's clear that article is not intellectual, it's politically driven crap. C'mon... we love you guys, and this undermines your credibility. So many people love RFK and his courageous fight. It is far more respectable than you are trying to create it to be. And, sad to see you mimicking the main stream media. He makes Marianne look like such a political light weight. He has so much more integrity and depth. Don't let the corporate media fool you....

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You actually quoted Wakefield huh lol. You mean the dude who’s paper has been thoroughly discredited. Hell you talk all the crap you want about Marianne but if RFK wasn’t a stupid Kennedy he would be relegated to Alex Jones territory where he belongs. Squeaky voice Kennedy who thinks AIDS was caused by poppers and gay sex and still blames video games for masa shooting ain’t gonna win neither is Marianne but I can’t wait to see the amount of cope people like you are going to snort when that happens

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I'm just pointing out how the corporate 'war game science' propogated by the TOBACCO INDUSTRY and copied by the Cell phone industry. Vaccine industry works. Remember all the doctors that said: "Smoking is good for your health-- we prefer Camels"? That was after the Tobacco Industry buried the science they didn't like, got Drs to endorse their deadly products and got people hooked on cigarettes so by the time the truth came out they'd already prioritized their profits while literally killing people, deep pockets to pay their 'fines'. Only with vaccines it's deplorable because they used their power to get the government to protect them from any consequences and have a revolving door into the CDC -- their supposed regulators-- with VP's of vaccine manufacturers running the CDC, in between running their big pharma profit machines. Just because the media takes RFK's statements out of context so they can discredit him like they do any whistle blower or person that stands up to them and their junk science, doesn't mean yer doing any good amplifying the ignorance. There are many reasons you might like Marianne... she's never been my cup of tea... but to tow the party line on an issue where we need real leadership and real debate isn't something I can be quiet about.

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Ok now I have to hear what the cell phone industry has done this has to be good

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And, here's an abstract that exemplifies what safety studies would like if the CDC weren't run by profiteers. This one is comparing different makers of the MMR vaccine. Should I remind you Japan has far better health outcomes than the US? Not all vaccines are created equal. We can have intelligent conversations about these issues, even in the the US where money tries to shut down any attempt 'to question' and billions of dollars are spent to make sure you feel dependent on big pharma for your lives: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8741307/

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Catch up. I think this came out in 2015 and was updated in 2018. Tobacco Industry has paved the way for corporate science and experts to bury research and slander other 'experts' so we can sprint toward a 1984 syle science as religion instead of science as a way to deepen our understanding. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/14/mobile-phones-cancer-inconvenient-truths

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C'mon, you don't think all those FDA regulators that quit when COVID vaccines were approved for children that didn't need them quite by chance.... they quit because the process is rigged and they didn't want to be connected to what's happened over the last year with people dropping dead of cardiovascular issues and strokes, especially young people that had .003% chance of dying from COVID. All of that went down six months before the CDC had to say "well, oh.... uhh.... I guess we were wrong, the vaccine doesn't stop transmission...." Even a lay person like me that understands how flu shot work knew that from the get go. Its because the big pharma media literally WANTS people to be so damn ignorant they can manipulate them while a few of us are watching. You can choose to get the vaccines you benefit from without choosing the stupid ones that you don't need.

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You're ridiculous. I think you're on the wrong website.

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Probably a lot like your sister just agree with Krystal and Kyle on most other issues.

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Jul 5, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023

This is what RFK is talking about in that Rolling Stone article about gain of function research https://youtu.be/-KLixJLtCds

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This is a boring conversation where no one comes away learning anything. Instead of inviting RFK on to debate and provide counterpoints with a Dr. Wilson, they straw-man RFK's arguments while throwing Dr. Wilson softballs so they can just sit around and agree with each other. This is perfectly reflective of why I stopped listening to Kyle's podcast and BreakingPoints - and I really was such a big fan of both at one time.

RFK Jr is an environmental lawyer who spent many years fighting for consumer safety and sued Trump, Monsanto, CDC, and FDA just to name a few. Do you guys really think you're taking an intelligent position by hosting one-sided conversations filled with pejoratives and dismissive labels? You know why you had to do this on KK&F instead of BreakingPoints? It's because when you tried this garbage on BP, your audience saw right through you and then you lost a bunch of subs. So you quickly had to bring him back on to say sorry - not to RFK but to your audience. This garbage interview went straight to substack, as if it was a crap movie that went straight to a walmart dvd bin.

These are the same people who were hyping up Biden after he got elected. These are the same people who cucked to Bernie when he said he wouldn't do an interview if Kyle was there. These are the same people who are going to push Marianne Williamson, while having a super cozy relationship with her. I could go on with these examples... but the real point I'm trying to make is this - These days, I only tune in to see what a joke Kyle and Krystal are, because you guys are the new TYT.

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