Trump is goading Iran with his Gaza rhetoric. I believe they are planning a staged attack they will say came from Iran in response to Trump's rhetoric. This will be the Gulf of Tonkin / Reichstag moment that will enable Trump to declare a national emergency and institute martial law. I will not be surprised if it takes the form of attacks on Americans at protests today. This is speculative, but it will allow Trump to kill Americans who are against Project 2025. We are so fucked.
The Enemy of MY Enemy is My FRIEND (kinda). It seems Erdogan of Turkey does not share America's sentiment on a 'Big, Beautiful Riviera of the Middle East' -Trump
@Krystal Kyle & Friends This is being shared all over about Trump being a Russian asset. Former KGB Alnur Mussalev read the article, translated it into Russian and shared it again. Have you seen this?
What Donald Trump and Elon Musk are orchestrating represents uncharted territory in American governance and technology. Their actions push the boundaries of executive power and corporate influence in ways the legal system was never designed to anticipate.
This bloodless digital coup, a coordinated effort to reshape government oversight, control information, and dismantle institutional checks, exploits gaps in laws written for a bygone era. These laws were crafted to address power grabs through physical force, not digital manipulation or bureaucratic subversion.
Traditional legal frameworks are equipped to handle violent insurrections, armed uprisings, or overt acts of rebellion. However, they fail to capture the subtle and systemic ways modern technology and executive overreach can erode democratic institutions from within. By wielding the machinery of government, through executive orders, personnel purges, and regulatory interference, Trump and Musk are not storming the gates; they are rewriting the rules of power in real time, without firing a single shot.
Musk’s influence over sensitive government data and his potential manipulation of financial regulators blur the line between corporate power and state authority. Meanwhile, Trump’s executive actions, such as limiting birthright citizenship and removing oversight officials, systematically dismantle the foundations of constitutional democracy. Neither fits neatly into conventional definitions of insurrection or rebellion, leaving the legal system ill-equipped to respond.
This new form of power consolidation operates in the legal shadows, exploiting ambiguous or outdated statutes as a shield while reshaping the relationship between technology, governance, and democracy. Without clear and enforceable laws to address these emerging threats, the institutions meant to check power face a profound vulnerability, one where democracy can be dismantled without a single act of traditional violence.
In essence, we are witnessing a slow-motion, bloodless digital coup, one that exposes the fragility of democratic norms when faced with actors willing to exploit legal gray areas and wield technological dominance. This coup ill-equipped not just the letter of the law but the very spirit of American democracy, and the legal system is struggling to keep pace.
This is not a military coup. There are no tanks rolling into Washington or fighter jets strafing the capital.
Instead, this coup advances with Trump’s full support. Its primary goal is to dismantle key parts of the federal government while ensuring that the remaining structures are loyal to Trump.
Constitutional protections cannot effectively counteract the speed of this digital coup. By the time courts intervene to slow or stop Musk’s actions, the damage, amplified by digital infrastructure, will already be done.
Grassroots protests and mass mobilizations in state capitals cannot keep pace with the rapid, technological acceleration of this power grab.
The consequences of this coup will reverberate across the United States, undermining the entire federal system and reshaping U.S. relations with the world. The dismantling of agencies like USAID will have life-and-death consequences for vulnerable populations globally.
In less than four weeks, Trump and Musk have thrown U.S. government agencies into disarray. Their actions are capable of causing permanent, structural change. Given Trump’s stated desire to become a dictator, and his recent claim that Americans "won’t have to vote anymore," the collapse of the entire U.S. federal government is no longer an abstract threat; it is an imminent possibility.
The Enemy of MY Enemy is My FRIEND (kinda). It seems Erdogan of Turkey does not share America's sentiment on a 'Big, Beautiful Riviera of the Middle East' -Trump
Just Heard: Trump's an out of the box thinker? LOL
I have been an avid follower, of your youtube channel, for many years. If you are still unaware I want to draw your attention to the electronic, administrative coup currently being carried out by Elon Musk as part of the Butterfly Revolution inspired by Curtis Yarvin. Having watched most of your interviews I'd like to mention Daniel Schmachtenberger, Luke Kemp and Triston Harris. They outline the existential risk from the rise of AI. The assumption being this is foreseeable some time in the (near) future and would take the form of a slow, incremental evolution. This dystopian reality is occurring NOW in real time and at rapid pace. Imagine Terminator meets iRobot meets George Orwell's 1984. That is what is going to occur if we don't take decisive action.
