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You, and Kyle are clearly in denial about something important here. People make statements of facts in news. If a statement of fact is debunked, the proper thing to do is for the source to correct that statement with as much fervor and noise as they used to make the debunked statement. When you double down on the false claim as it's pointed out to you, it's either because you are in denial or because you are deliberately lying.

When we are talking about human lives and war at stake, and a news filter like TYT being the misinformers, it stops mattering if it's because they are emotionally involved ot negligent. They need to be held responsible by their audience and, dare I say it, their friends.

Cenk and Ana shouting "Fuck Aaron Mate! Fuck him!" isn't them being "ridiculous," or just silly. They are putting human lives at stake and they should fucking know better. At this point, Kyle is vontributing to the drama he fears by avoiding the need to just say that they are either liars or at the point where it doesn't matter.

He made some great points in his video response and clearly agrees with Jimmy up to that point. But, are you telling me that what forced his hand to get into the "drama" was a hypervolic infrence that his opinion on Syria wasn't already clear? Seriously, give Jimmy, nuclear personality and all, a little charity and realize he liked the tweet because Kyle was eerily silent IN SPITE of his obvious views on Syria.

Your friends at TYT are liars, Kyle. If not liars, they are as bad as if it makes little difference. You don't have to be an arsonist to play with fire and burn down your house. The problem which you are responsible for is playing with fire regardless. The same goes for Ana and Cenk in their misinform on Syria campaign.

You can keep deflecting and equivocating while leaving out important facts about how Ana's thong being visible was brought up, but yhe real problem is a phobia making drama bad enough for him to act irrationally to avoid it. The game is, "Hold Cenk and Ana accountable for their misinformation." Kyle inferred plenty, so cool... But why not tell lying assholes to correct themselves or go kick rocks? Those of us who grew up with liars know this the standard you need to have in place. If yhey yell at you for calling them out, just drop your conditions for them again, "correct yourselves, then we can move forward."

It's not that hard. And drama... You should just pull out the Michael Jackson popcorn meme and embrace the train wreak Kyle, cause that's life.

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100% to all of this. as someone with years of therapy who’s ex wife is an NPD/BPD sociopath with basically the exact same behavior patterns to cenk and ana, or even trump for that matter, kyle’s “both sidesism” here hits quite close to home for me. there are abusive assholes like cenk and ana and then there’s their “friends” who enable them. it’s not “stupid drama” to call a spade a spade and stand up for those being shit on and bombarded by these assholes in circumstances like this, be they jimmy or aaron or anyone else. it’s the right damn thing to do. and, as much as i love kyle, he’s quite frankly not being honest with himself or the situation presenting it like he has in his video - and he’s only further enabling people at TYT with very problematic behavior patterns who are actively trying to harm people by not taking a stronger stance when he could.

and for fucks sake, beyond the fact that kyle conveniently left out ana’s blackmail threats, if kyle’s response to jimmy saying a teacher exposing her whole ass to her students is risqué is “i wanna punch that guy” then maybe kyle’s giving us an insight into his own issues with emotional self-control as the *real* reason he’s trying to avoid this situation. like. ok dude. just be fucking honest about that. don’t disingenuously paint something jimmy said as something it’s not because it triggered your own fucking issues. no, kyle, we’re not "all max blumenthal" in that video. quite a lot of us are much more in line with the grayzone's anya parampil or hard lens media's lainie petersen (both WOMEN by the way) in their own responses to the ana vs jimmy situation - and i'm sure they'd be cringing even harder than max blumenthal at your "if that was my girlfriend i'd wanna punch that guy" comment. for fucks sake kyle.

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