This is something every outlet considering itself alternative media should talk about on a daily basis. This is the activity that has a real chance to constitute the most consequential political action at the end of the day. Regarding this specific strike there seem to be some "creative differences" between Shawn Fain and Workers Strike Back's approaches. Which is worth to be delved into. But who's going to discuss? Are you inviting Kshama Sawant? Are you inviting rank-and-file union members? Are you going to do on the ground reporting that you can totally afford in view of tons of money given to your show by its supporters? Or is it going to be another "kabuki theatre" performance where two well-off online clowns who never were near a picket line share their precious opinions?

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Love the show, but I do wish y'all would make the full video podcast available before the clips on YouTube.

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So is there no guest this week?

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