I refer you to the leaking of information by the facebook and bluesky account “alt national parks services”. They detail the access and compromise of the US government departments that can only be described as a coup. Also see “isthisacoup” for further details. As I am not currently a US resident I initially took a passive approach to what is far beyond a constitutional crisis. As the days went by and the more I learnt and reflected on the global implications I realised this is a global emergency. If they succeed in the coup it will likely be the end of democracy around the world.
Elon Musk and a small group of personal staffers have illegally gained access to dozens of departmental computer systems and, with the help of AI, have rewritten large parts of the source code. They have administrative access and are effectively in control of the government. They have also stolen the critical data of a wide range of departments. I suspect they are feeding all this data into Elon's xAI at his recent and largest super computer facility in Memphis, Tennessee. My fear is he is compiling all the data of all of the citizens in America that he has illegally scraped from these multiple data breaches. This is the largest data breach in the history of the world. My fear is he is seeking to capture enough governmental systems and data so that he can shut down and shut out resistance. Like seen with the Gaza war, and Edward Snowden's warnings, such concentrations of data can be used by AI supercomputers to identify and target individuals indiscriminately. I suspect as this coup ramps up he will start shutting down these still open forms of communication. Everyone is still operating under the illusion of the previous paradigm of rule of law and democracy. This is breaking down at rapid pace.
In our modern world we are highly integrated with digital technology. All government employees are required by law to use government email communication and other systems. This has made the government extremely vulnerable to the infiltration and hijacking of the system by Elon Musk. All of the intelligence agencies that could intervene have been disabled by locking staff out. I wonder if CIA agents even have the personal contact details of co-workers outside of the government system. Have they become essentially put under house arrest by a digital form of Marshal Law?
It may already be too late as he has already gained access and taken over the Treasury, OPM, GSA, USAID, CIA, FBI, DoD and many more. Alt national park services has leaked that his staffers are now going to the Pentagon. This to me appears to be their last hurdle in succeeding in a coup. He is also able to shut down transport networks to restrict people's movement.
This coup is now into it's second week and Elon has made rapid progress in consolidating power and access. The mainstream media establishment have been derelict in their duty to raise the alarm. The trump administration has employed the tactic of “flooding the zone” (as Steve Bannon has outlined) to overwhelm and capture the news cycle. So far it has been successful. Tariffs, Gaza annexation, USAID are all distractions. We need to keep our eyes on the true prize and threat and that is the digital coup. People do not yet comprehend that the rule of law is no longer in effect and if you read in between the lines by Trump's latest post, on Truth Social, about the Kennedy Centre, to imply he has dissolved the United States Constitution. This is all mirroring the openly discussed plans of Curtis Yarvin and the Butterfly Revolution. That is to dissolve the entire US government and create a techno authoritarian state run by a board of directors and a “CEO”. We are looking at a post capitalist dictatorship run by a digital “emperor”. Now I only see military intervention as a means of overthrowing this coup. But time is running out fast. The military is just as vulnerable to having their access be digitally hijacked and effectively being paralysed.
Whilst we need to pursue all avenues (legal action, civil protest, continue to raise awareness through social media etc) I have arrived at the opinion that that time has passed. Elon has been, for several days now, censuring and down voting all communication with mention of a coup on X. I am uncertain how long other platforms will remain viable (if not already compromised). We are dealing with people who (as you have often described) would meet the dark triad personality test. Even Steve Bannon describes Musk as “evil”. They are flagrantly breaking all rules and laws. I see the psychological biases such as authority bias and bystander effect playing into the success of the coup. Civil society is still playing by the accepted rules and initially allowed the hostile takeover without mounting much resistance. Most people online are advocating simply calling Congress representatives. They do not recognise the rule of law and constitution are no longer in effect. They can no longer abdicate authority if they wish to hold on to their republic. They need to resist. There is also a soviet era document about undermining fascism that is going viral on some platforms. I can share if needed. I have avoided sharing links in fear it may be flagged and filtered out as spam.
