gonna leave this here since kyle (love ya man, but yeesh) typically doesn't read youtube comments and may actually stand a bat's chance in hell of seeing this here:

kyle: “the justice democrats don’t take corporate money SO STOP CALLING THEM CORRUPT!!1”

also kyle: “TYT takes corporate money BUT THEY’RE NOT CORRUPT EITHER FOR REASONS!!!”

kyle needs to fucking study narcissistic personality disorder (and maybe actually look up the dictionary definition of "corruption" while he's at it) and stop being such a fucking dupe when it comes to doing endless mental gymnastics for people he’s friends with. jimmy is 100% in the right on all of this shit and kyle’s only problem is he’s still so naive that he hasn’t figured this out. cenk uygur doesn't genuinely love or give a shit about anyone - he just uses people to inflate his ego and further his career ambitions. full stop.

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p.s. (and i say this with love. i'm a paying subscriber here for a reason.) kyle can talk all he wants about being an introvert and that's fine, but take it from someone who was actually married to an abusive NPD person exactly like cenk for years, and who's had years of therapy and psychological study since, and who is plenty introverted myself - taking the "i don't wanna talk about this" / "i don't give a fuck" stance isn't always the healthy or functional thing to do, especially in situations like this, and basing part of your personality around "i'm introverted and therefore refuse to directly communicate with people about things that may matter to them" isn't a good look either. or necessarily healthy. and when kyle said "i'd have to keep every fiber of my being from wanting to punch them" regarding jimmy's admittedly joking, and self-defending-against-blackmail comments about ana, that tells us a hell of a lot more about kyle's own issues than it does any of jimmy's.

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LOLz, right?!?! I don't give a fuck that you don't give a fuck Kyle! I'm still gonna speak truth to you out of love and it's gonna be in these comments ready for when and if you grow the balls to read your comments again.

Seriously, I just hope a friend who works on your shows reads my comments or through 6 degrees, Kevin Bacon will deliver any points that I have made which pass the battle of ideas test.

You can turn away, but you're still stuck on this planet with me bud. Not stalking you or anything crazy like that. Just hoping to help you and everyone else as much as I can without a platform of my own. I'm still here, supporting you. I've only quit watching TYT so far, because they lied, countless times. Even before Aaron Mate.

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WOW Someone hasn't been watching secular talk that much, has he? Last night's episode addressed the Dore TYT war, because Dore sent the nth tweet to kyle, which I read and found very insulting. And Kyle had to respond. Being friends with both camps, he tried not to get sucked into the bs drama between the two camps. (And why should he). He addressed both sides being cringy and bellicose. And just as he has always, placed policy (principles) over personalities. And I totally agree with him. I am a force the voter, too. As far as calling the squad corrupt, I've never heard him say they were corrupt. In fact, he has defended them when others called the corrupt and disingenuous as Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Yet when he and cenk formed the justice democrats, they intended to recruit people who would carry out TEA PARTY tactics to push progressive policies, especially the popular polices where both regular democrats and Republicans agree upon. He is severly pissed at them for not pursuing hard the reason for what they were voted into office, to use what little power they have to obstruct and push these corporate democrats into voting for popular policies, using any means necessary, just as the tea party did with John Boehner and his republican house of reps.

With tyt, no they still aren't corrupt. Yes they took millions from a couple of folks on condition he retain full content and editorial control over his network, meaning they have no influence over him and what he broadcasts, for now. And like Kyle, I totally disagree with that business practice, taking grassroots and huge donations...just ain't kosher and it appears two faced, but not corrupt....I listen to them and so far, they are speaking along the same lines as alot of other lefties, Kyle, Mike Figueredo, Beau of the fifth column, David doel, David pakman, Sam seder. They still rail against both Republicans and democrats, they still support m4a, living wage, unions, etc. They still rage against government corruption and the ills of neoliberlism. In fact They were the ones who first helped me to see the truth about this nation and its two economies and the class wars. Thru them I found Kyle, Mike figured, Sam seder, doel, Michael brooks, jacobin, David pakman, Lee camp and Graham Elwood, farron Collins, Beau of the fifth column, Joe rogan, Krystal and saagar. So cenk may have an ego, but he saved me from the corporate media crap, helped me to start asking questions over and find answers to why my financial life sucked and introduced me to the progressive online world. I don't agree with his and Jimmy's feud because it detracts from what they all are supposed to be doing, concentrating on the policies.

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You, and Kyle are clearly in denial about something important here. People make statements of facts in news. If a statement of fact is debunked, the proper thing to do is for the source to correct that statement with as much fervor and noise as they used to make the debunked statement. When you double down on the false claim as it's pointed out to you, it's either because you are in denial or because you are deliberately lying.

When we are talking about human lives and war at stake, and a news filter like TYT being the misinformers, it stops mattering if it's because they are emotionally involved ot negligent. They need to be held responsible by their audience and, dare I say it, their friends.

Cenk and Ana shouting "Fuck Aaron Mate! Fuck him!" isn't them being "ridiculous," or just silly. They are putting human lives at stake and they should fucking know better. At this point, Kyle is vontributing to the drama he fears by avoiding the need to just say that they are either liars or at the point where it doesn't matter.

