Kyle! I see you need some studio design. Let me design it for you at no cost. I'm an architect and will give you top notch results! Let the people do it for you!

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Yes! Your graphics, lighting, logo are all perfect. Studio just needs some help

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Kyle! Email me. David.mendyk@gmail.com. I already have some designs in mind

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What is it with Kyle and green sets? Blech.

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Terrible take green the best scheme

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It very much isn't. Green is far too dark, and he has a neon light that produces way to much bright light. This causes the contrast on his camera to freak out and not know what do to, either making the scene way too bright or way too dark. You can notice it especially when he first got the neon light, and when he got TVs for his background.

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Thats a reach, if anything add more black to balance it out. Or commit to a brighter shade.

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Yeah, so here’s the thing... to say that I’m simply a fan of these two would be a lie, the truth is I have a huge leftist crush on both Kyle and Krystal. In my opinion they are two of the most insightful progressive political commentators we have today and they both seem to be genuinely good hearted caring individuals. Having the two of them come together to create this new show has definitely made my day and may end up as the best thing to happen in 2021. Looking forward to deepening the parasocial relationship I have with both of them.

In all seriousness, really great discussion, I always enjoy Marianne's perspective, she’s definitely one of the good ones and I’m sure you have some other great guests lined up as well. Overall I really like the premise of the show, definitely looking forward to what you have in store for us!

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P.S. Kyle you were being a real dick for all the teasing you were doing leading up to this, but ultimately you came through and I feel satisfied. Thanks bro!

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Please have Richard Wolff on here he would be perfect for it🙏🙏🙏 He’s the guy who got me into leftism

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I am from Iran. I love your separate shows and I am with love already with this new one together. Don't know how I can pay 5 dollars for the video as Iran is sanctioned and we don't have connection to international banks. For now I will listen until the sanctions are lifted so I can pay!

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Salaam! I paid extra for ya ;)

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We need a coalition between Iranians and Americans to sidestep our governments and avoid war. We would be very good friends if it weren't for dishonest politics and subversive tactics on both sides.

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Sorry, on behalf of the US. :/

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Kyle and Krystal : you can get every episode completely free. Idiot shitlibs: these grifters gonna grift.

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If anyone is unclear on this : I do not think Krystal and Kyle are grifters. I think they are amazing left commentators and immediately subscribed for a year. I'm just making fun of how anyone that makes a living in leftist media is invariably accused of grifting even when most or all their content is available for free.

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I definitely first read it as genuine troll & not sarcasm.

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Use /s after your comment to indicate sarcasm. As you said, people actually do make those types of comments, so it's impossible to know whether you're being sarcastic.


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Given that's what you doing apparently. But real coherent comments there sport

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Wow, reading is that hard?

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For Jimmy Dore's base it is

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Trolls suck... that means you Estonia (or is it Florida?)

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Explain why.

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Asking Cjw to explain? Maybe re-read? Should be clear upon a second look if you read comments above?

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Thank you! That comment is now very funny.

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I'm freaking out, this is too much.

I love to begin 2021 like this 🥰🥰💕💕

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It's the present we didn't know we needed. 😊

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I hope you have Dr. Cornel West as a guess!

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I'm so glad I read Marianne Williamson's book, "A Politics of Love." I went into the primaries heavily supporting Andrew Yang, thinking his policies were essentially similar enough to Sanders' with a more current language. And when Yang ended his campaign, he said he would support the candidate that supported some sort of UBI. Which he didn't. But Williamson did. And what she details in the clip above is why I'm appalled by Centrists Dems, who feel entitled to the pulpit they think they stand behind. Williamson was on Yang Speaks and said something to the effect of: "You (Yang) were invited in. You get to sit with the cool kids now. Now, I'm happy for you that you get to sit with the cool kids. But I don't think there should be a cool kids table in America." And she's absolutely right. Kyle above talks about performative votes of senators for $2k checks when we saw a candidate for president (Warren) basically orchestrate a sexism hit piece against Sanders before a debate, with strategically published post-debate audio of her confronting Sanders. The Democratic Party is filled with filth, and Williamson is right when she says it's sad to see somewhat admirable people sink so low.

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I hope this becomes a great show, complimentary to Secular Talk and Rising, part of the routine content of fans of both shows.

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This is exciting! I'm looking forward to when you have Briahna Joy Gray, Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang on.

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THIS IS SUCH A GOOD THING KYLE!!! I'm so glad you're expanding your style!! Halfway through the interview, loving it. Krystal & you have a vibe like Jordan Chariton and Jenn at status coup. But yes. Just wanted to say... Kyle could have just sat back, done nothing different and lived off of the almost 1 million subscribers, like some do, but Kyle has that spark. I'm so glad he is growing his success into hopefully more successful endeavors. And of course Krystal is fabulous. That is why I signed up. Wishing the show much success Kyle, Krystal & friends!!

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History in the making !!!!

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It's always great seeing the birth of something big!

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I've never paid for a podcast but the pair of youze are single handily the only progressives I've found that I can use to explain to both my Obama boomer father and some of my deeply Trump faithful friends what minimal arrogance, maximum pragmatism looks like. Simply put, most other progressive media ( fake ass MSNBC, hyper boi TYT, Jimmy Dore etc) are just to offputting to sneak into the TV of a Sports bar or get a real conversation out of anyone who doesn't already ideologically agree with.... well everybody on this page or those who supported Bernie, or Yang. Normally I would say, be worth the money but you guys have consistently not sucked individually and I don't think there is a better combination of talking heads that represent my values. Occidere .

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Agreed. Secular Talk and are usually perfect for sharing as they give reasonable, level-headed commentary. I can't do that with most others.

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Best of luck, by the way. Looking forward to in-depth conversation. Bet you can get Bernie himself.

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I would love this if bernie could be vulnerable and open with them. Unfortunately he dodges all the questions people want answered the most.

If he came on and said what Marianne said which was in essence I regret not fighting back and should have listened to my gut more I think I could die happy.

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This is so amazing. I love Kyle and Krystal. I can't believe they are so damn good at interviewing!

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