It is hard for the public to process and accept what is occurring because it is so outrageous and extreme no moral individual would ever consider it. We are dealing with idiot savants, highly impressionable kids that appear to have been indoctrinated by Curtis Yarvin and co. The public are still talking about these kids never getting a job or girlfriend after this. The public fails to recognise the fundamental overthrowing of our democracy and dispensing with the constitution. The leaders of this coup are psychopaths that demonstrate an extreme form of antisocial behaviour. All these conventional avenues are too slow for the urgency at which we find ourselves. This approach plays to their advantage as it allows them more time to delay and consolidate power. I am of the opinion we have now reached a moment to dispense with the rule of law and to take physical resistance into our own hands. This pains me to say this as I never thought I would live through such a moment.
1. We need to be organising and going to every military base (in the thousands) around the country and pleading with them to take action.
2. We need to be occupying these critical buildings in DC and around the country and removing DOGE or shutting them down if need be. I am unsure if this will stop them as they can still access the system remotely.
3. We need to disable Elon's supercomputer facility in Memphis as well as his other organisations and those of Peter Thiel, Marc Andreesen and associates.
4. We need to occupy the offices of mainstream news and force them to raise the alarm.
5. We need to contact and explain to the ex Presidents of the United States the gravity of the situation. They need to mount a national unified voice to instruct the military to intervene and arrest Elon Musk.
6. We need to be contacting the intelligence agencies of every nation and implore them to contact as many of the senior leadership of prior US administrations that is possible. These foreign governments will be the ones next at the mercy of these deranged psychopaths.
The window of opportunity is closing to act. Like you often say the gravity of the situation is too complex, abstract and not overtly clear for the public to recognise the threat. This isn't a conventional coup with guns and tanks yet it is still going on in silence behind closed doors. I see very few people drawing the same conclusions and connecting the dots. Some people recognise the coup but fail to see the implications of digital integration into a national super AI that will outcompete all others. They don't realise this is an insurrection and treason. Worse, this is a global emergency. What I fear is with drone swarm technology and all the digital infrastructure that Palantir/Thiel have at their disposal will they even need complicit humans within the military to enforce and crush any revolt. Trump is very serious about annexing Canada and Greenland. We are returning to an imperial dictatorship.
I really hope I am simply being paranoid and have been caught up in a conspiracy belief that isn't true. All the evidence suggests otherwise.
KyleKulinski I just tried to reply to a man seeking financial/ stock advice (on one of your YouTube videos) and was promptly prevented from doing so. I used no untoward or false info whatsoever.
I have deleted FB/ FB Messenger/ Meta/ Instagram (deleted X months ago), Audible, Amazon..all corporate owned media. PBS is publicly supported. Have you considered encrypted messaging? Yes, I'm totally, unfortunately serious.
Hi Kyle....Mate, it makes me PUKE 🤮 everytime you refer to MUSK or SKUM as eelon sounds like you are are fan or friend of this low cunt....u don't call that other POS "Donald"......please Kyle..I love your work and am a huge fan..
While many will take Elon and Donald down by mass protesting on the streets, we are taking them and the billionaire oligarchs down with our tools of trade - energy healing and SFT tapping. Take a look at my substack article on energy healing as a change agent for reconciliation
Wait! You're kidding, right? No one ever said he was the "biggest tax payer in world history". C'mon! You know these guys see it as a source of pride to get the biggest tax cuts for themselves - ROI. As the "Sage of Omaha" pointed out, his secretary paid higher taxes than he did. And as far as "audit" is concerned, I've never before seen a audit performed by Peter Pan and his little band of "Lost Boys", but maybe you had a different edition of that book than I did.
The “sage” was talking about the difference between income tax and cap gains tax.
As for Musk, his personal tax bill is 11 digits! So yes what you’re seeing is a wonderful example of government by the people and for the people. Open the books!
Trump is goading Iran with his Gaza rhetoric. I believe they are planning a staged attack they will say came from Iran in response to Trump's rhetoric. This will be the Gulf of Tonkin / Reichstag moment that will enable Trump to declare a national emergency and institute martial law. I will not be surprised if it takes the form of attacks on Americans at protests today. This is speculative, but it will allow Trump to kill Americans who are against Project 2025. We are so fucked.
