vaush is A LOT more abrasive and assholish than shoe and has a history of targeting both krystal and kyle directly with his horseshit, so... we'll see about that, i guess. not that i'll be watching, but i'd be genuinely surprised if vaush doesn't lead with some shit like "so krystal, why are you literally a nazi trying to convert leftists to saager's point of view? now let me proceed to talk over you and insult you for the next 45 minutes without actually letting you respond to this accusation i've just pulled directly out of my ass like i do everything else i claim to believe."
I doubt they'll press him on controversial issues. The went extremely easy on Shoe.
vaush is A LOT more abrasive and assholish than shoe and has a history of targeting both krystal and kyle directly with his horseshit, so... we'll see about that, i guess. not that i'll be watching, but i'd be genuinely surprised if vaush doesn't lead with some shit like "so krystal, why are you literally a nazi trying to convert leftists to saager's point of view? now let me proceed to talk over you and insult you for the next 45 minutes without actually letting you respond to this accusation i've just pulled directly out of my ass like i do everything else i claim to believe."