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If your having problems viewing it logout and log back in. Worked for me

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I really hope you pressed Yang on some of his anti-left positions on education, like his recent attacks on the NYC teachers union, his support for the charterization (aka corporatization) of NYC public schools, and his non-factual comments about teacher tenure and job security. If this is just another softball interview I’m not sure that I’ll continue to subscribe.

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Here's an article that I found really informative on everything you just listed. In case they don't cover it the way you wish.


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Thanks for your response! I had actually already read this article, and found it to be fair and nuanced.

My issues with Yang aren’t related to his wanting in person learning, which is already happening across all levels of schools as of this week.

My issues are that he’s spreading falsehoods about teacher tenure and job security, criticizing the UFT for fighting for a safe reopening plan, and his willingness to charterize the public schools. I don’t see how he can call himself a leftist or even a “progressive” while he spews politically expedient anti-union rhetoric and refuses to take on Bloomberg’s charter schools. It’s clear who he has running his campaign, and that’s why I just don’t buy it. I do wish those not living or working in NYC would defer to those of us that do on these issues.

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One of Andrew Yang's mentors, Zeke Vanderhoek, runs a charter school in nyc called "The Equity Project" (TEP). From its mission statement:

"TEP's mission is to achieve educational equity for disadvantaged students by utilizing master teachers to provide rigorous academics, arts, and athletics instruction. TEP reallocates the public funding it receives as a charter school to pay its teachers an annual salary of $125,000, with the opportunity for a significant performance bonus based on whole-school performance."

Basically, I guess, TEP tries to cut the administrative crap and pay teachers a shitload of money in order to deliver value to the students.

I'm personally not anti-union but I do have a very dim view of teacher & police unions. I do not think teacher unions have the interests of students at heart. They have the interests of.... teachers at heart. It can be an issue.

I wish we paid teachers (much) more and that they had lower job security, just like TEP does. My concern is the students, not the teachers.

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Thanks for your response. The issue here is that charter schools don’t actually have students best interest at heart. They get to pick and choose which students they want to accept, often excluding low performing students, students with disabilities, and English language learners. What ends up happening is that they recruit the top performers from local public schools thereby artificially inflating their own stats and deflating the stats of public schools. It’s a cycle that becomes self fulfilling.

In addition, it’s not that they offer less job security for teachers— they offer none. Teachers are often less qualified than public school teachers (as most charters do not require Masters degrees, and many allow anyone with a BA to teach, even if they have never taken an education class). They do offer more competitive pay, but teachers can be fired for reasons that have nothing to do with job performance or student related measures.

Furthermore, I agree that the UFT needs to do better. I personally speak out frequently against the caucus that is in control of this union as being archaic and disconnected from the needs of younger teachers. That being said, placing the blame on school closings on teachers unions is ridiculous, when we all know it was our elected officials mishandling of the pandemic that forced schools to be closed as long as they were. Even now that they’re open, temporarily closures persist because of the continued mishandling of the De Blasio, Cuomo, and Biden administrations.

Lastly, I think we fail as leftists when we fall prey to narratives like “it’s teachers or students” instead of “we can protect teachers AND students.” There are so many improvements I’d like to see made to our public school systems, and I can’t think of a single one that needs to be done at the expense of teachers.

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honestly the biggest achievement I think will come from Andrew Yang's race for mayor whether he wins or loses is putting spotlight back on the local races and don't get me wrong I understand why progressives have focused so hard on Senate and Congress as they are the ones holding the power of the purse but to me you can't make any real changes unless you have support at the local level and I feel that's the one thing the progressive movement has forgotten

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When is this available for members? I signed up to watch. Super stoked

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If Andrew yang wins, hopefully the stranglehold of public sector unions would break. New York City public primary schools spend $24000 per child. On contrast, a decent catholic school in NYC charges around $15000 and students receive much better education. It is also shame that NYC teacher unions have held students hostage by closing the school. If working class people are working in grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals and other essential businesses. Why should teachers not be working? Our children deserve a good education. I am rooting for Yang to win and break the stranglehold of teacher union.

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Really hoping you guys push him on Medicare 4 All

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Hi, I would appreciate if you are more clear on when the episodes drop. As a paying customer I kind of expect to know when something I want to listen to drops. You said the Andrew yang episode would drop today for subscribers, so when?

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I think he was clear in the video that the video will drop tomorrow.

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He said today for subscribers and tomorrow for the rest?

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I like Yang. He brought UBI front and center during the 2020 primary but I don't like him for NYC mayor. If you could interview Dianne Morales who I'm quite enthused about I think it would be awesomeeeee, bold vision, strong character. She's actually been a part of NYC gov't, a teacher, an activist, a social services provider.

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I like Morales (2nd choice) but I think Yang will be able to deliver policies at a different scale than Morales b/c of his national standing. Like the pilot UBI program & people's bank. Also a vote for Yang is a vote for a national UBI.

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This, like many before, will be an interesting conversation!

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What time does this video drop for everyone to see 😒

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on the clip he posted on YouTube, it says it'll drop at 9 PM. I literally paid the $5 because I didn't wanna wait until Saturday so I'm quite disappointed haha

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what time will this drop?

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Seems Andrew was incredibly uncomfortable with those BDS questions - sign of a interview. After all, no one in the mainstream press would ever question him on that

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sign of a *good interview

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#yangmediablackout most of america problems..revolves around economic money issues lack of resources in dying broke communities...most Americans ain't up all night thinking about free healthcare free dental care free college or green New deals...we rallied behind the wrong candidate...#yanggangwasright #bernersforyang

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seriously? you can't blame him for not getting a wage bill passed. it's literally required 50 senators, and you only had 42.

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Seriously? You don't think that the powerful senators and vp and president wouldn't have warned them they better pass this bill if those in power really wanted it? C'mon now.

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Its actually very interesting when you dive into the Christian aspect of this killing. Being a former evangelical myself, I understood exactly what he meant by "temptation" this is a standard Christian doctrine, that woman who do not cover up (similar to Islam) are tempting men, and are thus partly guilty of the sin of "lust". As for the boulder shooting, the guy literally shouted "Allah Akbar" which means God is greatest, which is usually said by Islamic extremists when they commit terror attacks.

I think religion is the real culprit behind these killings, its so interesting how the media spun both shooting into race, including in this article where you defend the idea that this was a "anti Asian attack". So what's next, do you want him to make a PowerPoint on why he didn't kill these women because they were Asian? Seriously, NOT everything is about race man, you gotta get out of the brainwashing.

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Acts 16:31, 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, 1 Peter 1:17-21, Revelation 22:18-19

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Leviticus 19:27, Leviticus 24:16, Deuteronomy 23:2, Deuteronomy 23:1, Deut. 28:53

Checkmate ;)

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