I wish I knew the whole discussion with Jeffries. I am still raging about how out of touch and spineless so many democrats (house & senate) continue to be.

Thank god for the handful that are standing up for us.

Many of them need to have some young energetic competition.

This is not your dad’s politics!

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The democrats are a disgrace beholden only to their billionaire donors They are not working for us We need to vote them out and get more leaders like AOC Crockett Raskin Murphy The rest have proven to be afraid of their own shadow

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Let’s not get more divided, democrats and some republicans want the same result. Do not give the far right any help!

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"How dare our constituents demand we do something!?! Don't they know we are master subservient lapdogs for the GOP and our lovely lobbyist friends!? We're not gonna lose that influence, um—money for democracy! Pfft..."

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Sadly, he's not a good speaker or conveyor of new ideas. He is perceived as the guy slated to don the mantle of Pelosi's right of centre political stance. He's not right for the moment. He's more of the same old , same old.....whatever. Yawn.

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Need a new party other than the uniparty

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I like Raskins

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As Donald dismembers U.S. alliances & Elon dismembers critical govt agencies, MBS, who dismembered Khashoggi, hosts “peace talks” (for piece parts) as Vlad dismembers Ukraine. And democracy hangs on by a limb!

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Let me get this straight, the democrats are pissed at the people trying to preserve democracy and are silent against the ones destroying it? What the actual fuck? Jeffries is in way over his head and has no clue what leadership is.

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Proud to have joined with Indivisible Greater Vancouver & MoveOn for multiple events, including protest at federal building, meeting with aides for our Senators at their Vancouver office last week (going again on 2/19),and No Kings Day protest on 2/17! They’re rocking it & have my appreciation for organizing these events!

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Y’all are welcome with us in the Green Party—-a true grassroots party no corporate donors and limits on personal contributions. I tried to warn both MoveOn and Indivisible that all Dems want is status quo to keep their donors and AIPAC happy in several emails. Tied yourself to a Genocide enabling party—-what were you thinking would happen? Really?? You didn’t see this coming? We need third parties for a healthier country. Join us!!! I’ll buy you a t-shirt👍

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Fun to watch Democrat internecine warfare. Hopefully the Democratic Socialists of America will split off so Democrats can move back to the sensible center.

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I'm confused. Are you saying that if the Democratic Socialists left the party then the party would move towards the left back to the center? It seems to me that the problem with the Democratic party is that it's currently too far to the right.

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I think that's a total misreading of the situation. DSA is pulling the party too far left. They ought to be cast out and the remnant of the Democrats should unite with the RINO faction of the GOP and the multitudinous independents to form a sensible center party committed to common sense government.

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I recommend watching this documentary:

TRUMP IS A KGB AGENT: Evidence and Facts


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They are too in bed with corporate money to care about the party as a whole and the people.

They fought Biden because he became too left for Obama, Pelosi, etc who seek only to placate corporate money.

Notice Obama never sat Labor down with him only Corporate and Jimmy Dimon but he did become a very wealthy man. The rest of us not so much.

That is the key to the problem. Democrats are losing faith with the voters because they have acted like republicans too often. Obama tried to even sell Chained CPI and cut Social Security lying about saving it. The party heralds him a hero but in fact he lost two houses and never built up the party.

Jeffries is following that mold instead of hearing the people.

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Trump literally ended America today on the world stage and Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer are nowhere to be found They are weak weak men They need to be pushed aside and have a woman take their place

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No he’s not

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