Kyle and Krystal - you guys are legends. You're doing amazing work in curating and analyzing the main events that people need to understand. Elon is a tumor!
He couldn’t do a decent coupe .. so why did he think a a coup would be easier .. I think he’s confused it with a coop .. hence all the talking points centered on fences ..
Please see this explanation of why 150 yr olds are on the Soc Security records, (they are not receiving checks, names can't just be removed from system). Dr. Ed Weir is a great source of ACCURATE information. Please push and discuss removing the income cap that allows people over $176K to not pay in all year to FICA.
Thanks Krystal & Kyle :) So proud of you two! ... Kyle, I think someone has set up a phony Secular Talk page on facebook. There are no pics, no checkmark, and whoever it is lists themselves as a video gamer. Here's a link to the page: I followed you on fb years ago, but I can't find your real page anymore. :)
Kyle and Krystal - you guys are legends. You're doing amazing work in curating and analyzing the main events that people need to understand. Elon is a tumor!
Benign. Democrats are the malignant cancer.
I would not be talking Quinn.
And yet, here you are talking.
Your world is crumbling before your eyes. It took DECADES for this to come to fruition, but the days of reckoning are finally here!
He couldn’t do a decent coupe .. so why did he think a a coup would be easier .. I think he’s confused it with a coop .. hence all the talking points centered on fences ..
You guys are doing a fantastic job—subscribed this week after I saw your excellent interview with Gil Duran.
Not sure why msm isn’t covering any of this—it’s critical to understand the crazy worldviews driving these people.
Please see this explanation of why 150 yr olds are on the Soc Security records, (they are not receiving checks, names can't just be removed from system). Dr. Ed Weir is a great source of ACCURATE information. Please push and discuss removing the income cap that allows people over $176K to not pay in all year to FICA.
Elon: OK! I MIGHT be WRONG! Dead people receiving Social Security?
You guys should invite Leeja Miller on the pod.
Thanks Krystal & Kyle :) So proud of you two! ... Kyle, I think someone has set up a phony Secular Talk page on facebook. There are no pics, no checkmark, and whoever it is lists themselves as a video gamer. Here's a link to the page: I followed you on fb years ago, but I can't find your real page anymore. :)