This show just keeps getting better and better; I love Rania Khalek and I’m so excited to see the interview.

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Krystal and Kyle , you are heroes of the oppressed, you are the real populist.

Peace and love from Palestine

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Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Hamas which won election in Gaza in 2006 has refused to hold subsequent elections. Instead of helping people in Gaza improve their lives, Hamas has decided to fight a war. Israel has no doubt been very aggressive in the whole conflict. However, Hamas is still responsible for firing rockets into Israeli cities. If Hamas behaved responsibly and managed Gaza well, international community would be on their side.

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The dichotomy you paint is false. Life in Palestine is miserable thanks to Israeli apartheid policy. Israel has forced them into a position where the only meaningful resistance is violence. Israel has been slowly squeezing the life from Palestine for decades, and Hamas is the death throes of a desperate people. For violence to stop, we must hold Israel accountable to the international law that prohibits them from annexing Palestinian land, and we also must demand equality for the Palestinian people. Equal rights, equal access to electricity and other public services, equal right to sovereignty, equal access to education, healthcare, housing, and jobs.

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I’m not a fan of Hamas but they haven’t fired missiles into civilian buildings like Israel has. Their missiles hit giant farm fields where no person is directly harmed. Now you say “if Hamas behaved responsibly...” well dont Palestinians have a right to defend themselves against a ethnic cleaning? How can Gaza try and help it’s people when they are constantly at threat by the Israeli government? If Gaza had absolutely no self defense Israel would have already done a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip long ago which is currently at the greatest possibility of happening in a very long time.

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*everyone liked that*

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New subscriber here!

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You were never a subscriber, liar.

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This will be the best one so far.

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Kyle please check what the Israeli deputy spokesperson replied when asked why they dead shoot protestors in Gaza:


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When you attack Israel you attack America. Full stop.

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That interview was in 2019. There were peaceful protests every week in Gaza, not a single rocket was fired. In return Israel killed 300 protestors including children and wheelchair using protestors.

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Palestinian Infant Sustains Punching-Related Injury In Violent Clash With Israeli Police


Palestinian Infant Sustains Punching-Related Injury In Violent Clash With Israeli Police - Caitlin’s Newsletter (substack.com)

JERUSALEM -- A four-month old Palestinian infant has sustained fist-related injuries to the face on Saturday during a violent clash with Israeli police officers.

Early reports are unclear whether the violence was instigated by the police or the baby girl. Also unknown is whether the child's injuries were incurred by being struck or by attacking the officers' fists with her face.

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Looking forward to seeing Rania on.

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