What is the connection between corrupt Kyrsten Sinema and Nancy Pelosi -- and "heroic FOIA request on Tucker Carlson's fight against the all-encompassing surveillance ??
Remember, The Intercept and Ryan Grim have sold out to DNC-CIA and they support torture of the publisher of the century and leading free speech advocate - Julian Assange.
It is easy and "cheap" to criticize despicably corrupt Sinema now, when everybody is doing it. The Intercept is not lifting a finger against censorship and for Assange protection ever since Glenn Greenwald left because of protection of Biden-family corruption.
Krystal actually used a slim Wikipedia page yesterday to debunk alternatives to the vaccine. Ken also quickly jumped on the horse dewormer crap. I’m out. Politics a distraction.
Intercept's Ken Klippenstein is a FRAUD -- bought by DNC-CIA overseers. Asked why is he silent and not covering Russia-gate hoax -- his response was - "Russia-gate is boring"
A FAKE and a FRAUD. Why interviewing him? His "success" is focusing on "approved" target - Tucker Carlson (but not on the security state spying on Tucker Carlson ?!?!).
Krystal - stay away from Kyle -- his siding with TYT against Dore should have repulsed you long ago.
I like K&K, but Krystal comes from the establishment, and you see it in how she limits her subjects and questions. The more Kyle works in that arena, the less interesting he becomes.
Krystal is not perfect, nor are all of us, but your accusations are complete nonsense, I think she says what hell she wants and I don't think anyone pressures and threatens her to think and says how others want, if you don’t like how she approaches various topics and her conversation with other guests, that’s fair. but to say that Krystal is a cheerleader for current ruling elite is absurd, her work in the corporate media is another matter but I don't see why now that she has complete freedom she tries to give in to the pressure of various charlatans who do not wish her well
I think she says what she wants and no one pressures her either. But if she had not been of the "establishment bent" she would not have gotten so high at MSNBC. Noam Chomsky pointed this out to a BBC reporter years ago. The whole interview is interesting, but the part I'm specifically referring to starts about 4:37: https://youtu.be/9RPKH6BVcoM?t=277
I didn't say Krystal is a cheerleader. Don't put words in my mouth. I said she limits her subjects and questions in a way (for example) I wouldn't, being more of an outsider than she is.
I wouldn't go as far as you. I've followed Kyle for 7, maybe 8 years. Back when he just had a bookcase and a black piece of fabric as a backdrop. He is aware of his own ego, and I'm fine with that. Getting up in front of a group or a camera and expressing your opinion you've got to have a pretty healthy-sized ego.
How Krystal and Kyle handled the whole Aaron Mate, Jimmy Dore, Ana Kasparian, TYT smear and extortion hit job was VERY disappointing. There, for example, was a situation where Krystal didn't want to deal with a sensitive subject VERY close to K&K, as Kyle has been friends with Jimmy a long time, and Kyle was a part of the TYT network. Not speaking out about a clear smear on Mate, and a clear #MeToo extortion attempt by Kasparian tacitly approves of such tactics.
I find K&K have no good on-screen chemistry. I don't mean romantically. I mean like Krystal and Saagar have. Maybe that is just me and for other people they mesh well.
Lol at all the Dore fanatics going out of their way to try and cancel Ken. I'm a fan of Dore but Jesus y'all treat him like a celebrity or worse and idol.
What is the connection between corrupt Kyrsten Sinema and Nancy Pelosi -- and "heroic FOIA request on Tucker Carlson's fight against the all-encompassing surveillance ??
Remember, The Intercept and Ryan Grim have sold out to DNC-CIA and they support torture of the publisher of the century and leading free speech advocate - Julian Assange.
It is easy and "cheap" to criticize despicably corrupt Sinema now, when everybody is doing it. The Intercept is not lifting a finger against censorship and for Assange protection ever since Glenn Greenwald left because of protection of Biden-family corruption.
Krystal actually used a slim Wikipedia page yesterday to debunk alternatives to the vaccine. Ken also quickly jumped on the horse dewormer crap. I’m out. Politics a distraction.
Intercept's Ken Klippenstein is a FRAUD -- bought by DNC-CIA overseers. Asked why is he silent and not covering Russia-gate hoax -- his response was - "Russia-gate is boring"
A FAKE and a FRAUD. Why interviewing him? His "success" is focusing on "approved" target - Tucker Carlson (but not on the security state spying on Tucker Carlson ?!?!).
Krystal - stay away from Kyle -- his siding with TYT against Dore should have repulsed you long ago.
Ken Klippenstein does do some great reporting, as long as it is not "boring" like Russiagate.
Bravo - he indeed said exactly that per instructions and as the obedient servant of DNC-CIA now overlords of The Intercept.
Why would Kyle + Krystal interview him WITHOUT pointing this absolutely critical point out !?!?!?
I like K&K, but Krystal comes from the establishment, and you see it in how she limits her subjects and questions. The more Kyle works in that arena, the less interesting he becomes.
Krystal is not perfect, nor are all of us, but your accusations are complete nonsense, I think she says what hell she wants and I don't think anyone pressures and threatens her to think and says how others want, if you don’t like how she approaches various topics and her conversation with other guests, that’s fair. but to say that Krystal is a cheerleader for current ruling elite is absurd, her work in the corporate media is another matter but I don't see why now that she has complete freedom she tries to give in to the pressure of various charlatans who do not wish her well
I think she says what she wants and no one pressures her either. But if she had not been of the "establishment bent" she would not have gotten so high at MSNBC. Noam Chomsky pointed this out to a BBC reporter years ago. The whole interview is interesting, but the part I'm specifically referring to starts about 4:37: https://youtu.be/9RPKH6BVcoM?t=277
I didn't say Krystal is a cheerleader. Don't put words in my mouth. I said she limits her subjects and questions in a way (for example) I wouldn't, being more of an outsider than she is.
My impression is that Kyle is immature and self-centered -- his narcist attack on Dore when TYT falsely attacked Aaron Mate is unforgivable.
Krystal should disassociate herself from Kyle.
I wouldn't go as far as you. I've followed Kyle for 7, maybe 8 years. Back when he just had a bookcase and a black piece of fabric as a backdrop. He is aware of his own ego, and I'm fine with that. Getting up in front of a group or a camera and expressing your opinion you've got to have a pretty healthy-sized ego.
How Krystal and Kyle handled the whole Aaron Mate, Jimmy Dore, Ana Kasparian, TYT smear and extortion hit job was VERY disappointing. There, for example, was a situation where Krystal didn't want to deal with a sensitive subject VERY close to K&K, as Kyle has been friends with Jimmy a long time, and Kyle was a part of the TYT network. Not speaking out about a clear smear on Mate, and a clear #MeToo extortion attempt by Kasparian tacitly approves of such tactics.
I find K&K have no good on-screen chemistry. I don't mean romantically. I mean like Krystal and Saagar have. Maybe that is just me and for other people they mesh well.
Didnt Ken Doxx Fiorella? Why have this Scumbag on.... Kyle doesnt have principles.
Fiorella Isabel? Isn’t she literally just another Jimmy Dore aligned faux left grifter who’s anti vaxx and believed in Stop the Steal?
Ken shamelessly smears Jimmy Dore.
That person is just telling the facts about that deranged "comedian" and his manipulations
Jimmy Dore is a national asset and treasure.
I loved the interview! Opened my eyes to a lot!
Lol at all the Dore fanatics going out of their way to try and cancel Ken. I'm a fan of Dore but Jesus y'all treat him like a celebrity or worse and idol.