Richard Wolff is my man. Everyone should follow his work at Democracy at Work, you can find his books there and information on how to start/convert to a co-op workplace asking with other stuff. Find his lectures all over YouTube including a weekly show he does on the Democracy @ Work channel. There's a great old interview of him and Cornel West around Marx. I love Richard Wolff. He is an inspiration!
NO WAY!!! I was literally JUST going to ask KKF to host Richard Wolff!!! I am so happy. I just watched Prof. Wolf debate Destiny and it was so entertaining xD I can't wait
Thank you - Kyrsten Sinema is certainly a repulsive DNC apparatchik. But, another urgent topic is the US War party ascendance. We are hurling toward a major war which can be triggered any time.
The totally unmasked imperial entity OPCW is now in desperation, after unmasking its fabrications, preparing to even "recommend" further sanctions on Syria. CIA going mad...
Despite that it has been fully documented that ALL chemical attacks in Syria were staged by CIA in cooperation with Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda's "White Helmets" deadly Kabuki theater organized by UK's secret service.
At UN, Aaron Maté debunks OPCW’s Syria lies and confronts US, UK on cover-up - YouTube
-- Seventeen (17) years of criminal regime changes in Syria on behalf of soo democratic Saudi Arabia and Israel
-- The US worsened the suffering of Syrians by backing Jihadist terrorists against them, burning their wheat fields and looting their oil and gas. Now the US wants to “help” the Syrians by suffocating them with brutal sanctions!
-- Queues all over Syria for bread and fuel after the US and NATO looted Syria’s oil and burned its wheat. The US is a sadistic regime that thrives on the misery of nations. Syria was once a self-sufficient country. Before America decided (remember 17 years ago !!) that secular socialist Syria needs “democracy and freedom”.
Biden's administration is ruled by the US War party -- time to maximally increase anti-war efforts !!
Richard Wolff is my man. Everyone should follow his work at Democracy at Work, you can find his books there and information on how to start/convert to a co-op workplace asking with other stuff. Find his lectures all over YouTube including a weekly show he does on the Democracy @ Work channel. There's a great old interview of him and Cornel West around Marx. I love Richard Wolff. He is an inspiration!
Professor Richard Wolff!! Dope! Can't wait!
Hmm. Did not mean to pick the annual option but I guess I'm here now.
It was disappointing how poorly Prof. Wolff performed in that debate with Destiny...
This has to be a joke... Destiny got rolled.
Destiny had no points and had to only ask questions. You ask proff a question - you will get a lection and I do not think Destiny understand anything.
NO WAY!!! I was literally JUST going to ask KKF to host Richard Wolff!!! I am so happy. I just watched Prof. Wolf debate Destiny and it was so entertaining xD I can't wait
Thank you - Kyrsten Sinema is certainly a repulsive DNC apparatchik. But, another urgent topic is the US War party ascendance. We are hurling toward a major war which can be triggered any time.
The totally unmasked imperial entity OPCW is now in desperation, after unmasking its fabrications, preparing to even "recommend" further sanctions on Syria. CIA going mad...
Despite that it has been fully documented that ALL chemical attacks in Syria were staged by CIA in cooperation with Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda's "White Helmets" deadly Kabuki theater organized by UK's secret service.
At UN, Aaron Maté debunks OPCW’s Syria lies and confronts US, UK on cover-up - YouTube
-- Seventeen (17) years of criminal regime changes in Syria on behalf of soo democratic Saudi Arabia and Israel
-- The US worsened the suffering of Syrians by backing Jihadist terrorists against them, burning their wheat fields and looting their oil and gas. Now the US wants to “help” the Syrians by suffocating them with brutal sanctions!
-- Queues all over Syria for bread and fuel after the US and NATO looted Syria’s oil and burned its wheat. The US is a sadistic regime that thrives on the misery of nations. Syria was once a self-sufficient country. Before America decided (remember 17 years ago !!) that secular socialist Syria needs “democracy and freedom”.
Biden's administration is ruled by the US War party -- time to maximally increase anti-war efforts !!
Your dead father is a piece of shit faggot. I hope he's rotting in hell right now
Richard Wolff is a Marxist economist, that is interesting and speaks well. This was a poor interview.
He advocates for worker co-ops. His opinion on capitalism would be interesting, as well as how we could transition to worker co-ops.
How does he compare Biden to FDR? How could we fix our economy, and what’s in the way.
These would make a better interview. Have him on again.