Thanks for bringing this fabulous documentary to the attention of your viewers, Krystal and Kyle. Brought me to tears when they talked about Addie Polk, but was happy that you ended this show by pointing out that so many are facing eviction at this moment and experiencing similar stress...it's insane that our government can get away with being so unresponsive to it's citizens and yet so responsive to corporate money.

Also check out the 9-part interview that Paul Jay did on The Analysis News with the guy they referenced here as their mentor on The Con, Bill Black. Best interview series I've ever watched with numerous segments of The Con featured there.

Finally, check out the Wikipedia entry on Roland Arnall as well as his obituaries in the New York Times and elsewhere...you would never know that he is considered to bear more responsibility for the 2008 recession than any other single human being or that he was anything other than an upstanding citizen. No wonder no one trusts "official" sources of information any longer...why should they?

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I want part 2! This conversation needs to continue

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AMAZING episode, thank you thank you thank you! Lovell and Vaughen were perfect for the moment imo.

Is Patrick just a little sweet on Krystal? Handled it like a professional, Krystal. Must say, the information they cover chills me to my bones... especially the idea that this is happening yet again. Infuriating that the banks never pay, they really deserve their own wienie roast, complete with pitchforks.

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Hi everyone. Here is our long form trailer: https://vimeo.com/344157931

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The skill overlap between a regulator and an 'investor' is basically 100%. One you get 50-60K/y, the other you get ten times that and a corner office overlooking Manhattan. Better regulatory structure is the only thing that will stop the GFC happening again; so that means laws that mean something and institutions with the personnel, resources and teeth to enforce them.

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Law & Order, lol

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Law & Order, lol

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