The Enemy of MY Enemy is My FRIEND (kinda). It seems Erdogan of Turkey does not share America's sentiment on a 'Big, Beautiful Riviera of the Middle East' -Trump
I hope I am wrong
@Krystal Kyle & Friends This is being shared all over about Trump being a Russian asset. Former KGB Alnur Mussalev read the article, translated it into Russian and shared it again. Have you seen this?
Even AI says that Elon is a crock
What Donald Trump and Elon Musk are orchestrating represents uncharted territory in American governance and technology. Their actions push the boundaries of executive power and corporate influence in ways the legal system was never designed to anticipate.
This bloodless digital coup, a coordinated effort to reshape government oversight, control information, and dismantle institutional checks, exploits gaps in laws written for a bygone era. These laws were crafted to address power grabs through physical force, not digital manipulation or bureaucratic subversion.
Traditional legal frameworks are equipped to handle violent insurrections, armed uprisings, or overt acts of rebellion. However, they fail to capture the subtle and systemic ways modern technology and executive overreach can erode democratic institutions from within. By wielding the machinery of government, through executive orders, personnel purges, and regulatory interference, Trump and Musk are not storming the gates; they are rewriting the rules of power in real time, without firing a single shot.
Musk’s influence over sensitive government data and his potential manipulation of financial regulators blur the line between corporate power and state authority. Meanwhile, Trump’s executive actions, such as limiting birthright citizenship and removing oversight officials, systematically dismantle the foundations of constitutional democracy. Neither fits neatly into conventional definitions of insurrection or rebellion, leaving the legal system ill-equipped to respond.
This new form of power consolidation operates in the legal shadows, exploiting ambiguous or outdated statutes as a shield while reshaping the relationship between technology, governance, and democracy. Without clear and enforceable laws to address these emerging threats, the institutions meant to check power face a profound vulnerability, one where democracy can be dismantled without a single act of traditional violence.
In essence, we are witnessing a slow-motion, bloodless digital coup, one that exposes the fragility of democratic norms when faced with actors willing to exploit legal gray areas and wield technological dominance. This coup ill-equipped not just the letter of the law but the very spirit of American democracy, and the legal system is struggling to keep pace.
This is not a military coup. There are no tanks rolling into Washington or fighter jets strafing the capital.
Instead, this coup advances with Trump’s full support. Its primary goal is to dismantle key parts of the federal government while ensuring that the remaining structures are loyal to Trump.
Constitutional protections cannot effectively counteract the speed of this digital coup. By the time courts intervene to slow or stop Musk’s actions, the damage, amplified by digital infrastructure, will already be done.
Grassroots protests and mass mobilizations in state capitals cannot keep pace with the rapid, technological acceleration of this power grab.
The consequences of this coup will reverberate across the United States, undermining the entire federal system and reshaping U.S. relations with the world. The dismantling of agencies like USAID will have life-and-death consequences for vulnerable populations globally.
In less than four weeks, Trump and Musk have thrown U.S. government agencies into disarray. Their actions are capable of causing permanent, structural change. Given Trump’s stated desire to become a dictator, and his recent claim that Americans "won’t have to vote anymore," the collapse of the entire U.S. federal government is no longer an abstract threat; it is an imminent possibility.
The Enemy of MY Enemy is My FRIEND (kinda). It seems Erdogan of Turkey does not share America's sentiment on a 'Big, Beautiful Riviera of the Middle East' -Trump
Just Heard: Trump's an out of the box thinker? LOL
THERE IS NO BOX -Schuylaar
I have been an avid follower, of your youtube channel, for many years. If you are still unaware I want to draw your attention to the electronic, administrative coup currently being carried out by Elon Musk as part of the Butterfly Revolution inspired by Curtis Yarvin. Having watched most of your interviews I'd like to mention Daniel Schmachtenberger, Luke Kemp and Triston Harris. They outline the existential risk from the rise of AI. The assumption being this is foreseeable some time in the (near) future and would take the form of a slow, incremental evolution. This dystopian reality is occurring NOW in real time and at rapid pace. Imagine Terminator meets iRobot meets George Orwell's 1984. That is what is going to occur if we don't take decisive action.
