Is the episode out? I can’t find it :(

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Beautiful - thank you.

And - a bit of history about US War party – by Dave Lindorff - Aug 4, 2020 ( ThisCantBeHappening.net )

Unsung Heroes of Los Alamos: Rethinking Manhattan Project Spies and the Cold War


• Plans for 300 nuclear bombs on USSR, with minimum 15-20M dead (these estimates were before “nuclear winter” effect was identified)

• US spies are unsung heroes that prevented another US crime of our millennia

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Read that link article. Incredibly eye opening, thank you

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Thank you all for your hard work its priceless

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I was thinking "Man, Castillo looks identical to Evo Morales."

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Castillo won by 0.25% of the vote, that is not a ringing endorsement for nationalization of industry. A forceful takeover of private business is path to communism. Look at Venezuela today, even after nationalizing almost all industries there are still shortages. Coupled with hyper inflation more than half of Venezuelans live in dire poverty. Private enterprise is needed for prosperity of a country. As liberals, we need to propose programs that increase market competition and decreases power of big companies. Destroying private market by nationalizing industries is a path to poverty of all.

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Don't forget the role of us sanctions against Venezuela. You are obfuscating the facts.

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You cannot speak honestly about Venezuela without talking about the US sanctions in Venezuela. Why did you not even mention the sanctions on Venezuela, which killed 40,000 people in the first year?

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Hunter still believes in the capitalist religion although -- socialism is the future of humanity.

PS: Venezuela is being destroyed by aggression and sanctions -- just like Syria, Iran, Libya, etc., etc.

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Stoked for this episode! Thanks for your work!

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