For those on Twitter — and for many others beyond it — this week’s guest needs no introduction. Here it is, for the record: Ken Klippenstein is an investigative reporter for the Intercept, FOIA-requester extraordinaire, and former correspondent for the Nation. Last week he wrote a great piece on the current sweetheart of corporate lobbyists, Kyrsten Sinema, and her latest gig — through an ASU course, she’s teaching students how to get bankrolled by rich people. You can read it here.

Following Ken’s reporting will offer you glimpses into the halls of power, where profit motives dictate shifts in policy that seem arbitrary or unexpected to those of us on the outside. Consider his recent piece (co-authored by Ryan Grim) on Nancy Pelosi’s sudden flip-flop against student debt cancellation. Of course, the deciding factor in her opposition to a massively popular policy — one that so many Democrats have campaigned on — was a memo pushed by San Francisco billionaires Steven and Mary Swig, with their own deep financial ties to Pelosi’s past campaigns.
It’s cases like these that show how an organized left is needed to take on the massive financial resources of conservatives on either side of the aisle. And we’re glad to have reporters like Ken to show us these cases. We hope you’ll join us for this week’s episode of KK&F, which drops Friday night on Substack for subscribers and through podcast platforms on Saturday.
What is the connection between corrupt Kyrsten Sinema and Nancy Pelosi -- and "heroic FOIA request on Tucker Carlson's fight against the all-encompassing surveillance ??
Remember, The Intercept and Ryan Grim have sold out to DNC-CIA and they support torture of the publisher of the century and leading free speech advocate - Julian Assange.
It is easy and "cheap" to criticize despicably corrupt Sinema now, when everybody is doing it. The Intercept is not lifting a finger against censorship and for Assange protection ever since Glenn Greenwald left because of protection of Biden-family corruption.
Intercept's Ken Klippenstein is a FRAUD -- bought by DNC-CIA overseers. Asked why is he silent and not covering Russia-gate hoax -- his response was - "Russia-gate is boring"
A FAKE and a FRAUD. Why interviewing him? His "success" is focusing on "approved" target - Tucker Carlson (but not on the security state spying on Tucker Carlson ?!?!).
Krystal - stay away from Kyle -- his siding with TYT against Dore should have repulsed you long ago.