He made some great points in his video response and clearly agrees with Jimmy up to that point. But, are you telling me that what forced his hand to get into the "drama" was a hypervolic infrence that his opinion on Syria wasn't already clear? Seriously, give Jimmy, nuclear personality and all, a little charity and realize he liked the tweet because Kyle was eerily silent IN SPITE of his obvious views on Syria.

Your friends at TYT are liars, Kyle. If not liars, they are as bad as if it makes little difference. You don't have to be an arsonist to play with fire and burn down your house. The problem which you are responsible for is playing with fire regardless. The same goes for Ana and Cenk in their misinform on Syria campaign.

You can keep deflecting and equivocating while leaving out important facts about how Ana's thong being visible was brought up, but yhe real problem is a phobia making drama bad enough for him to act irrationally to avoid it. The game is, "Hold Cenk and Ana accountable for their misinformation." Kyle inferred plenty, so cool... But why not tell lying assholes to correct themselves or go kick rocks? Those of us who grew up with liars know this the standard you need to have in place. If yhey yell at you for calling them out, just drop your conditions for them again, "correct yourselves, then we can move forward."

It's not that hard. And drama... You should just pull out the Michael Jackson popcorn meme and embrace the train wreak Kyle, cause that's life.

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100% to all of this. as someone with years of therapy who’s ex wife is an NPD/BPD sociopath with basically the exact same behavior patterns to cenk and ana, or even trump for that matter, kyle’s “both sidesism” here hits quite close to home for me. there are abusive assholes like cenk and ana and then there’s their “friends” who enable them. it’s not “stupid drama” to call a spade a spade and stand up for those being shit on and bombarded by these assholes in circumstances like this, be they jimmy or aaron or anyone else. it’s the right damn thing to do. and, as much as i love kyle, he’s quite frankly not being honest with himself or the situation presenting it like he has in his video - and he’s only further enabling people at TYT with very problematic behavior patterns who are actively trying to harm people by not taking a stronger stance when he could.

and for fucks sake, beyond the fact that kyle conveniently left out ana’s blackmail threats, if kyle’s response to jimmy saying a teacher exposing her whole ass to her students is risqué is “i wanna punch that guy” then maybe kyle’s giving us an insight into his own issues with emotional self-control as the *real* reason he’s trying to avoid this situation. like. ok dude. just be fucking honest about that. don’t disingenuously paint something jimmy said as something it’s not because it triggered your own fucking issues. no, kyle, we’re not "all max blumenthal" in that video. quite a lot of us are much more in line with the grayzone's anya parampil or hard lens media's lainie petersen (both WOMEN by the way) in their own responses to the ana vs jimmy situation - and i'm sure they'd be cringing even harder than max blumenthal at your "if that was my girlfriend i'd wanna punch that guy" comment. for fucks sake kyle.

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TYT -- disparages Julian Assange, supports the Russia-gate scam of the century, ignores OPCW criminal fabrications against Syria -- but -- "they are NOT corrupt" - Chris have you started drinking again?

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i watched that video. this comment here was (obviously) directly referring to it. but go off.

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Free Assange and Stop Russia-gate and anti-Syria propaganda

McCarthyite meltdown shows how Russiagate, Syria propaganda captured 'left' media

In slandering me, The Young Turks demonstrated how Western chauvinism and careerism have been normalized in progressive media spaces.

McCarthyite meltdown shows how Russiagate, Syria propaganda captured 'left' media - by Aaron Maté - Aaron Mate's newsletter (substack.com)


Aaron Mate – June 6 – The Grayzone

Pressed for answers on Syria cover-up, OPCW chief offers new lies and excuses

Facing growing outcry, OPCW chief Fernando Arias went before the UN and told new falsehoods about the Syria cover-up scandal -- along with more disingenuous excuses to avoid addressing it.

Pressed for answers on Syria cover-up, OPCW chief offers new lies and excuses - by Aaron Maté - Aaron Mate's newsletter (substack.com)


Aaron Mate – July 2

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I agree with you!

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Here we are on a KK&Friends post about Assange and the top comments are about TYT and Dore fighting. Can we just stop, guys?

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Really -- despite huge lawsuit to silence Grayzone and Aaron Mate? Despicable Anna is now, in utter desperation, trying to weaponize "me-too" against Jimmy Dore. The US War party is getting desperate.

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No one silences these stalinists, only some people show them what they are, charlatans and quasi-journalists who take themselves too seriously and who are mere enthusiastic defenders of mass murderers and tyrants and who there is no enemy of the West that they do not like, to be totally honest this does not mean that I love the Young Turks, who are just a moonbat version of Newsmax especially since they are named after the murderous criminal organization responsible for the genocide of the Armenian people and who founded the Turkish Republic on the bones of innocent victims, not to mention many suspicious things they said in the program and many nonsense that I have unfortunately had the opportunity to hear from them and their horrible way of running a business. Honestly no one here is innocent and everyone is trying to manipulate the situation and pretend to be victims, but they are all disgusting characters who are an insult to a truly independent alternative journalism and who should not be given too much attention and should be ignored, I think there are more important things to talk about and write about and there are a lot of interesting things to pay attention to

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Seriously! That crap is getting old. School is out kids!

