I have been listening to you both for a long time. And Kyle, frankly, you’re a lucky (and very deserving) guy! Thank you both for your intellect, scrutiny and devotion to a coherent post left populist framework that strives for intellectual honesty and consistency with passion! I love how Kyle insists on digging into where the disagreement lies between you and guests as well as celebrating the overlaps in the ven diagram. I feel like Krystal has taken some of that fire back to Breaking Points in recent months and made that show even stronger as a result. You’re a joy to listen to and I’m finally done free loading and becoming a subscriber. Thank you both so much!

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So I already watched the episode, and these were my thoughts BEFORE watching the episode:

I hope there is a time for the political optimism, but for the time being, I don't see any political optimism. Because, it seems as though everyone has gone back to brunch, as soon as Biden was sworn into office. Among them include, people stopped voting in primaries for anti-capitalist leftist candidates; the movement that was amassed throughout the Trump era has been dissipated; people stopped consuming news, because they feel they are going to lose their minds if they are overwhelmed with countless negativity the world; and it feels like people are just giving up and accepting that there is no hope for the future of this country, that it might as well as just enter the abyss and do noting about. Because they think, 'we thought it had a chance to put it towards a bright future', but they were wrong. So what's the point for being optimistic? The easy solution is to just check out of politics and just move on with your day.

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i wonder what they will say in this epeisode

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"Bernie’s defeat in the 2020 election"

Strong indications that Americans are loathe to change, preferring right wing and lesser rightwing governance over any system that would actually produce substantial and enduring change.....

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Christman has been a treasure since Bernie. Instead of building himself a safe cocoon, he publicly worked through the important issues of agency and solidarity that really needed to be prioritized post-Bernie. Many thanks to him for his Grill Stream. I think I have only missed one or two.

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Guys, I'm a hardcore fan of both of you, but I have to confess that the guests are starting to get really boring. I don't want to hear another online commentator give their predictable takes on the news of the week and then spend an hour listening to y'all agree with each other on why everything sucks.

What ever happened to you two discussing topics beyond strictly politics on this podcast? Why not invite guests who are experts on other subjects such as psychology, religion, philosophy, history, science, etc.? I'm particularly interested in learning more about how you two developed your own ethical framework, how you make sense of modern dilemmas such as having children despite knowing the world is doomed, or why you think New Age spirituality has become ascendant.

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Wise words. The problems this society is facing are fundamental. It’s not just about politics. We are talking human nature here. Or, at least, we should be. Until the right approach is figured out at a philosophical level no viable solutions can really be introduced in the domain of the social. Instead, Secular Talks is dangerously drifting towards tabloidism because Kyle seems to be hell-bent on breaking through this 1M subs threshold. And even this platform, where the format itself calls for more serious discussions, is hardly being used to its full potential…

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Sorry, but these two are definitely not worth my money ...

But I was not surprised at the skillful job Krystal did in her written summary here ...

Once again, she described the political landscape without mentioning:

1) The World Economic Forum

2) Klaus Schwab or Noah Harari

3) The threats posed to the working class by the mandates and passports

I could on ...

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