I refer you to the leaking of information by the facebook and bluesky account “alt national parks services”. They detail the access and compromise of the US government departments that can only be described as a coup. Also see “isthisacoup” for further details. As I am not currently a US resident I initially took a passive approach to what is far beyond a constitutional crisis. As the days went by and the more I learnt and reflected on the global implications I realised this is a global emergency. If they succeed in the coup it will likely be the end of democracy around the world.
Elon Musk and a small group of personal staffers have illegally gained access to dozens of departmental computer systems and, with the help of AI, have rewritten large parts of the source code. They have administrative access and are effectively in control of the government. They have also stolen the critical data of a wide range of departments. I suspect they are feeding all this data into Elon's xAI at his recent and largest super computer facility in Memphis, Tennessee. My fear is he is compiling all the data of all of the citizens in America that he has illegally scraped from these multiple data breaches. This is the largest data breach in the history of the world. My fear is he is seeking to capture enough governmental systems and data so that he can shut down and shut out resistance. Like seen with the Gaza war, and Edward Snowden's warnings, such concentrations of data can be used by AI supercomputers to identify and target individuals indiscriminately. I suspect as this coup ramps up he will start shutting down these still open forms of communication. Everyone is still operating under the illusion of the previous paradigm of rule of law and democracy. This is breaking down at rapid pace.
In our modern world we are highly integrated with digital technology. All government employees are required by law to use government email communication and other systems. This has made the government extremely vulnerable to the infiltration and hijacking of the system by Elon Musk. All of the intelligence agencies that could intervene have been disabled by locking staff out. I wonder if CIA agents even have the personal contact details of co-workers outside of the government system. Have they become essentially put under house arrest by a digital form of Marshal Law?
It may already be too late as he has already gained access and taken over the Treasury, OPM, GSA, USAID, CIA, FBI, DoD and many more. Alt national park services has leaked that his staffers are now going to the Pentagon. This to me appears to be their last hurdle in succeeding in a coup. He is also able to shut down transport networks to restrict people's movement.
This coup is now into it's second week and Elon has made rapid progress in consolidating power and access. The mainstream media establishment have been derelict in their duty to raise the alarm. The trump administration has employed the tactic of “flooding the zone” (as Steve Bannon has outlined) to overwhelm and capture the news cycle. So far it has been successful. Tariffs, Gaza annexation, USAID are all distractions. We need to keep our eyes on the true prize and threat and that is the digital coup. People do not yet comprehend that the rule of law is no longer in effect and if you read in between the lines by Trump's latest post, on Truth Social, about the Kennedy Centre, to imply he has dissolved the United States Constitution. This is all mirroring the openly discussed plans of Curtis Yarvin and the Butterfly Revolution. That is to dissolve the entire US government and create a techno authoritarian state run by a board of directors and a “CEO”. We are looking at a post capitalist dictatorship run by a digital “emperor”. Now I only see military intervention as a means of overthrowing this coup. But time is running out fast. The military is just as vulnerable to having their access be digitally hijacked and effectively being paralysed.
Whilst we need to pursue all avenues (legal action, civil protest, continue to raise awareness through social media etc) I have arrived at the opinion that that time has passed. Elon has been, for several days now, censuring and down voting all communication with mention of a coup on X. I am uncertain how long other platforms will remain viable (if not already compromised). We are dealing with people who (as you have often described) would meet the dark triad personality test. Even Steve Bannon describes Musk as “evil”. They are flagrantly breaking all rules and laws. I see the psychological biases such as authority bias and bystander effect playing into the success of the coup. Civil society is still playing by the accepted rules and initially allowed the hostile takeover without mounting much resistance. Most people online are advocating simply calling Congress representatives. They do not recognise the rule of law and constitution are no longer in effect. They can no longer abdicate authority if they wish to hold on to their republic. They need to resist. There is also a soviet era document about undermining fascism that is going viral on some platforms. I can share if needed. I have avoided sharing links in fear it may be flagged and filtered out as spam.