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You are being perfectly neutral on bullying? You are either with the terrorists or against it, no middle ground.

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This is more like it - the type of issues that are so important and we want to hear about, unlike the personalities Vaush and Hassan catastrophes. Jimmy had Julian's father and brother on his show last week.

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Vaush is awesome. Don't be dissing Vaush

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Partner here, Krystal, you are a good journalist but please look at the facts as they present themselves, the worst thing Anna alleges is that Jimmy EVEN asked where she got her jeans. Are we serious? Anna was intimidated and felt sexually HARASSED? So from now on, all us women need to be treated not as equals, but as timid porcelain dolls. I have experienced sexual harassment of varying degrees but there is such a thing as inappropriate work place banter and we women put men like Jimmy back in their box, don't forget Ana was Jimmy's boss and there is no evidence he said anything more than a bad joke.

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Kyle why didn’t you address Ana trying to blackmail Jimmy?

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Free the publisher of the century and the leading free speech advocate - Julian Assange.

Stop Russia-gate and Syria hoax and propaganda.

McCarthyite meltdown shows how Russiagate, Syria propaganda captured 'left' media

In slandering me, The Young Turks demonstrated how Western chauvinism and careerism have been normalized in progressive media spaces.

McCarthyite meltdown shows how Russiagate, Syria propaganda captured 'left' media - by Aaron Maté - Aaron Mate's newsletter (substack.com)


Aaron Mate – June 6 – The Grayzone

Pressed for answers on Syria cover-up, OPCW chief offers new lies and excuses

Facing growing outcry, OPCW chief Fernando Arias went before the UN and told new falsehoods about the Syria cover-up scandal -- along with more disingenuous excuses to avoid addressing it.

Pressed for answers on Syria cover-up, OPCW chief offers new lies and excuses - by Aaron Maté - Aaron Mate's newsletter (substack.com)


Aaron Mate – July 2

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Great choice. You should also have Lauri Love on.


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Below comment was my partner. I have been listening to more of Kyle talking about Jimmy and I am so disappointed. Kyle, Jimmy was being blackmailed about a joke he made 7 years ago and you want to punch him. He said Ana dressed inappropriately and you take offence at this, please get a grip. I am truly disappointed in you, throwing a friend under the bus. I am glad you not my friend. You have truly hurt Jimmy, he is supposed to be your friend. This is so wrong and if you have any integrity you have to accept your fault and apologise to Jimmy.

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Sorry but if you can't apologise for the way you have treated Jimmy you have lost me as a viewer Krystal. I am disappointed particularly with you Krystal.

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I had been mulling over paying the $5 for this podcast since you started it. I don't like to subscribe to hardly anything, even though I've listened to Secular Talk, on and off for years. I started subscribing finally, within the last few months, to Secular Talk, Jimmy Dore, The Gray Zone, and a couple other channels. Kyle, I have enjoyed a lot of your videos and podcasts with Krystal. However, I will no longer be listening to either one. It's been tough feeling the disappointment of the squad, Bernie, and now this. I will continue listening to my gut and be hesitant to support any public figure without doing more research. In the last two days I found out Hassan is related to Cenk and that you're a tyt affiliate. I feel stupid for not knowing this, but thankful that my lizard brain is smarter. People depend on shows like yours for accurate unbiased information and you have omitted key facts. I had blinders on FOR YOU, Kyle! and that is very disappointing. Krystal, I've enjoyed listening to your thoughts and insight on many topics in this podcast. I know you have to pay the bills, but I hope you elevate yourself to a level that your grandchildren can be proud of. Good luck.

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kyle please watch this. thanks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1IpEY1IJIQ

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Krystal, Anna can swear at and flick the bird at a male journalist on air, she can make disgusting misogynist videos with her male colleague, but you are suggesting she cannot cope with imperfect male female (and certainly sexist) interaction. She does not have the strength or character to tell him to fuck off, there and then. Do you realise what you are saying? You are portraying her and all women as China dolls, a great disservice to all us women

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My $0.02.

Kyle argues @justicedems are not corrupt because they don't take corporate money. As I pointed on twitter, is not only money that corrupts. If the squad's in/actions are due to playing the long game, getting committee positions, etc, etc, etc, that's corruption. Being in power corrupts, DC itself corrupts, the socio-economic status the squad in enjoying corrupts, etc.

So yes, the squad and the rest of Justice Dems might not take corporate money but that doesnt mean they're not corrupt.

Anyone who thinks money is the only corrupting factor is wrong.

So yes, Kyle, you're wrong.

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Thank you SO MUCH for covering a story that even independent media often refuses to touch with a 10 foot pole. You guys are doing amazing work and I am on a mission to gift subs to all my friends

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Kyle, keep up the good work. Don't listen to useful idiots.

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Exactly! You're supposed to use useful idiots.

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