I would say a majority of old white dudes are to blame for lotta things. But you seem very quick to throw them all under the bus, granted I can understand the warranty from your perspective, but cmon, lotta of us are here cause of sanders. A boomer, so ease up there
"hey krystal and kyle! love your show, so i just decided to show up to tell some guy who's the same age as you two are that he's "extremely old" and should kill himself. i Am A vErY iNtElLiGeNt VaUsH fAn!!1"
Youre a fucking loser dude. Its lame as fuck to gatekeep even half as hard as you. Vaush has done more to strengthen leftism than you ever will. Fucking dork
Hey, to be a milder voice in the crowd from a 30 year old who can stand Vaush even if he's indeed a bit entitled and self-righteous for my liking, (though granted I'd be hard pressed to be an aggressive firebrand in debates as extreme as some of those he's in,) you have been taking the piss from allot of people to not at least watch the people we all like in common K&K's video with him here.
You can't go around telling people they're trash and expect them to compassionately respect you for who you are, and not just lash back out for the disrespect you've given them on the internet. It's not the old or the young but the intolerant lefties that don't let us come together easy. That, at least is because we believe things, as opposed to believing in the god given authority of 'tradition' and the power mongers who've been venerated in it.
Also, can the rest of you Vaush stans learn to take a slap to the face without getting mad? Like, I get it, I get mad too, but, sometimes, can't you let your deadened expectations lead the way into saying "oh well, I'm not happy you took it that far but good luck with the good intentions dude" to someone who's calling you an idiot 12 year old? Imao, Lars and the commenters he's enraged here are all far too young and hotheaded compared to old man millennial Shaka here.
I've seen that more from the type of crowd that doesnt want to win over moderate dems so much as win more independents to make a third party.
My only issue with Vaush is even when Krystal is taking the most reasonable stances, the fact that she even tried what she did with saagar was a slight to him. This whole non controversy was dumb.
you people just really let the whole world know who you are don’t ya? keep going. have another shovel. ✌️
You sir are an oh so noble knight for the left. Who knows where they would be without fearless and tireless service.
Old ass boomers who never have and never do anything good for our movement, Outdated human trash
I would say a majority of old white dudes are to blame for lotta things. But you seem very quick to throw them all under the bus, granted I can understand the warranty from your perspective, but cmon, lotta of us are here cause of sanders. A boomer, so ease up there
"hey krystal and kyle! love your show, so i just decided to show up to tell some guy who's the same age as you two are that he's "extremely old" and should kill himself. i Am A vErY iNtElLiGeNt VaUsH fAn!!1"
Youre a fucking loser dude. Its lame as fuck to gatekeep even half as hard as you. Vaush has done more to strengthen leftism than you ever will. Fucking dork
Hey, to be a milder voice in the crowd from a 30 year old who can stand Vaush even if he's indeed a bit entitled and self-righteous for my liking, (though granted I'd be hard pressed to be an aggressive firebrand in debates as extreme as some of those he's in,) you have been taking the piss from allot of people to not at least watch the people we all like in common K&K's video with him here.
You can't go around telling people they're trash and expect them to compassionately respect you for who you are, and not just lash back out for the disrespect you've given them on the internet. It's not the old or the young but the intolerant lefties that don't let us come together easy. That, at least is because we believe things, as opposed to believing in the god given authority of 'tradition' and the power mongers who've been venerated in it.
Also, can the rest of you Vaush stans learn to take a slap to the face without getting mad? Like, I get it, I get mad too, but, sometimes, can't you let your deadened expectations lead the way into saying "oh well, I'm not happy you took it that far but good luck with the good intentions dude" to someone who's calling you an idiot 12 year old? Imao, Lars and the commenters he's enraged here are all far too young and hotheaded compared to old man millennial Shaka here.
I've seen that more from the type of crowd that doesnt want to win over moderate dems so much as win more independents to make a third party.
My only issue with Vaush is even when Krystal is taking the most reasonable stances, the fact that she even tried what she did with saagar was a slight to him. This whole non controversy was dumb.