Sorry guys I'm gonna have to unsub. Keeps telling me to sub when I'm already subbed so it won't even let me do it again. It's every week with substack and takes me longer to fidget with it then the video actually goes. So I'm just gonna wait til substack is significantly better. Breaking points doesn't have this issue. So it's gotta be substacks problem. Hopefully they get it fixed. Sorry guys.

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Watched the 'The Con' trailer and it made my day. Trailer ->> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pnbq824yu38. I can hardly wait for more.

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Thank you Krystal and Kyle. Can't wait to see the interview. Please check out www.thecon.tv

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Thank you so much for going back to this topic. I had been quite obsessed with the 2008 financial crisis for a while. I highly recommend reading Charles Morris's Two Trillion Dollar Meltdown. I think the biggest problem was the resignation of Brooksley Born as the head of CFTC when she wanted to regulate over-the-counter credit default swaps. CFTC regulation was strenuously opposed then by Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan and Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers. The intoxication of Clinton and Bush administrations with neoliberal policies was at the heart of the crisis which manifested itself predominantly by the destruction of regulatory oversight. When Hank Paulson lobbied the SEC to lift the limits on the leverage ratio of investment banks in 2006 it was off to the races.

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Just wait until you see The Con

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