It is hard for the public to process and accept what is occurring because it is so outrageous and extreme no moral individual would ever consider it. We are dealing with idiot savants, highly impressionable kids that appear to have been indoctrinated by Curtis Yarvin and co. The public are still talking about these kids never getting a job or girlfriend after this. The public fails to recognise the fundamental overthrowing of our democracy and dispensing with the constitution. The leaders of this coup are psychopaths that demonstrate an extreme form of antisocial behaviour. All these conventional avenues are too slow for the urgency at which we find ourselves. This approach plays to their advantage as it allows them more time to delay and consolidate power. I am of the opinion we have now reached a moment to dispense with the rule of law and to take physical resistance into our own hands. This pains me to say this as I never thought I would live through such a moment.
1. We need to be organising and going to every military base (in the thousands) around the country and pleading with them to take action.
2. We need to be occupying these critical buildings in DC and around the country and removing DOGE or shutting them down if need be. I am unsure if this will stop them as they can still access the system remotely.
3. We need to disable Elon's supercomputer facility in Memphis as well as his other organisations and those of Peter Thiel, Marc Andreesen and associates.
4. We need to occupy the offices of mainstream news and force them to raise the alarm.
5. We need to contact and explain to the ex Presidents of the United States the gravity of the situation. They need to mount a national unified voice to instruct the military to intervene and arrest Elon Musk.
6. We need to be contacting the intelligence agencies of every nation and implore them to contact as many of the senior leadership of prior US administrations that is possible. These foreign governments will be the ones next at the mercy of these deranged psychopaths.
The window of opportunity is closing to act. Like you often say the gravity of the situation is too complex, abstract and not overtly clear for the public to recognise the threat. This isn't a conventional coup with guns and tanks yet it is still going on in silence behind closed doors. I see very few people drawing the same conclusions and connecting the dots. Some people recognise the coup but fail to see the implications of digital integration into a national super AI that will outcompete all others. They don't realise this is an insurrection and treason. Worse, this is a global emergency. What I fear is with drone swarm technology and all the digital infrastructure that Palantir/Thiel have at their disposal will they even need complicit humans within the military to enforce and crush any revolt. Trump is very serious about annexing Canada and Greenland. We are returning to an imperial dictatorship.
I really hope I am simply being paranoid and have been caught up in a conspiracy belief that isn't true. All the evidence suggests otherwise.
Hope you are well,
A fellow American fighting for freedom
KyleKulinski I just tried to reply to a man seeking financial/ stock advice (on one of your YouTube videos) and was promptly prevented from doing so. I used no untoward or false info whatsoever.
I have deleted FB/ FB Messenger/ Meta/ Instagram (deleted X months ago), Audible, Amazon..all corporate owned media. PBS is publicly supported. Have you considered encrypted messaging? Yes, I'm totally, unfortunately serious.
Don't forget about What's App and Threads from Zuckerburg.
He is a bond villain, plain and simple, and any child of the 80s like me will remember.
Hi Kyle....Mate, it makes me PUKE 🤮 everytime you refer to MUSK or SKUM as eelon sounds like you are are fan or friend of this low cunt....u don't call that other POS "Donald"......please Kyle..I love your work and am a huge fan..
While many will take Elon and Donald down by mass protesting on the streets, we are taking them and the billionaire oligarchs down with our tools of trade - energy healing and SFT tapping. Take a look at my substack article on energy healing as a change agent for reconciliation
This is music to my ears. We have a $7t budget getting an audit by the biggest tax payer in world history.
Everyday is Christmas
Wait! You're kidding, right? No one ever said he was the "biggest tax payer in world history". C'mon! You know these guys see it as a source of pride to get the biggest tax cuts for themselves - ROI. As the "Sage of Omaha" pointed out, his secretary paid higher taxes than he did. And as far as "audit" is concerned, I've never before seen a audit performed by Peter Pan and his little band of "Lost Boys", but maybe you had a different edition of that book than I did.
The “sage” was talking about the difference between income tax and cap gains tax.
As for Musk, his personal tax bill is 11 digits! So yes what you’re seeing is a wonderful example of government by the people and for the people. Open the books!
What a steaming crock of excrement!