Thank you! Your best show thus far, given Hedges is your best guest thus far. I am grateful that you even brought these questions up, but I confess great disappointment that you continue to argue for supporting the Democratic Party. It strikes me that you are playing entirely into the Democratic Party's hand and strategy. All they want is your vote. You keep bring up the fact that they will and have blame the left, the Green Party, Ralph Nader, etc. But who cares? The whole point is for the left to start treating the Democratic Party the way we treat the Republican Party. We are simply in a time of electoral revolt right now. As Hedges said, the point is not to pretend that we will have a Green President soon. But it is equally if not more foolish that any Bernie Sanders type will ever make it through the Democratic Party. Trump won with the Republicans because the Donor Class didn't resist. That's the difference!

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Happy birthday!

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Agreed. But Hedges never makes concrete suggestions for what we can do as citizens.

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Actually he does... I've heard him several times speaking about strikes, civil disobedience and activism!

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I'll listen to anything with Chris Hedges in it...

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Excellent guest! Chris Hedges is one of the great thinkers and writers.

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Damn man, this guy thinks the vaccines work and insinuates that everyone HAS TO BE JABBED? Sounds like Chomsky and they both act like 911 wasn't an inside job.

Vanessa Beeley calls it the Chomsky cult 🤣🤣🤣 figures, they wanna force something without any long term safety data on people who don't want it. (Natural immunity, or medical issues etc)

Kyle and Krystal... Since you're so much into jab apartheid, I'm thinking there must be a Kevin or Karen on your team, giving three K's.

Brought to you by pfizer.

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Agreed. But Hedges never makes concrete suggestions for what we can do as citizens.

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Chris understands and often articulates that the goal is not to put better people in power as “most people who are attracted to power are mediocre at best but often venal.” The goal is to make power afraid of you to force them to do what you want them to do, regardless of who is in power.

That is why building a third party is so imperative and what he advocates for. It is a lasting organization or power that can be wielded against power, both democrats and republicans. If you stay within the context of the Democratic Party, this movement will be demobilized after every election as politicians that do get elected in the Democratic Party are not allowed to use the mass base as a source of power otherwise their political careers will be destroyed, like Chris talked about with AOC being emasculated. This detaches any populist politician elected in the Democratic Party from the power they have and prevents them from being able to take the courageous action we desire from them like defying party leadership.

The goal is not to gain political office as we know in this political system, that is not where power lies. The goal Is to gain power by mobilizing the masses. Only a third party can lay the groundwork to do that.

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Great show! Especially starting around 50:00.

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On DEC 2, 2021 ...

The FDA was compelled by a court ruling to release Phizer's vax trial data that revealed 1,223 U.S. deaths and 34,762 adverse events in the first 10 weeks of its trial ... The FDA attempted to delay the release of this data for 75 years!

On JAN 1, 2022 ...

Chris Hedges made this comment on this podcast:

"I don't think we're going to stop the pandemic and mutations until everybody gets vaccinated" ...

Chris Hedges DID NOT have to take sides on this issue! ... He had to know about the release of Phizer's trial data, but he was still willing to endorse their experimental vaccine ... He has also refused to comment or stand with the working class against the illegal and unconstitutional vax mandates and passports ... Many times he has urged us to resist tyranny, but now that tyranny is in our face he has chosen the easier, softer way ....

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Happy birthday! I think you guys are struggling with something that Hedges came to terms with long ago, that the left won't win until it does. Until that time you fight for what's right and live your values. Power is just too entrenched right now. Just because you are losing doesn't mean you stop. You fight the best you can because you have to even knowing that you are losing.

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why cant I watch it if I am paying for the subscription? Help please!

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why cant I watch it if I am paying for the subscription? Help please!

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Any summary of this two-hour conversation with specific action recommendations?

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Agreed. But Hedges never makes concrete suggestions for what we can do as citizens.

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A year of Rising, a year of KK&F plus a year of Breaking Points have made me wiser, angrier and more courageous. Thank you.

My resolutions this year are almost the same as last year 1) celebrate small victories, 2) give credit where it's due and 3) #HoldTheirFeetToTheFire

QUESTION-- Instead of thinking of prostitution as a pubic service or business, does it make sense to think of it as a Union and part of the larger Union movement?

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